July 13, 2024

Support Your Pathfinders this Weekend!

Our Oregon Conference Pathfinders are excited to announce that the Snack Shack will be open this coming Sunday and Monday, July 14 & 15 from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM both days.

You'll have the chance to enjoy Pronto-Pups, corn on the cob, vege-burgers, ice cream, kettle corn, and more! All while helping our local Pathfinders finish raising funds for this year's International Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming! The Pathfinders will be hosting a car wash on Sunday, as well.

In addition to some yummy food, be sure to stop by the ABC for their summer sale at camp meeting prices and the annual summer used book sale happening in Zull Hall (next to the Snack Shack).

So come make it a day with family and friends. Catch up in line, Pronto-Pup or Vege-burger, and stay for the fellowship!

Can't attend but would still like to support our Pathfinders for the camporee this year? Donate via SquareSpace...

OC Pastor Commissioned
as Navy Chaplain

Last month, Pastor José was commissioned as a Navy chaplain – a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy working with the Navy Reserves. While his local ministry will continue, he now will be working with enlisted sailors as well. Read more...

Summer Camp in Full Swing at Big Lake

Camp is it's second week at Big Lake Youth Camp and so many exciting things have happened already! Catch up on the latest, see the photos and watch the videos on their Facebook page...

Adventist Christian Fellowship Launched
in the PNW

Oregon Young Adults joined other PNW YA leaders for the first Adventist Christian Fellowship Institute in the PNW held at the University of Washington in Seattle. Plans are in the works to launch ministry groups at the University of Oregon, Oregon State, Portland State, and the WWU School of Nursing. Read more...

Sabbath Afternoon Summer Fun for Families Planned

Join us to celebrate Jesus this summer for all ages! Kite making, bubble play, a scavenger hunt, and much more! We will end with a time of worship for the whole family. The first event will happen July 13 in Gladstone! Learn more...

"Last summer I was down at the campfire bowl. At the end of a program, a camper came up and said, 'This is the first time I've ever felt like I belong.' An interesting thing is that I hear that all the time.
Last week, I heard it from some of my staff as they were sharing about coming here and experiencing community. And I just think - I wonder what it would be like if in your church, in your community - wouldn't it be awesome if everybody who walked in felt seen and valued and could say, 'I belong here. There's no safer place than right here with you.'"

 Today’s Wednesday Word is brought to you by Pastor Les Zollbrecht, OC Director for Youth Ministries & Big Lake Youth Camp

Farther Afield

WWU Students
Receive State Civic Leadership Awards

Liberty Anderson and George Perez were honored for their commitment to service at an event in Seattle. The awards acknowledged their civic work with a local church, a nonprofit, a campus service organization, and an innovative club. Read more...

Adventist Church Connect & Adventist School Connect Platform Rebuild Announced

The NAD is currently engaged in an exciting rebuild of the platform that powers Adventist Church Connect (ACC) and Adventist School Connect (ASC). In late 2024 or early 2025, ACC/ASC will move to an entirely new WordPress-based platform. Learn more...

Hurricane Beryl:
ADRA Brings Relief to Devastated Communities

On July 1, Beryl hit Grenada as a Category 4 storm with wind gusts of 140 mph, demolishing about 90% of the island’s houses. According to local officials, Beryl impacted more than 200,000 people, destroying agriculture, livestock, fishing, and infrastructure. Read more...


Events & Announcements

Prayer Conference with Kevin Wilfley
Join the Sandy Adventist Church for a prayer conference featuring Kevin Wilfley on July 13. There will be meetings at 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM with a vegetarian potluck around the noon hour. The Sandy Adventist Church is located at 18575 SE Langensand Rd, Sandy, OR 97055.

Vacation Bible School at Eugene Adventist Church
Join us for a special vacation bible school, July 9-13 at Eugene Adventist Church! Bring your friends for an exciting journey through the seven days of creation! ✓Activities ✓Creative crafts ✓Bible Stories ✓Health Adventure ✓Memory Fun ✓Science Experiments ✓Special Guest Dr. Stan Hudson, coordinator of the Creation Study Center! Designed for kids ages 4 to 12. Questions? Contact Kim Painter at To register visit:

Sandy Church Vacation Bible School
Hey boys and girls! (and Moms and Dads too!) You don't want to miss out on VBS this year! We have stories and crafts and oodles of fun planned for you! Come and learn about Following Jesus. When? July 22-26th. There will be a free dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by VBS from 7:00-8:00 PM. Where? Sandy Adventist Church, 18575 SE Langensand Road Sandy, Oregon. Be sure and register at

Prophecies of Hope Seminar
Discover hope in uncertain times at our "Prophecies of Hope" series. From July 22-26, join us nightly as we explore the books of Daniel and Revelation. Gabriel Arruda will guide us through topics like the Rapture, the origin of evil, and the USA in Bible prophecy. We're offering free dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by presentations at 7:00 PM. Spanish sessions are also available. Don't miss our special Saturday session on July 27. This free event is open to all - church members and community friends alike. Register by scanning the QR code on the flyer. Questions? Call 503-668-6144. Let's uncover biblical truths and find hope together! Register on our website

Big Lake Youth Camp: In search of Golf Cart or Side-by-side
Big Lake Youth Camp is looking for a gently used golf cart or a side-by-side/Ranger style of vehicle for camp use during the summers. If you have one you'd like to donate, please reach out to our office: or call (503) 850-3583.
Giving Online

How Can I Give Online?

Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
Give using AdventistGiving...

Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
Each Month

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries in a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
Learn more...

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