July 12, 2024
‘In This Our Home: The Life of Mary Sewall’ performance July 19 at ND Heritage Center & State Museum
BISMARCK, N.D. – The public is invited to a free presentation, “In This Our Home: The Life of Mary Sewall,” Friday, July 19, 2-3:30 p.m. in the Russel Reid Auditorium at the North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum, Bismarck.
History comes alive as Chautauqua performer Donna Sewall Davidge, great-granddaughter of Mary and William Sewall, portrays Mary as she recalls life with Theodore Roosevelt on the Elkhorn Ranch in the Dakota Badlands. William Sewall, who had earlier served as a hunting guide for Roosevelt in Maine, designed and managed the future president’s ranch in the 1880s. The couple would later return to their home in Maine to raise their family.
This presentation is sponsored by the State Historical Society of North Dakota, the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, and Humanities North Dakota. Registration is encouraged for this event at humanitiesnd.org/events.
For more information, contact Education and Engagement Manager Laura Forde, ljforde@nd.gov. The ND Heritage Center & State Museum is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Find additional upcoming events at statemuseum.nd.gov/events.
Kara Haff, Public Information Officer
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