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  1. It Was a Delightful Summer Picnic
  2. Support our Stampathon!
  3. Delegate Needed for League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region Annual Meeting
  4. Did You Know...51% of the Electorate are Independent Voters?
  5. Food Scarcity is a Real Issue - You Can Help Locally
  6. Do More!

It Was a Delightful Summer Picnic
We had a great time and wonderful food at our annual members' picnic this past Saturday at Diana Hoke's house. Thanks to you all for your delicious contributions and your lively company! Special thanks to Diana Hoke for hosting us again this year. Our social events are always packed with great conversations and wonderful food. Thanks to everyone who came out.

Support our Stampathon!  
Can we count on you to purchase postcard stamps from the US Post Office to be used for our Get Out The Vote efforts in the Fall?  Stamps can be purchased in person at the Post Office or online at Sailboats Postcard Stamps | The price of postcard stamps is increasing to $.56 on Sunday, July 14, 2024.  Currently, a postcard stamp costs $.53. So please hurry (this is a great time to pick up stamps for your own needs too). 

Fill out this form to let us know if you can contribute stamps: The LWVRB is hosting a "Stamp-athon" ( Please give your stamps to Barb Hochstadt or Roberta Borrino before August 1, 2024. If you have any questions, email Barb at to Diana, Laura, Roberta, Ashley, Barbara, Jean, and Barb for agreeing to help earlier this week! 

Delegate Needed for League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region Annual Meeting and Conference
The League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale is a member of the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region (LWV LMR) inter-league organization (ILO). It is one of two watershed management-based Leagues in which we participate -- the League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region is the other. In both instances, the ILO coordinates the work of Leagues on issues that cross state borders. 

The LWVLMR will hold its annual meeting and conference in Michigan in October. Details to follow. Would you like to serve as our delegate? Check out their July 2024 newsletter for an idea of what issues they are currently working on:

Please contact Diana Hoke at if you'd like to represent us. Our League has budgeted for virtual attendance only, but this might be a good excuse for a little road trip to attend in person and participate in the business meeting, other related events, and tours. You would be eligible for up to the cost of the registration fee for virtual attendance if you prefer to attend in person. A brief report to update the Board would be requested as a deliverable. 

Did You Know... 51% of the Electorate are Independent Voters!
Gallup just released their latest poll, showing that there are now more independents in the US than Democrats and Republicans…combined.  As of June 2024, independents represent 51% of the electorate, while Republicans and Democrats represent 25% and 23%, respectively.

Food Scarcity is a Community  Issue - You Can Help
Tickets are on sale now for the Rotary's 2nd Annual Casino Night Fundraiser with proceeds going to the Roselle Community Food Pantry.
Here are a few ways to pay:
1. PayPal:
2. Send a check to P.O. Box 596, Bloomingdale, IL 60108.
3. Give a member of the Bloomingdale-Roselle Rotary Club check or cash.
For more information on the event or how to sponsor, please visit us at

If you can't attend the fundraiser but want to support the pantry, here's their donation link: Roselle Umc Community Food Pantry - Feed the Need ( 
May be an image of text that says 'COMMUNITY ROSELLE FOOD PANTRY FOLR 777 CASINO NIGHT Annual Fundraiser Event SEPTEMBER 14, 2024 @ 5:30 M MEDINAH SHRINERS BANQUETS 550 SHRINERS DR. ADDISON, IL 60101 TIET PRICE $75 PURCHASE TICKETS HERE DOORS OPEN AT 5:30M GAME TABLES 6-9PM FOOD MUSIC I GAMES RAFFLE PRIZES WASTE SOLUTIONS POLLYANNA 312-522-1115 ALM GOup LANDSCAPE CONTRACTO CodaBears, Inc. DISTILA อมทวงอกบรเภาศร รู berg engineering Consultants, Itd. mecharoo 524200 Schoumrtung,L 60193 Itasca Bank & Trust Co. Togeher we hape the future Sponsorship opportunities available Rotary For more information, visit Club of Bloomingdale-Roselle www.berp'

Do More!

Our Mission: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Our Vision:  We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.
Our Value:  We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government, to increase understanding of major policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.  In our 100-year history, the  League of Women Voters has never endorsed a political party or candidate for office. Membership in the League is open to anyone regardless of gender, race, or ethnic group. Thank you for supporting our work to defend democracy and empower voters and thanks for helping our local league GROW! Please share our newsletter with your friends.

Copyright © 2024 League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale, All rights reserved.

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