Rarely a week goes by without Mary or I learning something new about how best to look after our body. As well as learning from the field of academia and medicine, we also learn from you, our readers.
Only last week I received a letter from Maggie. We first met Maggie when she joined Mary and me on what used to be our annual trip to Austria for our activity holiday. It was always a joy to welcome her year after year, over the decades that we all yomped up and down the mountains together during our week in June. Happy days indeed.
Maggie writes wonderful newsy letters to me several times a year which are always entertaining and interesting to read – and one such letter arrived last week. With her permission, here is an extract:
I last wrote to you for Easter, well on 9th April I felt a bit odd and had a pain in the left side of my shoulder so I checked my blood pressure which was 202/111. Crikey, I thought! I rang the GP surgery and only had to hang on for a few minutes before a lady doctor answered. She arranged for me to go to the Acute Medical Unit at our main hospital. My husband drove me and I was there within an hour.
I saw the doctor and had my history taken and after having bloods and an ECG it was just a waiting game. The AMU unit is separate from A&E so GPs can refer patients for a consultant’s advice. After a while I saw a consultant who was absolutely charming and who told me that I had very low potassium levels which had caused the high blood pressure. I am now taking Losartan Potassium tablets and I now feel really well and have my energy back.
Mary was right when she wrote in the Newsletter recently about ensuring we attend the annual check-ups that are available. I am so lucky as I could have had a heart attack.
Now, first of all, I was very impressed that Maggie had the presence of mind to take her blood pressure. Having a blood pressure monitor at home is such a good idea to have in our medical cupboard.
Next, I have to admit that I knew nothing about potassium other than the fact that it was a mineral. I knew we needed it but I didn’t know why. I had seen it on the list of results when I had a full blood test and thankfully, it has always been within normal range so I didn’t need to take any action. I always ask my GP for a copy of my blood results so that I can see how my levels compare with my last test.
What is potassium and what does it do?
Potassium is a mineral that:
- Helps nerves and muscles communicate.
- Helps nutrients move into cells and waste products move out of cells.
- Helps the heart function healthily.
There are several reasons why a doctor might recommend we have a potassium test, including:
- To help diagnose or monitor kidney disease, which is the most common cause of high potassium levels.
- If we have heart-related problems, such as high blood pressure (hypertension).
- If we take certain medicines that can affect our potassium levels.
- If we have diabetes and our doctor thinks we may have diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious complication caused by a lack of insulin in the body.
If we have low potassium levels, we may have a heart problem, such as an irregular heartbeat. If we have high potassium levels, our heart muscle activity may be reduced. Both situations are serious and can be life threatening.
In rare cases, potassium levels may be low through a poor diet. Good sources of dietary potassium include:
- fruit, particularly bananas
- Orange juice
- some vegetables
- pulses
- nuts and seeds
- milk
- fish
- shellfish
- beef
- chicken
- turkey
- bread
So, the moral of this story is that the next time you are given the chance to have a wellness check that includes a blood test at your GP’s practice, it would be a really good idea to take advantage of it!
Banana Muffins
Makes 6
Per serving: 110 calories, 7% fat
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 25 mins
100g mashed banana
50g Flora Lighter spread
50g caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
100g plain flour
30g oats
1 good tsp baking powder
1 tsp caraway seeds
a pinch of oats to garnish
- Preheat the oven to 150°C, 300°F, Gas Mark 2 and line a 6 muffin tray with cake papers.
- Cream together the banana, spread and sugar in a large bowl using a whisk. Gradually mix in the egg. Add the flour, oats and baking powder, mixing together with a wooden spoon combining well and sprinkling in the caraway seeds.
- Divide the mixture between the 6 papers. Bake in the centre of the preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes until well risen and golden brown.
- Garnish with oats.
Chef's tip: For an extra treat create a slit in the top of the muffin and slide in a few thin slices of banana.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

At my recent dental appointment I realised that I spent about three minutes with the dentist telling me all was well, followed by a full 20 minutes or more with the hygienist - otherwise named the ‘dental police’!
I underwent a full-scale interrogation as to how I clean my teeth and how often. I then endured much discomfort as she gave my teeth a thorough descale and clean. This is all very worthwhile of course, and more so now that there is evidence that our oral health has serious implications for our general health.
I cannot remember when all this special attention to the cleaning of teeth began for me. As a child it was a quick brush before bedtime - with no sign of dental floss or the myriads of colours of interdental sticks that, at times, leave me very confused as to which tooth requires which colour! This of course makes me realise that for possibly around 50 years I was not cleaning my teeth properly. In fact, I feel lucky to have a full set, probably largely due to the introduction of fluoride toothpaste in 1955 and the adding of flouride to our water supply since 1966, undoubtedly saving generations of tooth decay.
Both my parents had a full set of false teeth, and they were not alone – a glass by the bed with a set of teeth soaking overnight was very common, sadly!
There is evidence that primitive man was pretty good at looking after his teeth, often evident by a prehistoric skull seemingly having all their teeth still intact despite having been dead for 2000 years or more! Much of this can be attributed to a better diet than we have today as, of course, they were not eating sugar in great quantities (the major culprit for tooth decay) or highly processed foods that often contain large amounts of sugar. The nearest they got was probably fruit sugar, from eating lots of berries as part of their diet. This meant there must have been very little tooth decay. Interestingly, teeth may decay whilst you are alive, but after death, they surprisingly become the most durable part of the body, hence the skull with teeth still intact.
I have recently heard an excellent podcast from a Professor Kantarci of Harvard University regarding our oral health and discovered the risks of not taking enough care of not just our teeth, but the entire mouth cavity. So, I have been inspired to tell you about it. You can then, like me, assess just how well you are taking care of your oral health.
I have now upped the number of times I clean my teeth from a regular once, and occasionally twice a day, to a regular twice and sometimes three times - particularly if I have consumed more sugar than normal. (My Sunday night chocolate treat or a rare sweet pudding leading me into dangerous territory!) Once you hear of the implications of poor oral health you too might want to up your game or at the very least be reassured you are doing all you can to keep it the best it can be!
Links with Dementia, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
The connection between teeth and illness goes back to the 1990s and at that time it was a new concept in medicine. It will be no surprise to you to hear that it is connected to levels of good and bad bacteria. We have often explored, through this Newsletter, the implications of the types of bacteria in our gut, and the same is true for our mouths.
The mouth is a reservoir of bacteria with over 700 species living in the mouth alone and, as with the gut, some play an important role in keeping the mouth healthy whilst others will be harmful. If the bad bacteria take a hold, then the consequences can be harmful to our overall health. It appears to be mainly due to problems with the gums and if our gums bleed a lot then we may have a problem.
It is a sign that the immune system is not coping and the ‘bad bacteria’ are taking hold, potentially causing inflammation in the brain which may lead to Alzheimer’s. Simply, our defence system cannot cope. Frighteningly, our chances of getting dementia are doubled if we have gum disease, which is a rather unnerving fact.
The same is true of diabetes in that studies have shown if we control gum disease, then blood sugar control is improved. With cardiovascular disease, oral bugs have been found to be responsible for clogging up the arteries which can result in heart attacks and strokes. So, as you can see, if you suspect you may have a problem with your gums it is really important to seek advice and help.
How Bacteria Travels
If our gums are bleeding, then that means that bacteria in the mouth are getting into the bloodstream. We have cells responsible for eliminating the bad bacteria but if the system gets overloaded with bad bacteria, then those cells cannot do their job and our gum condition becomes what is termed as 'chronic'. This means that our defence system cannot fight the battle leaving us vulnerable to illness.
The good news is that gum disease is totally treatable, as any dentist will tell us. Reduce the bad bacteria and we will then reduce the inflammation and therefore the risk of ill health. So, what steps can we take?
- See a dentist regularly.
- Brush and floss 2 - 3 times every day and use interdental brushes particularly for crowns, bridges and implants.
- Always brush after meals high in carbohydrates (sugar).
On a final note - Professor Kantarci emphatically promoted the fact that if our general health is good, then our oral health will follow suit. He was very clear about taking regular exercise and eating a healthy diet very low in sugar. A man after my own heart!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- Let's persevere with our general health with those daily 30+ minute walks and maybe up your game a bit this week. Seek out a new route, or one you have not done for a while, hopefully with a few inclines!
- More muscle makes you lean and mean! Ring the changes with something new that overloads those major muscles. Our progressive whole-body exercise routines from The 28-Day Immunity Plan on the website will do the job nicely! Start with the workout you can just manage then work your way up the scale from there!
- Being more flexible is a must and the older we are, the more important it is. Try to develop the habit of a short stretch routine every morning to wake up the body. It works! Try the Whole Body Stretch Programme.
Did you know...
Buy a banana and it will almost certainly be descended from one plant grown at a stately home in Derbyshire.
Cavendish bananas were named after William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire. In around 1834 the Duke received a shipment of bananas from Mauritius courtesy of the chaplain of Alton Towers, now best known as a theme park but then the seat of the Earls of Shrewsbury. The Duke's head gardener and friend, Sir Joseph Paxton, cultivated them in the greenhouses of Chatsworth House. The plants were botanically named by Paxton as Musa cavendishii after the Duke, and for his work in developing this splendid fruit Paxton won a medal at the 1835 Royal Horticultural Society Show.
A few years later the duke supplied two cases of plants to a missionary named John Williams to take to Samoa. Only one survived the journey but it launched the banana industry in Samoa and other South Sea islands (Williams himself was killed by natives). Missionaries also took the Cavendish banana to the Pacific and the Canary Islands.
So the Cavendish Bananas spread, entering mass commercial production in 1903, and if you buy a banana in a UK supermarket today it will almost certainly be a Cavendish variety!

And finally...
Again, I learned something new this week. Mary’s fabulous facts about oral hygiene were truly fascinating. I had no idea of the dramatic health issues that can result from not looking after our teeth and gums.
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL