
Week of July 18, 2024                                                        PRAYER LIST 

Sunday, July 21: The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 a.m.    Nursery Opens
10:30 a.m.    Holy Eucharist: BULLETIN

Livestreamed services can be found on the on the Christ Church YouTube channel


Every July 4th, when I give thanks for the founding of our country and the freedoms that we hold dear, I’m also reminded of the beginnings of our Episcopal Church. Just as Americans began to see themselves as a new nation apart from England and King George, members of the church began to see themselves as separate from the Church of England. Since there were no bishops in this country, after the Revolution New England Anglicans wanted to organize themselves formally and felt they needed a bishop. By 1790 three American bishops had been ordained, and the historic Episcopate was now in America.

In 1789, leaders of the new Episcopal Church wrote a constitution. It said that bishops would be elected by priests and members of the congregation, not appointed by the king as was done in England. The Episcopal Church would be governed by two houses—the House of Bishops, and the House of Deputies, comprised of clergy and church members. The democratic principles of the nation also shaped church life as well.  Rectors were not appointed by the bishop but were chosen by the congregation. Vestry members were elected by the congregation to represent them in running the church and in selecting their clergy. Bishops were still important symbols of the unity of the church with authority over matters of faith, discipline, and worship, but limited in their power over parish life.

Maintaining balance in church life is ultimately a matter of trust. We trust our clergy to lead worship, set an example, and be there when we need them. We clergy trust you, the members of the parish to “show up,” to support the ministry of the parish, and to be “Christ-like” in relationship with your neighbors.

As you know, we are currently in an interim process. Our interim rector will arrive the first of September, and we have entrusted our wardens and members of the vestry with the task of finding new clergy to be with us. This interim time is meant for reflection, discernment, and conversation. It is a needed process in order for us to give thanks for the past, and to look forward to our ministry in the future. Her ministry will not be to change who we are, but hopefully re-focus our parish priorities, and imagine where God is leading us tomorrow.

Finally, after last Saturday’s tragic acts of violence and the attempted assassination of our former president, the words of the prayer for Independence Day (page 242 in the Prayer Book) seem even more relevant: “Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace.”  Amen.


In the Spirit: TUESDAY, July 23 at the Sandfly 5-Spot

Second and Fourth Mondays, 5:30 p.m.

Because the 5-Spot will be closed on Monday, this week we will be meeting on Tuesday, July 23.

"In the Spirit" is a discussion group for those who seek to deepen their faith through meaningful conversations. Join us this TUESDAY at The 5-Spot in Sandfly (7360 Skidaway Rd), where you can grab a drink or a bite as we spend time together. We'll gather at 5:30 p.m. and begin our discussion at 6:00.

This week's topic: Peace and Violence

You don’t get far into the Bible before you run into violence. Cain kills Abel, and from there it goes on: wars, disasters, and murders; cities besieged and plundered; slavery and genocide, assassinations and beheadings. This is the reality that Jesus steps into when he is born in an occupied territory rife with political factions and uprisings. Eventually, he meets his own violent end.

It doesn’t make for a very child-friendly book, to say the least. But the Bible describes the world as we know it, not a make-believe one, and shows us how God interacts with us in these broken conditions.

Questions to Ponder:
  • What is the root of violence? Presuming that the majority of us want to live in peace, why can’t we seem to make that happen?
  • Is violence ever justified? Why or why not?
  • Isaiah 2 offers a vision of a different world: “He will judge between the nations, and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (v. 4). What do you make of this imagery? What does it tell us about God’s desire for our world?

If you have questions or would like to receive emails about upcoming In the Spirit topics, please contact the Rev. Samantha McKean.

Christ Church Website Gets a Makeover

Our updated website is now live! This new version includes up-to-date information in a streamlined, navigable format, without altering the look or feel of the original site. In consultation with the vestry, a communications task force made up of Rosemary Mackey, Sarah Smith, Suzanne Phillips Smith, George Fergus, and Samantha McKean partnered with web designer Seth Golbey to implement these changes. Check it out at!

Finance and Stewardship Updates: Did You Know?

  • Based on the 2025 budget, the cost of utilities for the church and parish house is about $140 per day.
  • It takes almost 60 volunteers for each Sunday service. This includes the choir, altar guild, flower guild, lectors, lay Eucharistic ministers, acolytes, ushers, counters, bulletin assemblers, Children's Chapel leaders, and livestream videographers.

Ironwork Renovation

On July 9, Cowart Fabrications, Inc. commenced the renovation of all ironwork in the front of the church, a project recently approved by the Vestry and Buildings and Grounds Committee. The firm is experienced in historic ironwork renovation/preservation having carried out such work on the Customs House and Georgia Historical Society headquarters. The firm will remove sections of the railings, renovate them off premises and reinstall. Fence and lamp posts will be renovated in place. Temporary cables will be installed for safety while the railings on the porch are off premises. The project is expected to last four to six weeks. Questions should be directed to Stephen Smith. 

Christ Church Book Project Update:
Did You Participate in EfM?

The University of Georgia Press deadline for the complete manuscript of the new Christ Church history is this November; it should come out in 2026! Barrie Bradley would like to interview someone at Christ Church who participated in EfM (Education for Ministry) at Christ Church. This 4-year program seems to have had a life-changing influence on those who completed the course, but she needs some more background and direct quotes for the book. Please email her at if you are willing to meet with her and discuss your impressions.

Parking and Stickers

Our parking lot is located on the corner of Congress and Drayton Streets adjacent to the church. It is reserved from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sundays for those attending church; street parking is also free on Sundays. If you need to come to the church during the week, only the spaces along the wall with Christ Church signage are available. You can get parking stickers from the ushers when you come to church, or contact Suzanne Phillips Smith,, and she can mail one to you.

RJGA Book Discussion

Thursdays, 7–8 p.m., July 11–August 1

On Thursday evening, July 18, Racial Justice Georgia will continue its four-part discussion series of Dr. Catherine Meeks' recently published memoir, A Quilted Life. We'll discuss the Preface and Chapters 1–4. Please join us! Subsequent meetings will be July 25, and August 1, always 7–8 p.m.

Click here for the Zoom meeting link.

Save the Date!

  • August 11, Savannah VOICE Festival Concert at Christ Church
  • August 18, Back-to-School Blessing
  • August 18, Pool Party for Kids at Bockius-Suwyn House
  • September 4, Wednesday Noon Service resumes
  • September 8, Interim Rector Canon Cathy Zappa's first Sunday
  • September 8, Adult Forum at 9:30 a.m. resumes
  • September 8, Concert Series: George Fergus, organ
  • September 15, Neighborhood Parties

Next Week at Christ Church

Sunday, July 21: Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
     10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Monday through Friday, July 22–26
     10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Docent Tours

Tuesday, July 23
     5:30 p.m. In the Spirit. Peace and Violence


Thanks to Mills Fleming for the photographs.
Centered in Worship
All are Welcome
Joyful Living

Servant Leadership

We invite you to worship with us at Historic Christ Church.
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Church Location: Johnson Square | 28 Bull Street
Our mailing address is:
28 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401

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