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Dear readers,

“From Competition to Collaboration”—this subtitle of the wonderful “Radical Playgrounds” art trail in the freely accessible park area in front of the Gropius Bau in Berlin is particularly relevant in these weeks. The mixture of sculpture park, adventure playground, museum extension, and temporary fairground allows us to playfully experience our interdependence on this planet, among other things.

It is probably no coincidence that the exhibition ends on 14 July, the same day as the European Football Championship. With this in mind, on your marks, get set, go!

Best regards
Your IDZ team

IDZ Member of the Month
Prof. Jürg Steiner

Our member of the month is the architect and exhibition, product, and lighting designer Prof. Jürg Steiner.

Prof. Steiner began his career as a theater technician in Munich, Geneva, and Berlin and passed his theater master’s examination in 1977. He then worked as a technical director at various theaters in Berlin.

Since 1980, he has worked as a freelance exhibition and lighting designer. He has realized numerous exhibitions, including at the Martin-Gropius-Bau and the Staatliche Museen Berlin and internationally. He was also responsible for conserving and converting the Zollverein coking plant and the Oberhausen gasometer as exhibition venues.

1981, he passed the examination to become an officially qualified lighting technician. He founded Museumstechnik GmbH and System 180 GmbH, which produces and distributes the System 180 he developed.

In 2000, he became Professor of Exhibition and Trade Fair Design at the University of Wuppertal. He has lived in Berlin again since 2015 and runs Steiner Architektur-GmbH.

All contributions to our “Member of the Month” series can be found on the IDZ website!

Member Circle
Designing in an Evolving AI Landscape

Together with IDZ member Experience One, we are once again hosting an inspiring evening on 25 July. The speakers, who will give us an insight into their current work and present different perspectives on design in an evolving AI landscape, include

Further speakers will be confirmed in the coming days. All information can be found here on the IDZ website.

We are excited to create once again a valuable opportunity for mutual knowledge exchange and networking with this exclusive event for IDZ corporate members and jury members of the UX Design Awards.

IDZ Member Circle “Designing in an Evolving AI Landscape” 
Experience One AG, Berlin office
Schinkelplatz 5 | 10117 Berlin
(Google Maps)
25 July 2024, 7 - 10 p.m., admission from 6:30 p.m.

The event is aimed exclusively at company members of the IDZ. If you have any questions, please contact us at:

UX Design Awards – Autumn 2024
Nominees to be revealed on 18 July

The jury just completed the first judging phase and nominated around 180 entries to compete for the Autumn 2024 Award titles! 

The Nominees were selected from more than 540 participants from 50 nations, reflecting a nomination rate of ~30% this award season.

All UX Design Awards – Autumn 2024 nominees will be revealed on 18 July. In a second round of deliberations, the jury will select the winners, to be announced on 3 September. 

German Ecodesign Award
Touring exhibition in Bolzano

The traveling exhibition “Thinking Ahead,” featuring nominees and award winners for the year 2023, will be on display at the NOI Techpark in South Tyrol throughout July. 

From 10 July to 14, it will be complemented by the “By Design and by Disaster” conference at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Under the heading “Power in Transformation”, it aims to encourage people to think about how we deal with power.

otl aicher 100
New Articles 

Our online platform, initiated by Florian Aicher and Kai Gehrmann in 2022 to mark the centenary of Otl Aicher’s birth, sheds light on the diverse range of topics this great designer covered. The collection has recently been supplemented by two further pieces on Aicher’s work for Sparkassen and Lufthansa. 

Under the heading “Signal for new beginnings,” Linus Rapp looks at the memorable identity of the German Sparkassen—designed over half a century ago, it still stands the test of time. In her article “Design inspires,” Dagmar Rinker recalls Aicher’s Development Group 5 at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG), which created corporate designs for major companies such as BASF, Braun, and Lufthansa. (In German only for now.)
Corporate partners: Bulthaup GmbH & Co KG; Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband e. V.; ERCO GmbH; FSB Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH + Co KG

International Design Forum
on 25 September at InnoTrans

The International Design Forum 2024 will take place at InnoTrans, the leading global trade fair for transport and mobility. The event will focus on innovative interior concepts for public transport in the areas of CITY (urban mobility) and REGION (regional mobility).

Representatives from renowned companies and design studios, including Alstom, büro+staubach, Deutsche Bahn, Hitachi, Priestman Goode, and many more, will present pioneering ideas. The forum invites trade fair visitors and experts from design, research, and industry to discuss the latest developments in public transport. Further information on the program and the list of speakers, which is always kept up to date, can be found here.

International Design Forum 2024 
CityCube Berlin, Level 3, M1-3, Messedamm 26, 14055 Berlin
(Google Maps)
25 September 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., admission from 9:30 a.m.
Free of charge for InnoTrans visitors
Language: English (simultaneous translation into German)

Join us and help shape the future of public transport!

IDZ Members

medianet berlinbrandenburg
#PCF24 Call for Participation

The PEOPLE & CULTURE FESTIVAL is entering its third round! This year, the challenges facing companies, employees, career starters, and job seekers will be addressed - under the motto: EDUCATION. TRANSFORMATION. ACTION. If you want to contribute and help shape the program, you can pitch a session proposal here until 21 July.

Ulrike Meyer
Mentoring & Career Coaching

Ulrike Meyer offers professional support for upcoming career changes and decision-making processes - such as the transition from self-employment to employment and vice versa. Ulrike has been connecting and promoting (design) talents for many years, and her client list reads like a Who’s Who list of German agencies and creatives. Thanks to her many years of experience, she can analyze the situation and opportunities well and is a professional counterpart and competent discussion partner for the next career steps.

Scholz & Volkmer
see-Conference Call for Participation

Help shape the line-up of the next see-Conference! The initiators of the see-Conference are looking for inspiring people who could appear as speakers at the next conference. Recommendations are welcome! The Call for Participation is open until 24 August via Instagram or email.

the temporary bauhaus archive
Panel discussion on the 80th anniversary of Otti Berger’s death

In 1936, the Reich Chamber of Art banned the Bauhaus-trained textile designer Otti Berger from working as a Jew and foreigner. Otti Berger had just set up her studio and begun cooperating with the textile industry and renowned modernist architects. Using her example, the discussion on 18 July will explore how the state-legitimized mechanisms of exclusion functioned and what opportunities artists had under National Socialism despite being banned from their profession.

werkbund berlin
A traveling exhibition of the Deutscher Werkbund e.V.

The exhibition “Atlas des Gemeinsamen” shows a cross-section of the disciplines in the Deutscher Werkbund. It presents projects that were initiated, planned, and realized together in a special way and made a special contribution to communal living, working, and cultural and creative processes.

First top German agency with a common good balance sheet and ECOnGOOD certification

In April, wirDesign board members Brigida Kempf and Silke Parnack demonstrated at the IDZ event how responsibility and brand performance are linked. wirDesign is the only one of the top CD/CI agencies in Germany to be certified as a company of the common good economy (GWÖ) and has now been rated as exemplary in many aspects by the ECOnGOOD auditor. You can read the experience report here

Dear IDZ members: Send us your news – we will happily publish it here!


Architecture Gallery Berlin
Building culture get-together

Out of the bubble—How do we move from talk to action? Architecture and construction face major challenges, but little is known about this in society. The question arises as to how a wider public can be sensitized to current building issues. The first “Baukultur-Treff” on 11 July, a new format of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur, is looking for possible answers.

Frans Hals: Master of the moment

From 12 July to 3 November, Berlin is celebrating one of the greatest portrait painters of all time at the Gemäldegalerie: Alongside Rembrandt and Vermeer, Frans Hals is one of the outstanding Dutch painters of the 17th century and one of the most important portraitists of all time. In addition to unconventional, expressive portraits, he was the first Dutch artist to paint social outsiders as individuals in portrait format.

Galerie Pankow
“Even then” - Mart Stam Prize winners 2023

In 2023, seven graduates of the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin were awarded the Mart Stam Prize. Under the title “Selbst dann,” the prizewinners are presenting their work until 7 July at Galerie Pankow, Berlin. The exhibition provides insights into young, promising artistic positions and, at the same time, introduces innovative approaches in various design disciplines.

Tchoban Foundation Museum for Architectural Drawing
Lina Bo Bardi - The poetry of concrete

Lina Bo Bardi was born in Rome in 1914 and immigrated to Brazil in 1946. The architect was posthumously awarded the Golden Lion at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale. The exhibition shows a selection of 40 drawings, which are being shown together for the first time in Europe until 22 September.

re_CREATION 2024

From 11 October to 13, the BDG Berufsverband Kommunikationsdesign is hosting re_CREATION 2024, a workshop weekend in Berlin that aims to promote better design work. Participants include Brigida Kempf and Silke Parnack from IDZ member agency wirDesign, who will provide valuable insights into the practice of co-creation.

Werkbundarchiv - Museum  der Dinge 
Profitopolis between Kotti and Spittelmarkt

On 14 July, participants are invited to stroll, chat, draw, and discuss historical and current forms of urban appropriation and development as part of the artistic city walk with artist Markus Strieder from the new museum location in Mitte to the old one in Kreuzberg.

National and International

Salone di Aschau

The Salone di Aschau is a two-day event that is simultaneously an artistic happening, a design exhibition, and a place of exchange. On 13 July, right at the foot of the Alps, design labels, researchers, designers, and artists will embark on a search for alternative exhibition formats and content. Admission is free.

Bundeskunsthalle: Für alle! Redesigning democracy

Does democracy need an update? The exhibition “Für alle! Demokratie neu gestalten“ shows until 13 October that all aspects of democracy are designed and can, therefore, also be redesigned. Visitors can exercise their “democratic muscles” in the interactive “fitness studio” and experience what it means to actively participate in democracy.

Ambiente 2025: Sponsorship program 

Under the name “Talents,” Messe Frankfurt promotes young designers, students, and graduates at the Ambiente consumer goods fair. In addition to a free exhibition space
in a specially designed area, the Talents program offers participants a top-class platform for networking, direct feedback, and essential contacts to industry and trade. Young designers from the fields of interior design and tableware can still apply until 25 October. 

Museum für Druckkunst: Hans Ticha - Prints 1966 - 2017

Pop Art was Hans Ticha’s answer to the propaganda of the GDR. His brightly colored illustrations with the voluminously shaped figures and their geometric limbs still illustrate volumes of poetry and children’s books today. The exhibition at the Museum für Druckkunst, which runs until 15 September, provides an insight into his life’s work as a printmaker between a mocking political commentator and a brilliant draughtsman of social types.

The Design Museum: Barbie®: The Exhibition

Barbie turns 65! To mark the occasion, a major exhibition in London will explore the design development of the world’s most famous doll until 23 February 2025. Over 250 remarkable objects, including rare, unique, and innovative dolls from 1959 to the present day, will be on display.

South Tyrol
Vinschgau Venosta: By Design and by Disaster

The By Design and by Disaster conference will occur from 10 to 14 July at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, with an optional program on 13 and 14 July in Vöran-Verano. Since 2013, the event has brought together people and organizations from design, art, science, activism, and rural and urban development. The program includes lectures, workshops, walks, exhibitions, presentations, good food, music, dance, and exchange. The focus in 2024 is on “Power in Transformation”.

Landesmuseum Zürich: The second life of things. Stone, metal, plastic

Repair, reuse, and repurpose: The exhibition “The Second Life of Things. Stone, Metal, Plastic” at the Landesmuseum Zürich until 10 November shows the development of the circular economy from the Stone Age to the present day. By presenting objects that have been mended, reused, and treasured for generations, the exhibition raises awareness of the value of a second life for things.

Tours and Annual Exhibitions 

In the coming weeks, the tours and annual exhibitions of many universities’ design and art faculties will resume. 

Trade Fairs and Conferences

Competitions and Awards

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