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Issue 171 ~ 12th July 2024


My subject for this week is the benefit of putting our feet up!

Now, before you worry about my mental and physical wellbeing, and think that I am suggesting that we should be sitting on the sofa all day, let me reassure you that nothing could be further from the truth. But it may be that you have an elderly friend or relative who will greatly benefit from what I am about to tell you.

It all came about because, following my recent surgery, I had to keep my foot raised on a pillow in order to keep it above the level of my hip to help me avoid the risk of thrombosis (blood clot) in my leg.

Because I am unable to walk at the moment (obviously that leg gets little exercise) and because I am unable to wear those very tight surgical stockings on my operated leg as it is in a fibreglass cast up to my knee, the risk of a blood clot is greater. I did have to inject myself with a blood thinner for the first six weeks to help, but elevating my leg as much as possible was also emphasised as important because if I didn’t, my foot could also become swollen. Thankfully, I did all of these things and I’m pleased to report that it worked. No blood clots and no swollen foot.

Now, please cast your mind back to when I told you a few weeks ago about Mike’s Auntie Pauline. Pauline is 95 and uses a three-wheeler walking aid to help her move around her flat. She also has a serious heart problem and has, in the past, had a triple heart bypass. Consequently, because of her limited mobility, Pauline’s circulation is far from good. One day she told me that her left foot had become particularly swollen and when she woke in the morning it was scarlet!

Knowing that there is nothing more the cardiologist can do for her heart because of her great age, it suddenly occurred to me that resting her foot higher than her hip, might just help. I knew she already sat with both legs on a stool but I suggested she place a couple of extra cushions on top of the stool to elevate her legs even further.

Amazingly, within two days her foot was no longer scarlet and the swelling in her leg and ankle had reduced drastically. Even when Pauline went to the hospital for one of her regular check-ups for her leg, the nurse said ‘Well, that looks better!’ In fact, the doctor and other medical staff were also surprised at how much it had improved! Now Pauline always rests her feet high on the cushions and all is well.

I am also pleased to report that I am now walking with the help of a Zimmer-frame instead of wheeling myself around in the wheelchair all the time. I am now eight weeks into my recovery and I am able to put some weight on my operated foot and the frame really helps me to progress my leg and foot strength.

When I first started using it I was only putting about 10% of my weight on my foot but as time went on, my body told me that I could place more onto it. It really is remarkable how our brain and our body are so good at guiding us to do what is safe and appropriate for us as an individual. I think I am now up to about 50% weight-bearing.

The other benefit of walking is that my back doesn’t ache so much. All that sitting – at my desk, in my wheelchair and on the sofa to watch TV in the evenings - really was not welcomed by my body. And now that I am walking more, I am so much happier mentally too. I cannot wait to go for a proper walk in the woods close to my home – something Mary will talk about in her fascinating piece.

Recipe of the Week

Rice Salad

Serves 2
Per serving: 186 calories, 2.5g fat
Preparation time 10 mins

1 Red Portion Pot® cooked or
55g (1 Blue Portion Pot®) uncooked weight Basmati rice
boiled in water with a vegetable stock cube

½ red pepper finely chopped
½ yellow pepper finely chopped
½ green pepper finely chopped
100g canned sweetcorn including the juice
8 cherry tomatoes halved
8 black olives halved
Assorted salad leaves chopped
Low-fat vinaigrette dressing

  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl and store in a refrigerator. Eat the same day.
Chef's tip: adding a handful of peanuts gives this salad an extra crunch.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
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Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Just opposite my house is a very beautiful tree and in the summer months it looks truly magnificent, so that when I open the blinds in the morning, I just spend a moment looking at it and it makes me feel good, as if it is setting me up for the day ahead. I had never considered why until I read a recent scientific review that seemed to give me a pretty valid explanation. Trees may be talking to us! Now before you think this is just a load of 'hokum pokum', just allow me to try and explain.

It would appear that trees hold secrets that science is only just beginning to understand. In Japan and South Korea much research has been done on what is called 'forest bathing'. It's a technique which in Japan is called 'Shinrin-yoku' and is a form of sensory relaxation, known to help us to relax in a forest environment, away from the hustle and bustle of 21st-century living. We have all no doubt experienced a feeling of wonder when we are walking through a forest of beautiful trees, but probably have not linked it to having a really positive effect on our health.

In Japan you can get a prescription from your GP if you present with high blood pressure and stress, to do ‘forest bathing’ at a clinic in the woods. Here in the UK we are just beginning to experiment with similar ideas as the evidence of its value is indisputable.

‘Forest bathing’ has been known to have a significant improvement on heart rates and therefore helps those at risk of cardiovascular disease, remarkably moving them into a low-risk category. Amazing!

The research that has come out of Japan has also seen an increase in cancer-protective proteins in people's blood and all these changes have occurred when we spend only two hours a week in the forest environment. The great news for us is that our once-a-week long walk of around that length of time has possibly far more purpose now!

But how does it bring about these highly significant changes? Dr McEwan, a professor of health and well-being at the University of Derby, believes that exposure to trees, and the sounds of nature, triggers our parasympathetic nervous system (our body's rest and digest system) and in this state our cells are repaired and our heart rate is lowered.  

Another theory is that trees release chemicals that may boost our immune system. Higher levels of these chemicals are found in the more ancient woodland rather than your typical urban garden, with significantly more in conifers and evergreens.

We also need to be aware that it is not just ancient woodland that can harbour these relaxed feelings. A 2018 review of the research done on 'green space exposure' found significant reductions in diastolic blood pressure (when the heart is at rest between the beats), and reductions in salivary cortisol (often referred to as the 'stress hormone'). These are all factors that will reduce our risk of serious illness. So that daily walk in your local 'green space' park has real benefits too.

On looking online to see if there is any outlet for ‘forest bathing’ in the UK I was pleased to find a company doing it in Ambleside – a beautiful part of the world where they organise 'forest bathing' for just two hours in a peaceful and mindful environment in small groups of around eight people. But nearer to home for me, I have the lovely Cannock Chase, which is just perfect for a bit of forest bathing. I hope you have something similar near to you too.

So, it looks like it is starting to take hold here. I do hope so as we need as many opportunities as possible to offset our fast-paced, seemingly time-deficient lives in the world that we live in today.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Plan a really good walk in the countryside this week of around two hours preferably in a forest and embrace ’forest bathing’ for yourself.
  2. Take the rest of your daily 30+minute walks this week in green space as much as possible, even if you have to drive to get there. This is the perfect time of year!
  3. Make exercise snacks a must this week, so every day try to do 3 different body parts on at least 3 occasions. Try doing them outside in the garden in that restorative green space if you have one. Here are some ideas:
  • Upper Body Exercise Snack:
    • Table top press-ups x 10.
  • Abdominal Exercise Snacks:
    • Sit on floor and do 10 ab curls.
    • or do the plank and hold for 30 seconds.
  • Leg and cardio Exercise Snacks:
    • Walk up and down stairs x 5 consecutively.
    • or march on the spot with knees high.
    • or pretend skip on the spot for one minute.
    • or sit to stand x 10.
  • Stability Exercise Snack:
    • Balance on each leg for 30 seconds.
Did you know... 

If asked to name a famous tree, following recent events most people would probably think of Sycamore Gap. The sycamore there was said to be the most photographed tree in England and Wales, standing in a dramatic dip in the path along Hadrian’s Wall in the Northumberland National Park. The tree also became known as the ‘Robin Hood’ tree following its appearance in the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. It was sadly cut down in an act of vandalism in September 2023.

Another tree you might think of is The Major Oak, an ageing giant, said to have been a hideaway for Robin Hood and his gang of merry men. This 1000-year-old oak tree is situated in the heart of Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire and won the popular vote for England’s Tree of the Year in 2014.

Another tree you might be less familiar with is the Flower of Kent tree standing in the grounds of Woolthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire. In 1687 Isaac Newton is said to have watched an apple fall from this tree causing him to think about why apples always fall straight down to the ground. This led to his discovery of gravity, one of the most significant moments in scientific history.

And finally...

What a week it’s been. A new Prime Minister and a new government, and lots of very exciting sport with Wimbledon and particularly the football. Huge congratulations to England for reaching the final of the Euros and I'm sure you will join with me in wishing them all the luck in the world on Sunday evening!

Lots to watch on TV but also enjoy your walks in the woods if you possibly can.

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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