
Upcoming Events

July 13th, 9 am - 12 pm, Vote Our Future Discussion

July 21st, after 10:30 a.m. Mass, Dine Out With Fellow Parishioners. More info below.

July 27th, after 5:15 p.m. Mass, Dine Out With Fellow Parishioners. More info below.

Various Community Parties. More info below.

Mission Appeal at College Church

On the weekend of July 13-14, 2024, the Society of Our Mother of Peace will hold a Mission Appeal at College Church. The Community embraces a balance between prayer and outreach through evangelization as a way of life. The Community is seeking our prayerful and financial assistance for their missions abroad (a restroom facility is needed near their new chapel in the Philippines and a building to serve as a library in Nigeria). There will be special collection envelopes at each of the masses. 

Vote our Future: Everyone Thrives. No Exceptions!

Saturday, July 13 from 9am-12pm

In Gaudete et exsultate, Pope Francis said “We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in the world.” This election year, we invite you to join with NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice for Informed, Engaged, and Committed, a training to build community, talk about the issues that matter to us, and build our skills toward effectively communicating our values and vision for a more just world.

Saturday, July 13, 9 AM - 12 PM, with optional lunch to follow

St. Francis Xavier College Church

3628 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis MO 63108

Register here: 

Interested in serving our youngest members?

College Church offers a Montessori-based faith formation program and we are looking for folks to join us in serving our 3-6 year-olds. A formation course is being offered at St. Clare's Church, beginning in August. The course fees are significantly discounted, due to generous donations. Please contact Julie Kilian for more details, at
Dine Out with Fellow Senior Parishioners

The Pastoral Care Commission is offering opportunities to dine and enjoy gathering with fellow parishioners.  This is for Senior Parishioners and anyone who would like to join us. We have two options:

1) Sunday, July 21st, after 10:30 Mass, at Saucy Porka, 3900 Laclede at the corner of Laclede and Vandeventer, hosted by Tina Hilliard.  Please RSVP by July 18th to Tina Saunders, 314-443-4509, or

2) Saturday, July 27th, after 5:15 Mass, at Vito’s on Lindell Blvd.  Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 24th to Rosemary Jermann: 314-320-7677, or

Please note: If the link does not work, you can sign up here.

Access our bulletin online

Here is our bulletin for July 14th, The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass either in-person or online.

Our Masses will be 8 am and 10:30 am. 

The bulletin has the text of the songs that will be sung at our weekend liturgies. The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.
We are grateful for your generous support of College Church. Click here to sign-up for online giving or adjust your regular contribution. 

Online giving is our only "touchless" contribution option. It requires no processing of checks or trips to the bank. If you have any questions about how to set up online giving, please contact

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St. Francis Xavier (College) Church
3628 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108-3302

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