Hello Colleagues,
Happy Fall! We are starting to feel the first whisper of the changing season with cooler mornings and shifting light. Soon the aspens on mountains across the region will turn a glorious yellow before dropping their leaves for the winter, and people in the hotter deserts will experience that sweet relief after another record hot summer.
We have three exciting events coming up in the next few months: the Arizona Tribal Fire and Climate Resilience Summit, the 4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference, and the Arizona Wildland Urban Interface Summit. Our team at SWFSC and AZWI have been busy planning these events and we can’t wait for the collaborative discussions, learning opportunities, and networking ahead.
This edition of SW Fire E-News also contains a lot of new resources, including fuel breaks in the Sonoran Desert, a new wildfire grants database, another podcast episode, some teasers for our new film of the Restoration of Santa Clara Canyon, and other happenings around the Southwest.
Let us know how any of these materials help you, and we hope to see you at one—or all—of our upcoming events!
Regards, Molly McCormick, Program Manager The SW Fire Science Consortium Team |
UPDATESNew releases from the SW Fire Science Consortium |
Roadside near Apache Junction, AZ showing fuel break treatment on the left and untreated area on the right. Photo Credit: Alan Sinclair |
STORYMAP//Sonoran Fuel Breaks |
Watch our new interactive story exploring fuel break techniques in the Sonoran Desert. This was developed off our Sonoran Fuel Breaks Field Trip held on February 14, 2024.
You will learn about: Techniques being used to reduce fire risk Expert opinion on the status of fire and invasion in the desert How prescribed fire is being employed in a non-fire adapted ecosystem Why a site-specific approach is needed to reduce fire risk and conserve the native ecosystem
VIDEO SHORTS//Santa Clara Canyon Post-Fire Restoration |
These short videos were taken during the making of our most recent Southwest Fire Stories documentary film on the Restoration of Santa Clara Canyon. The full film will premier during the SW Fire Ecology Conference in November 2024. |
Indigenous Perspectives on Land ManagementJohn Waconda of The Nature Conservancy and Governor Michael Chavarria of Santa Clara Pueblo speak to Tribal members and allies about working to restore and conserve Tribal Lands. Link to video here. |
Nature-Based Structures for Watershed Restoration with Garrett AltmanLearn about some of the techniques based on Traditional Ecological Knowledge used to restore the Santa Clara Canyon watershed after severe wildfire. Link to video. |
TRAINING // Fire Ecology Learning Lab |
November 18, 2024 1:30-5:30 in Santa Fe. Learn to use the Fire Ecology Learning Lab!
Organizers: Cole Brant, Southwest Fire Science Consortium; Mollie Parson, Cerise Consulting; Apple Snider, USDA Forest Service; Thea Garrett, USDA Forest Service
The Fire Ecology Learning Lab was designed to help NM and AZ students explore the complexities of fire ecology in their region. This workshop will cover lessons designed for land management agency staff and informal educators to deliver programs for grades K-2, 3-5, middle school and high school.
We will go over activities within each of the following lesson, and include tips on working with each age group and classroom management. Kindergarten – 2nd Grade: Community Helpers: Students engage with the habitats in and around their school. They also learn about some of the people who care for the land and how they can help. 3rd – 5th Grade: Plant & Animal Adaptations to Fire: Students learn the fire triangle and how plants and animals adapt to their environment through experiments, games, and drawing. Middle School: Fuel Properties: This lab experiment is designed to demonstrate how fuel properties affect wildfire behavior. The students explore a variety of fuel properties and learn the terminology used by professionals. High School: Fire Behavior and Careers: As students prepare for their future, this lesson is designed to introduce the study of fire behavior and the career paths available in land management agencies.
This training can be attended separately or in conjunction with attendance to our SW Fire Ecology Conference. Options to register for the full conference or just the workshop. |
GRANTS// Wildfire Mitigation Funding Database |
The Arizona Wildfire Initiative (AZWI) aims to link Arizona communities to resources that will expand their capacity to adapt to wildfire and its impacts. To facilitate this effort, AZWI has identified possible sources of funding in this database to provide homeowners, community representatives, Tribes, and government leaders a centralized location of opportunities for funding needed to increase their capacity for wildfire preparedness.
The list of grants includes five source types: 1. Federally available funds 2. State provided funds 3. City specific grants 4. Private/NGO provided funds 5. Funds only available for Tribal governments and organizations
FACTSHEET //Using Wildfire Visualizations for Mindful Communication |
| Wildfire visualizations can be a great way to communicate fire science. Our Co-PI Dr. Cat Edgeley suggests five social and ethical considerations prior to getting started on creating and using visualizations. |
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Episode 2: The Grassification of the Sonoran Desert with Fire Ecologist Mary Lata |
We are partnering with Amanda Monthei of Life with Fire Podcast in a 6-episode series. In the second episode of the series, Mary Lata, Fire Ecologist for Tonto National Forest in Arizona, joins Amanda to explore these questions: What is it like to watch vegetation type-conversion in real time? How are invasive grasses changing the ecology of the desert and broader Southwest? What's being done to protect and restore Southwest ponderosa pine forests?
There is something for everyone, please listen & share! |
SCIENCE SYNTHESIS//The Best Available Science on Wildland Fire Related Topics in the Southwestern US in 2023 |
| Want to catch up on recent research on wildfire-related topics? Check out our new synthesis that provides a summary of the literature, published in 2023, on fire and fire-related topics. Topics include climate change & carbon, invasive species, human dimensions of wildfire, and more! |
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LEARN//Increasing Awareness about Rangeland Fires |
Did you know wildfires burn more rangelands than forests? We partnered with our sister Fire Science Exchanges across the Western Region to explore this phenomenon and shine a light on the grasses. |
LEARN// Fire x Climate Case Studies |
As part of the SW Fire Climate Adaptation Partnership (SWFireCAP), we’ve partnered with the Climate and Adaptation Resource Toolbox (CART) and SW Climate Adaptation Science Center to produce a series of fire-related case studies. The collection covers diverse topics from treating buffelgrass to monitoring treatments to community approaches.
Looking to get more guidance in climate adaptation? Join the latest iteration of our SWFireCAP collaborative with Drought Learning Network’s Fire & Forest/Climate Adaptation group or join the annual meeting (more details in events below). |
WILDLIFE AND FIRE: Understanding landscape-scale impacts and conservation through a single-species lens with Dr. Serra Hoagland, Juan Carlos Bravo, Dr. Olivia Messinger Carril, and Daniel Taylor. September 24 at 11:30am AZ/12:30pm MT The 4th in our wildlife and fire series. Register here. |
WORKING ON ANCESTRAL LANDS: A primer on Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL) with Sage Mountainflower and Chris Tafoya from Pueblo of Tesuque. This presentation offers information on funding mechanisms, resources for, and how, where, and by whom the RTRL program can be accessed. Watch the recording to hear first-hand accounts of how RTRL is used to implement collaborative fuel management projects on National Forests.
Watch the recording here. |
A PRIMER ON TRIBAL FOREST PROTECTION ACT & 638 AUTHORITY with Jonathon Martin. This presentation offers information on the history and basics and presenter experience with two cross-boundary agreement tools available to Federally Registered Native American Tribes, the Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority. This sets the stage for a workshop on the same topic at the October 2024 Arizona Tribal Fire and Climate Resilience Summit.
Watch the recording here. |
KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGEConferences, trainings & more! |
Arizona Tribal Fire & Climate Resilience SummitOctober 8-10 in San Carlos Apache Nation All tribes in Arizona can send up to 3 staff with travel costs covered - see details below!
This summit will Enhance Tribal capacity in natural resource and fire management Teach tips and tricks for grant writing and project management Explore key agreements including TFPA, 638, and RTRL Showcase Tribe-to-Tribe collaborations and research partnerships Feature workshop roundtables and field trips
Who should attend Location: Apache Gold Casino and Resort - San Carlos, AZ Scholarships available (Application closes September 23) First Nations Development Institute (FNDI) will offer support for up to three Tribal representatives from each Arizona Tribe, which can include non-Tribal members. Up to $2,500 per person is available. Lodging and/or airfare may be pre-arranged. Mileage and meals and incidental expenses will be reimbursed. Please contact Darrick Silversmith, Program Officer, for travel arrangements - (dsilversmith@firstnations.org) For people who are not eligible for the above FNDI scholarship, AZ Wildfire Initiative and SW Fire Science Consortium’s scholarship will cover mileage to and from the event, and hotel for 2-3 nights. All meals will be provided. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for a scholarship when you register.
2024 NM Wildland Urban Fire SummitOctober 8-10 in Taos, NM Strengthening Partnerships through Diverse Perspectives – Taking Action in the WUI Register here: 2024 Wildland Urban Fire Summit Registration Join us at the Sagebrush Inn in Taos, NM for the 2024 NM Wildland Urban Fire Summit! Join your peers, community leaders, fire service professionals, and federal, state, tribal, and local governments for this in-person event. Local community members will share regional history and discuss living in and adapting to the Wildland Urban Interface. Highlights: Welcome from NM State Forester Laura McCarthy Property insurance & home mitigation Taos-region focus & field trip (Wednesday) Emergency communications Finding and using funding Ruidoso 2024 events
4th Southwest Fire Ecology ConferenceNovember 18-22 in Santa Fe, NM
We are excited to meet in Santa Fe this November! If you are planning to attend, please book your room and register soon to reserve your spot on field trips and workshops. |
Arizona Wildland Urban Interface SummitDecember 4-6 in Tucson, AZ More information here. |
HOT STUFFThe latest research & news from around the Southwest |
WORKSHOPJoin the SW Climate Hub & SW Climate Adaptation Science Center for two days of learning and sharing. Please consider joining us at the Fire & Forest group.Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Block I: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm MT Drought Academy: Learn about making the US Drought Monitor, ENSO in the Southwest, and additional drought tools. Block II: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm MT Gather with peers to discuss drought experiences and needs. Groups will be: Regional Municipal Water Managers, Rangeland, Fire and Forest, Crops and Irrigation Districts. Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Block III: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm MT Work with peers to prioritize needs for future DLN work. Hear updates and ask questions during the State Climatologists Panel |
WEBINARSEcological Drought: What have we learned & where are we going with NOAA and USGS Climate Adapatation Science Centers. Five-part series. Learn more.
Federal Wildland Firefighter Health and Wellbeing Program monthly webinar series. Recordings are available for you to watch at any time. |
RESEARCHPinyon Jay & Forest Thinning. Results suggest mechanical removal of pinyon pine and juniper trees may negatively affect Pinyon Jay in the Great Basin. Read it here.
Update to USFS Photoload fuel sampling methodology. Find out more here. |
NEWSWe’re in a deadly cycle of mega fire. The way out is to burn more. This article can be used to help communicate the relationship between severe undesired wildfire and prescribed fire. Read it here. |
OPPORTUNITIESSW Climate Adaptation Science Center ORISE Invasive Species Fellowship. Learn more. SW CASC ORISE communications fellowship. Learn more. NOAA Funding to support drought assessment in a changing climate. Learn more.
Become a JFSP ReviewerDo you have a strong interest in wildland fire science? If so, please consider serving as a peer reviewer of proposals submitted to the Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP). This year, JFSP is casting a wide net for peer reviewers - both federal and non-federal - to assist in reviewing proposals received under the Primary and Fire Science Exchange Network (FSEN) Notice of Funding Opportunity announcements. |
NEED SUPPORT?We provide outreach, knowledge exchange products, travel grants, letters of support, and organizational support for fire-related events in the Southwest. |
The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is a JFSP Fire Science Exchange Network Funding also provided by Arizona Wildfire Initiative at NAU School of Forestry |