This week I have decided not to write about health and fitness because I have another important subject that I thought you might find useful.
As we get a little older we may find ourselves supporting and ‘keeping an eye on’ elderly relatives, (in my case, Mike’s Auntie Pauline), and it crossed my mind how thankful I was that we had discussed with her the merits of setting up a Power of Attorney (POA). Pauline agreed and suggested that she would like me to be her nominated POA as I was already helping her with her banking now that her local bank had closed. I am also a POA for a very close friend.
We first had experience of the benefits of having POA when Mike’s mum lived with us and we realised that as she progressively became more frail, it might make sense to take steps to organise it. When, eight years later, Jeanne passed away, having POA made organising her affairs so much simpler.
So, what is a Power of Attorney?
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets the person in question (called the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help them make decisions or to make decisions on their behalf if they are unable to.
For ease of understanding, let’s decide we are going to nominate someone to be our own Power of Attorney. This gives us more control over what happens to us if we have an accident or an illness and cannot make our own decisions because we may lack mental capacity, for instance, if we suddenly have a stroke.
There are 2 types of LPA – one is for health and welfare and the other for property and financial affairs. We can choose to make one type or the other, or both.
Appointing a Power of Attorney
This can be completed ahead of needing assistance with finances or health decisions and the document can be downloaded from:
Do I need a solicitor to set up a lasting power of attorney (LPA)?
While you don't have to use a solicitor to create an LPA, it could prevent problems later on – especially if you're unsure of the process or your affairs are complex. It's more costly than filling in the forms yourself, but you might find that the reassurance of having professional advice is worth it. The costs for setting up an LPA can vary a lot from solicitor to solicitor, so it's a good idea to call several firms for quotes before you decide.
Whether you use a solicitor or do it yourself by downloading the form, the completed document will need to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
Both Mike and I organised our LPAs years ago so that if, by chance, we had an accident or became very ill, or and were unable to deal with our own affairs, my daughter would be able to take that over. Not having a POA would make dealing with utility suppliers and, very importantly, the bank very complicated. However, as a POA gives your attorney access to your bank and other accounts you need to ensure that you only grant this status to someone you trust implicitly!
The following information has been downloaded from the official POA website:
How to make a lasting power of attorney
- Choose your attorney (you can have more than one).
- Fill in the forms to appoint them as an attorney. You can either fill the forms in online then print them off to be signed or you can print off the blank forms and complete them by hand.
- Register your LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian (this can take up to 20 weeks). It costs £82 to register an LPA unless you get a reduction or exemption.
Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney
Use this LPA to give an attorney the power to make decisions about things like:
- your daily routine, for example washing, dressing, eating
- medical care
- moving into a care home
- life-sustaining treatment
It can only be used when you’re unable to make your own decisions.
Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney
Use this LPA to give an attorney the power to make decisions about money and property for you, for example:
- managing a bank or building society account
- paying bills
- collecting benefits or a pension
- selling your home
It can be used as soon as it’s registered, but only with your permission.
Who can be your attorney?
You can choose one or more people to be your attorney. If you appoint more than one, you must decide whether they’ll make decisions separately or together. Your attorney(s) need to be 18 or over. They could be:
- a relative
- a friend
- a professional, for example a solicitor or doctor
- your husband, wife or partner
Signing the forms
You need to sign the forms before you send them off. They also need to be signed by:
- the attorneys
- witnesses
- a ‘Certificate Provider’, who confirms you’re making the LPA by choice and you understand what you’re doing
Everyone must sign the same original document. They cannot sign separate copies or use digital signatures.
Who can be a Witness or Certificate Provider?
Witnesses and Certificate Providers must be 18 or over.
Attorneys can witness each other sign, but they cannot:
- witness you sign
- sign as the Certificate Provider
The Certificate Provider of your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is an independent person who will confirm (‘certify’) that you are making the LPA of your own free will, without pressure (‘duress’), that you understand the implication of what you are doing, and that you have mental capacity to do so. Your Certificate Provider can be either:
- Independent – someone you know well (independent, not related to you, over 18, and known you for at least 2 years);
- a professional – (GP, solicitor, social worker, etc.)
NB. This information only applies to England and Wales – the process is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland [Details correct at time of publishing this newsletter.]
I hope you find the above helpful. Let’s be honest, our loved ones are sometimes reluctant to suggest the idea of a POA to their parents for risk of offending them by drawing attention to potential health problems, frailty and possible incapacity in the future. As I know that many of our readers are of advancing years, I felt it was worth airing the subject.
Teriyaki Tempeh with Rice and Broccoli
Serves 1
Per serving: 423 calories, 3% fat
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 25 mins
70g tempeh
50g (dry weight) basmati rice
1 vegetable stock cube
90g broccoli florets
¼ tsp flaxseeds
1½ tbsp teriyaki sauce
¼ tsp mixed sesame seeds
Rapeseed oil spray
- Cut the tempeh into small chunks and steam for 6 - 8 minutes with the broccoli florets.
- In the meantime, bring a pan of water to the boil with the vegetable stock cube. Add the rice and cook according to instructions.
- Remove the tempeh and broccoli from the steamer and transfer the broccoli to a bowl and keep warm.
- Heat a small frying pan and spray with rapeseed oil. Add the steamed tempeh chunks and gently stir-fry for 5 minutes.
- Add the teriyaki sauce and flaxseeds to the tempeh, with 1 tablespoon of water. Reduce the heat and cook for a further 2 - 3 minutes stirring gently then add the broccoli and cook for a further 2 minutes.
- Drain the rice and transfer to a warmed bowl.
- Top the rice with the teriyaki tempeh and broccoli.
- Garnish with the sesame seeds and serve immediately.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Each week we urge you to do plenty of strength work, mainly focussing on what are called our major muscles. These are the ones that generally lie closest to our skin and may be very familiar to you.
The quadriceps, for instance, are at the front of the thigh and a major player if we are to stay independent and be able to move well, or the muscles of the chest and upper arms if we are going to be able to push ourselves up from the floor – vital if we have a fall. Then there are the muscles of the body that lie closer to our vital organs, such as the deep abdominals, that help maintain our posture and a keep a strong 'core'.
But this week I am going to focus on one of the most important group of much smaller muscles that, despite their size, can have an enormous impact on our health. These muscles hold the pelvic organs such as the bladder, intestines, urethra, rectum and additionally the vagina, cervix and uterus in females and the prostate in males. These are the muscles of the pelvic floor and goodness, what a list! And they can be surprisingly either too tight or too weak, with both conditions causing problems.
I remember in the final stages of giving birth to my son in 1976 (one of the hottest years since records began!) I was struggling a bit in the final stages and I heard the midwife say 'these PE teachers always have a tight pelvic floor – that's why this head is stuck!' I have never forgotten it - to be honest, during my career in teaching students about the importance of the pelvic floor, I had always focussed only on when those muscles are weak, and that specific exercises are needed to strengthen them. But I am now just discovering that there are also problems if they are too tight. So, let's look at both scenarios.
This diagram shows clearly the position of the pelvic floor muscles. They act like a 'sling' of muscles, located below our abdomen in our pelvis, giving vital support to the organs of the pelvis.
It is important to note that both men and women have a pelvic floor and therefore it is necessary for both genders to exercise them regularly, and as you will discover, both weak and tight pelvic floors need attention with the correct approach.
Before you start pelvic floor exercises you may need to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure whether you need to work on strengthening or relaxing them. As you can imagine, the wrong approach would be unlikely to solve any problems you may be having.
A Weak Pelvic Floor (Hypotonic)
There are many reasons why the pelvic floor muscles may be weak and it can happen at any age. Chronic constipation, pregnancy and childbirth can weaken these muscles, as well as being older because our tissues weaken as we age with the risk of what is called ‘stress incontinence’, and maybe having surgery has played a part too.
However, there is much we can do to strengthen them and I always think it is the easiest exercise 'snack' there is, as we can do the best exercises in any position, at any time of day and no-one will even know you are doing them! They are known as Kegel Exercises and you will see a clear demonstration of them with both Rosemary and myself on our website. To help you do it correctly, you may need to watch the video just once and then you will know the best actions to do on a regular basis throughout the day.
Just to add to what we did on the video, you can lie down with knees bent and place a small cushion or folded towel between the knees. Just squeeze the cushion and repeat slowly 10 times and you will automatically work the muscles of the inner thigh and the pelvic floor at the same time. That combination of doing those two muscle areas together ensures strength in this key area.
A Tight Pelvic Floor (Hypertonic)
With 'tight' pelvic floor muscles there is not one defining cause, however there are several activities and conditions that can lead to these muscles being too tight. Those who spend a lot of time exercising and holding on to their 'core' may develop tension that creates pain and discomfort. For example, a 2018 study of elite gymnasts found that 52% of them experienced urinary incontinence. Their sport means that they keep those muscles 'switched on' without giving them time to relax and let go.
Another example is women with endometriosis or irritable bowel syndrome who suffer chronic pain and inflammation in the pelvis, ending up with 'tightness' in the pelvis that needs to be released.
Tips to Help
- Learn relaxation techniques
- Do deep breathing exercises
- Do pelvis and hip stretches
- A good stretch would be one for the adductors (inner thigh muscles):
- Lie on your back and bend both knees bringing the soles of the feet together. The outer edge of your feet will be resting on the floor.
- Slowly allow your knees to drop out to the sides and you will feel a stretch in the inner thighs. The pelvic floor muscles will also relax and lengthen.
- Hold for 20 - 30 seconds, releasing any tension.
The Enormous Value of Pilates
Exploring this whole issue has convinced me even more of the value of a Pilates session. There are many moves in a Pilates session allowing both the strengthening of the pelvic floor as well as the relaxation and stretch needed to release tension.
Go to the Pilates sessions on the website to learn the basics and also maybe look for a good instructor in your local area.
Strengthening our pelvic floor is important at any age but even more so as we grow older. Here Mary Morris explains, and Rosemary demonstrates, the intricacies of finding the correct technique to achieve maximum benefit.
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- If any of the above affects you then do go to the website for the Pelvic Floor Exercises and learn the basic techniques. If you think you may have a 'tight' pelvic floor then seek support from a continence physiotherapist to learn what to do.
- On your daily 30+ minute walks occasionally focus on your pelvic floor as you walk if you know it to be weak.
- Do one of our Pilates sessions 3 times this week or for a variety of sessions on YouTube go to Katjas Pilates. She is an excellent instructor with an enormous variety of sessions to choose from.
Did you know...
Last week the national news seemed to have largely missed the death of Sir Kenneth Grange.
Wondering who he was? Well you may not know the name but I bet you recognise some of his work. He was the leading British product designer of the second half of the 20th century. From the distinctive aerodynamic nose of the Intercity 125 High Speed Train to the cuddly curves of the TX1 London Taxi, his designs are everywhere. All around us.
Got a Kenwood Chef in your kitchen? That was one of his. Or a classic Anglepoise lamp - the one with the springs to keep it in place? His! Or a Morphy Richards electric iron? Or a Kodak Instamatic Camera? Or a Ronson Rio hairdryer? Or a Wilkinson Sword Razor? He also created designs for Imperial Typewriters, the Adshell bus shelter, the standard parking meter, pens for Parkers... the list is staggering.
One feature of his design work was that he didn't just want to design the shape of something - he would reassess the purpose, function and use of the product and try to come up with a solution that made it "a pleasure to use".
In an interview with The Times Newspaper in 2020, Grange was asked what his most curious design was. He answered: "My coffin. When my mother died, we had to choose from a photo album of coffins. I couldn't leave my wife to bury me in one of them, so I made my own. And that's what we've got standing in the hall serving as a bookcase until I go."
He went on 21 July 2024, at the age of 95 leaving his wife Apryl with an untidy pile of books!
And finally...
So, this week we have touched on a couple of delicate subjects – organising a Power of Attorney and the trials and tribulations of a pelvic floor that might be too lax or too tight. At least you can say our subjects each week are varied!
This week is also the beginning of week two of the 2024 Paris Olympics. The strength, fitness, agility and bravery of those participating is nothing short of astonishing and I am sure you will join us in offering our sincere congratulations to everyone from Team GB who have won medals! Amazing!
The weather has been beautiful and I really hope you are able to enjoy sitting outside in the evenings and enjoying the flowers in your garden and maybe going for an early evening walk.
Have a great week!
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL