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Expressway News

July 2024

We understand that life can be unpredictable, especially during the summer months. But rest assured, we’ve got your back. At the Mobility Authority, our mission goes beyond building roads; we want to support the people who use them. We’re here to connect with you, share information, and provide resources to help keep you safe. Together, let’s keep moving forward towards safety.  

Understanding Extreme Heat

Summer comes with a lot of fun and activities, but it also comes with hidden danger—extreme heat. Here are some alarming facts about the dangers of heat:  

  • Extreme heat is the number-one weather-related cause of death in the U.S., making it twice as deadly as a tornado, and three times as deadly as a hurricane.  

  • Heat is more dangerous for the elderly, young children, people with underlying health conditions, and marginalized communities.   

  • When temperatures outside are between 72 and 96 degrees Fahrenheit (which a summer in Texas often is), internal vehicle temperatures can increase 43 degrees in a single hour.  

We understand these statistics are alarming, but there are preventive measures you can take to feel prepared and stay safe from the heat this summer. 

Help Your Loved Ones Beat the Heat 

  • Always check your vehicle before exiting to double check no one is left behind. 

  • If you have children at home, keep your car keys out of reach or lock your car when it is parked in the driveway or garage to prevent them from getting into the vehicle on their own. 

  • If you or someone else shows signs of heat stroke, call 911 immediately. This is a medical emergency. In the meantime, move the person to a cooler environment, use a wet cloth to cool them down, and avoid giving them fluids. 

Look Out for Your Furry Friends  

  • Pets have higher body temperatures than humans and take longer to cool down. Keep this in mind whenever you take your pets outside or in a vehicle. 

  • Never leave your pet in a vehicle, even for a short errand. 

  • Before leaving the house, consider if it's worth bringing your pet along. If you plan to be out most of the day, it's usually better to leave your pet at home. 

Stay Cool on the Trails 

  • Avoid hiking too long in the heat by planning ahead, preparing with equipment, and using GPS guidance.  

  • Pack plenty of water and drink regularly. Pro tip: Set a reminder on your phone to hydrate.  

  • When environmental temperatures are between 90 degrees and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, you can experience heat cramps and heat exhaustion. When temperatures are above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, heat exhaustion becomes increasingly more likely. Check the weather beforehand and re-schedule the hike if temperatures appear too dangerous.  

  • Avoid the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

We understand that was a lot to take in, but when you are safe in the heat, you can fully enjoy your summer and all the experiences it brings. Thank you for prioritizing the safety of yourself and others this season. For additional tips on heat safety, visit

Roadways are inherently unpredictable, which is why we employ technology to minimize human error and keep the roads safe. At the Mobility Authority Traffic & Incident Management (TIM) Center, we use advanced transportation and incident prediction systems to gather data, monitor for potential on-road events, and communicate quickly and effectively across departments, like local 911 services, when incidents occur. Cameras installed at Mobility Authority facilities rotate every 40 seconds, scanning road conditions to quickly identify any traffic incidents or crashes. Our employees at the TIM Center monitor these cameras and share critical information with the public and appropriate services, playing a huge role in helping keep our roads and communities safe.
The TIM Center also facilitates smoother traffic flow through the use of technology, such as Rekor and the Waze app. Rekor combines Artificial Intelligence algorithms to predict areas prone to congestion, identify locations where crashes have occurred or are likely, and alert emergency responders. The TIM Center is also integrated with the Waze app, to provide real-time incident updates. These updates and closures are simultaneously posted on the TIM Center's X/Twitter account, @RMATIMCenter, keeping the public informed through social media. 
Learn More about the TIM Center

We Invite You to our Virtual Open House 

Join us for our upcoming open house! The Mobility Authority invites you to participate in the 183A Added Capacity Project Environmental Study Virtual Open House. We're studying the potential addition of a fourth lane on 183A Toll in both directions between RM 620/SH 45 and Hero Way. 

About the Virtual Open House 

The Virtual Open House will begin at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31 and will be available for viewing until Sunday, September 1, 2024 at

Virtual participants may:  

  • View the Virtual Open House 

  • View and/or download project materials  

  • Submit comments and feedback 

Learn More About the Project

Keeping Community Connected

Getting to where you want to go is a huge part of the journey. At the Mobility Authority, we prioritize keeping you connected to all the places you live, work, play and love.  

Learn more about our work:  

Protecting You from Smishing Scams

The Mobility Authority customers are the target of an ongoing smishing campaign. The images of texts below, and other similar texts are fraudulent, as are the referenced websites. Do not click any links contained in these texts. The Mobility Authority will never ask for personal information via text, or when making a payment online, and only sends texts with account updates and to those who have opted in to QR Code Digital Billing and Electronic Invoices. Please do not click on links you do not recognize or respond to any suspicious messages. To get the most up to date information about your Mobility Authority account, visit or call us at (833) 762-8655. You may report the fraudulent messages to the FBI at 
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
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