
The Grandfather of the Groovalution adored

baked apples.

Why? They're irresistibly tasty, remarkably nutritious and super easy to whip up! What's more, they're wonderfully versatile, fitting in at every meal and pairing with anything from pork chops to fruit salad or waffles. Get Creative. You can use any of the estimated 30,000 apple varieties worldwide.

Our favorites are gala, mountain pippin, fuji, honey crisp, or pink lady apples. It’s a food for all seasons! Exciting, right?

Apples are rich in fiber and antioxidants. Eating them is linked to a lower risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Apples may also promote weight loss and improve gut and brain health. You can’t go wrong with this tasty, versatile, and easily accessible fruit.

a glass baking dish filled with apple slices

• Slice the apples leaving the rind on and use foil to cover your

Pyrex dish.

• Bake at 350°F for about one hour.

• Add cinnamon, a light sprinkling of Himalayan salt, garam masala or 5 spice.

Apples are so juicy, you will be left with delicious baked apples AND incredible apple juice.

Try to wait to enjoy.

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