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  1. Mark Your Calendar
  2. Register to help at our booth for the Taste of Roselle this SUNDAY
  3. Prevent Truth Decay, Combatting Mis and Dis Information - Watch the Video of our Presentation
  4. Register to attend We're All Plastic People Now [Hybrid]
  5. Register to attend LWV UMRR for SaltWise and SaltSmart Practices, a panel discussion webinar
  6. A Voter Registration Story for You!
  7. Delegate Needed for League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region Annual Meeting
  8. Support our Stampathon!
  9. Opportunities!

Mark Your Calendar:
  • Sunday, August 4 - Taste of Roselle (we need shift volunteers) 
  • Tuesday, August 6 from 7-8 PM We're all Plastic People Now (hybrid event)
  • Saturday, August 10 from 8:30 to 12:30 PM, LWVIL State Assembly at Trinity Lutheran Church 
  • Thursday, August 15 at 7 pm SaltWise and SaltSmart Practices, a panel discussion webinar
  • Thursday, August 29 from 6-8 PM Energize Leadership on ZOOM 
  • Saturday, September 7 from 9-10 AM Energize Leadership breakout groups on ZOOM
  • Saturday, September 7 - Bloomingdale Septemberfest (more information coming in the next edition) 
  • Tuesday, September 17 - Fall Kickoff at Pollyanna

Register to help at our booth for the Taste of Roselle this SUNDAYNo photo description available.
We need you! THIS Sunday, August 4 from noon to 4 pm to support our booth at the Taste of Roselle along Main Street.

We’ll be voting on favorite foods and educating the public about Mis/Disinformation and Vote411 – and we might just have a special guest coming! Volunteers are still needed for this event. Shifts are two hours and it will be fun!  Sign up HERE to work at our booth or email Roberta at

Prevent Truth Decay, Combatting Mis and Dis Information - Watch the Video of our Presentation

One of the troubling threats to free and fair elections is mis and disinformation. It is a significant threat to informed decision-making by voters because it ultimately undermines trust in legitimate information sources, increases polarization in our society, and erodes our democratic processes. Foreign adversaries are increasingly sowing disinformation on American social media to benefit their countries and weaken the US and,  its allies.

Are you concerned about misinformation and disinformation impacting our next elections?

Watch this video presentation, titled “Prevent Truth Decay, Combatting Mis and Dis Information” by Donna Limper, LWVIL’s Money in Politics and Ethics Specialist, and chair of the Response and Reporting Committee of the Mis/Disinformation Task Force.   

The League is committed to helping to minimize the impact of false information and to achieve a more informed and resilient society through education and public awareness of misinformation and disinformation. 

For additional information, LWVIL has a host of resources on their website.

Register to attend We're All Plastic People Now [Hybrid] on Tuesday, August 6 from 7-8 PM at the Vernon Area Public Library or online. 

Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to our environment. Scientists have discovered plastic pollution in every corner of the globe, from mountain tops to ocean trenches and inside our bodies, in our blood, our lungs, and other organs. Our panelists will discuss how legislative policies and innovative solutions can help with the plastic crisis.  Before the panel discussion, we recommend watching this short PBS documentary with a foreword by Ted Danson, We Are Plastic People - Rory Fielding Films to learn about the health concerns from plastics.

Daniel Didech, Illinois State Representative, 59th District
Kate Jakubas, Founder & COO, Meliora Cleaning Products
Jacquelyn Casazza, Founder, Go Green Glen Ellyn & Beyond Plastics Speaker Bureau
Shourya Mehta, Green Pulse Education Founder & President Stevenson High School Green Team

This event is co-sponsored by Go Green Vernon Hills /Lincolnshire, Go Green Glen Ellyn, Go Green Highland Park, Vernon Area Public Library, the Coalition for Plastic Reduction, and the League of Women Voters Illinois.

Register to Attend LWV UMRR for SaltWise and SaltSmart Practices, a panel discussion webinar

On Thursday, August 15 at 7 pm, The League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region will host panelists from Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin who will explain the SaltWise and SaltSmart programs in these states. Chloride pollution from winter road salt is a serious threat in the Upper Mississippi Basin. Chloride levels in northeastern Illinois rivers, lakes, and wetlands have been on the rise for decades. This increase parallels the increase of roads and parking lots that have been built and the subsequent increase of salt applied to those surfaces. Chlorides cause damage to vehicles, infrastructure, and the environment, particularly the health of our local waterways.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS MEETING

For more information about the LWVUMRR, visit the LWVUMRR website 

A Voter Registration Story for You!
92 immigrants from 40 countries took the naturalization oath and became citizens during the Citizenship Ceremony at the Federal District Court in the Dirksen Building in Chicago last week. And who was front and center registering the new citizens to vote? The League of Women Voters of Chicago! They must have registered at least 70-80 people that day!!  

The LWV volunteers said during the pandemic, it was not possible to gather for people to complete the final step of becoming citizens - taking the oath of citizenship, so there was a backlog.  Then at one time - they did the oath for nearly 400 new citizens at the UIC Forum and wow - did the LWV scramble that day to get all the registrations done!  Great work and so proud of the LWV! Wahoo! 

Delegate Needed for League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region Annual Meeting and Conference
The League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale is a member of the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region (LWV LMR) inter-league organization (ILO). It is one of two watershed management-based Leagues in which we participate -- the League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region is the other. In both instances, the ILO coordinates the work of Leagues on issues that cross state borders. 

The LWVLMR will hold its annual meeting and conference in Michigan in October. Details to follow. Would you like to serve as our delegate? Check out their July 2024 newsletter for an idea of what issues they are currently working on:

Please contact Diana Hoke at if you'd like to represent us. Our League has budgeted for virtual attendance only, but this might be a good excuse for a little road trip to attend in person and participate in the business meeting, other related events, and tours. You would be eligible for up to the cost of the registration fee for virtual attendance if you prefer to attend in person. A brief report to update the Board would be requested as a deliverable. 

Support our Stampathon!  
Fill out this form to let us know if you can contribute stamps: The LWVRB is hosting a "Stamp-athon" ( for our Get Out The Vote efforts in the Fall!  Stamps can be purchased in person at the Post Office or online at Sailboats Postcard Stamps | Postcard stamps cost $.56 each so your contribution will help a lot!  Please give your stamps to Barb Hochstadt or Roberta Borrino. If you have any questions, email Special thanks to Laura Bennett, Kristin Borrino, Roberta Borrino, Patty Burns, Sue Coleman, Ashley Cook, Susan Dal Porto, Sue Harold, Barbara Hochstadt, Diana Hoke, Jean Milz, and Barbara Murray for supplying 480 stamps. We need a lot more so please sign up to share with us! 


Our Mission: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Our Vision:  We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.
Our Value:  We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government, to increase understanding of major policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.  In our 100-year history, the  League of Women Voters has never endorsed a political party or candidate for office. Membership in the League is open to anyone regardless of gender, race, or ethnic group. Thank you for supporting our work to defend democracy and empower voters and thanks for helping our local league GROW! Please share our newsletter with your friends.

Copyright © 2024 League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale, All rights reserved.

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