
Upcoming Events

  • August 11, join us for Donut Sunday after the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses.
  • August 11, join us at noon for lunch, screening and discussion of The Cost of Inheritance at St. Alphonsus (Rock) Church. More info below
  • August 15, Assumption of Mary, holy day of obligation, Masses at 7:15 am, noon, and 5:15 pm. 
All Are Invited!

August 11  12:00 pm
  St. Alphonsus Liguori (Rock) Church, in partnership with our parish, is hosting a screening of the PBS production The Cost of Inheritance.  Told through personal narratives, the film explores the complex issue of reparations in the U.S. The discussion considers the history of slaveholding, racial injustices, and continuing systemic inequities–including examples within the Catholic Church.  It aims to inspire understanding of the scope and rationale of the reparations debate.  All are welcome to attend the lunch, screening, and discussion which will be held in the gym at St. Alphonsus, 1118 N. Grand Blvd. Admission is free. Donations for lunch are appreciated.
Assumption of Mary - Thursday, August 15

On August 15, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of Mary which honors her death and entrance into heaven. As one who heard the Word of God and followed it faithfully, Mary entered into the fullness of life at her death. The Feast is a Holy Day of obligation. We hope you will join us!

Our Masses will be at 7:15 am, Noon, and 5:15 pm. The noon and 5:15 Masses will have music. 
 Our next Donut Sunday is August 11th!
10th Anniversary of the Ferguson Uprising

Bridges Retreat

The Bridges Retreat

Many members of the College Church community have had life-changing experiences of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life through the Bridges Retreat.

Bridges Retreat helps connect and integrate the 500-year-old Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola into our busy lives. It helps us draw closer to God and Jesus; create a more disciplined prayer life using a variety of prayer styles; find spiritual guidance for making big decisions; and form a clearer picture of their purpose and future.

The retreat takes place over the course of eight months, from September through May. Please see the bulletin for more details or visit the Bridges website.

If you would like to connect with College Church parishioners who have made the retreat, please reach out to Meg Beugg, Director of Parish Engagement at:


Looking for a great introduction to Ignatian prayer and the Spiritual Exercises? Stay tuned for information about College Church's LIGHTWORKS program in the fall.

Outreach ProgramOutreach Program: Volunteers Needed for Remote Appointment Setting Role

Our ID and Birth Certificate (Outreach) Program provides services to assist community members seeking a birth certificate and/or non-driver ID.  An important aspect of our ministry is responding to voicemail messages in order to answer questions and set appointments for program services. We are seeking additional volunteers to help with this role!
Please see the details in the bulletin. Thank you for considering participating in this important ministry!
bulletin cover

Access our bulletin online

We are glad to share our bulletin for August 4. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass either in-person or online.

Our Masses will be at 5:15 pm on Saturday and 8 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. 

The bulletin has the text of the songs that will be sung at our weekend liturgies. The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.
Online giving
We are grateful for your generous support of College Church. Please click here to sign-up for online giving or adjust your regular contribution. 

Many parishioner have set up weekly recurring online giving - which is easy to do and a tremendous help to our parish. It requires no processing of checks or trips to the bank, while also allowing us to better predict our weekly and monthly cashflow. If you have any questions about how to set up online giving, please contact Meg Beugg, Director of Parish Engagement, at

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