
Upcoming Events

  • August 11, join us for Donut Sunday after the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses.
  • August 11, join us at noon for lunch, screening and discussion of The Cost of Inheritance at St. Alphonsus (Rock) Church. More info below
  • August 15, Assumption of Mary, holy day of obligation, Masses at 7:15 am, noon, and 5:15 pm. 
Meet Jaime, our new Director of Faith Formation

Hi, my name is Jaime (in Spanish it is pronounced something like HI-MEH) Gil Nuñez. I was born and raised in a small town in the state of Michoacan in central Mexico. I spent a lot of my younger years playing soccer, serving in church as lector, altar server and catechist, and later as a seminarian preparing for the priesthood in Mexico, the United States and Rome...yes, I ate a lot of pasta, gelato, and drove a scooter most days all over the Eternal City!

As a lay minister, I found joy and passion creating spaces where faith and life can flourish while working in various parishes and dioceses. After completing a Master's degree in Theology and Ministry at Boston College in 2017, I moved to Saint Louis to be close to my then girlfriend Michelle whom I met while in Boston. You could say that love brought me to Saint Louis! Michelle and I got married at St. Francis Xavier College Church in the fall of 2019. I truly believe that our beautiful wedding celebration with friends and family in this church is a testament of the powerful impact that a community like College Church can have in the lives of many people, especially those in most need of God's mercy and loving embrace. 

I am humbled to now serve in this role as Director of Faith Formation. My hope is that we will all continue helping each other to become Christ-like, even if it's in little ways. I ask for your prayers and I ask that you too continue giving your time and talents to the mission of this faith community. I look forward to serving you and your loved ones. I can be reached at

This Sunday is Donut Sunday!

Please join us downstairs in the Ballroom after the 8 am and 10:30 am Masses!

Never been to Donut Sunday? Now is your chance! Introduce yourself to someone near you at Mass and invite them to come downstairs with you to check out the donuts. Or venture downstairs and introduce yourself to people standing around the donuts.

This month's conversation starters:
“What looks good to you?”
“How’s the coffee?”
“Where is your favorite place to get donuts?”
“What is your favorite breakfast?”
“What did you find interesting/inspiring/puzzling at Mass?”
“What has been one of the best things about your week/weekend?”
“Where are you finding God these days?”
“Where is one of your all-time favorite places to attend Mass and why?”


This Sunday, August 11, at 12:00 pm - All Are Invited!

After you enjoy Donut Sunday in the College Church Ballroom, please head half a mile north on Grand! St. Alphonsus Liguori (Rock) Church, in partnership with our parish, is hosting a screening of the PBS production The Cost of Inheritance this Sunday, August 11, at 12:00 pm. 

Told through personal narratives, the film explores the complex issue of reparations in the U.S. The discussion considers the history of slaveholding, racial injustices, and continuing systemic inequities–including examples within the Catholic Church. It aims to inspire understanding of the scope and rationale of the reparations debate. 

All are welcome to attend the lunch, screening, and discussion which will be held in the gym at St. Alphonsus, 1118 N. Grand Blvd. Admission is free. Donations for lunch are appreciated.

Assumption of Mary - Thursday, August 15

On August 15, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of Mary which honors her death and entrance into heaven. As one who heard the Word of God and followed it faithfully, Mary entered into the fullness of life at her death. The Feast is a Holy Day of obligation. We hope you will join us!

Our Masses will be at 7:15 am, noon, and 5:15 pm. The noon and 5:15 Masses will have music. 

Supporting the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)

If you have not made your gift to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we wanted to let you know the deadline for this year’s appeal is August 16. Please go to to learn more about the important ministries funded through the ACA and to make your donation. In the "Parish to Credit" field on the donation form, click the dropdown and select Saint Francis Xavier “College Church” Parish. Thank you!

Women's Retreat at White House Jesuit Retreat Center

Looking for an opportunity to get away for a few days to rest, relax, pray, reflect, and not have to cook? September 16-19 is the week of a women's retreat at White House Jesuit Retreat. Women from College Church, and a number of other parishes will be attending this retreat, which is based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. However, space is limited and the retreats fill quickly. You may register by calling: 314-416-6400, or online, Be sure to mention you are a parishioner of SFX College Church when signing up. If the retreat is full, please ask to be added to the waitlist. For any questions about format or general information, please contact Tina Saunders, 314-443-4509.

10th Anniversary of the Ferguson Uprising

Missouri ID Access Summit: Register Today!
The Missouri State ID Access Coalition (of which College Church is a co-convener) is thrilled to host our first annual MO ID Access Summit on Saturday, September 7th, 2024 at the Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being, just down the street from College Church.
We'll bring together advocates, neighbors, lawyers, service providers, students and more to explore the ID landscape in Missouri. Sessions will delve into the basics of ID access and current disparities, advocacy skills, and prepare participants to take action moving forward to ensure all Missourians have the identification documents they need to thrive. Everyone is welcome!
More info and registration here:

[Note: This is the same day as the What We Have Seen & Heard: Voices of the People Prayer Breakfast listed above - two great opportunities for College Church parishioners.]

Access our bulletin online

We are glad to share our bulletin for August 11. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass either in-person or online.

Our Masses will be at 5:15 pm on Saturday and 8 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. 

The bulletin has the text of the songs that will be sung at our weekend liturgies. The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.

We are grateful for your generous support of College Church. Please click here to sign-up for online giving or adjust your regular contribution. 

Many parishioner and friends of College Church have set up weekly or monthly recurring online giving - which is easy to do and a tremendous help to our parish. It requires no processing of checks or trips to the bank, while also allowing us to better predict our weekly and monthly cashflow.

We have a newly replenished supply of the blue and white cards (pictured above) on the tables at the entrances to the church. If you give online, please up one of these cards before Mass and place it in a collection basket during the offertory, a symbol of your offering at the Presentation of Gifts. Thank you!

If you have any questions about how to set up online giving or are interested in making your donations through a Donor Advised Fund or a retirement account, please contact Meg Beugg, Director of Parish Engagement, at or 314-977-7304.
Copyright © 2024 St. Francis Xavier (College) Church, All rights reserved.

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St. Francis Xavier (College) Church
3628 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108-3302

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