August 9, 2024

OC Pathfinders Help Create
Camporee Memories with Unique Activities

It was noon on Tuesday, when on-site activities officially opened at the International Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming. Among the many options were a few hosted by the Oregon Conference, including a fan favorite: The Oregon Cave Trailer!

The trailer has become a staple of the International Camporee experience, and as coordinators Michael Gregory and Glen Campbell were making the final adjustments, Pathfinders were already lining up! Keep reading...

Adventist Health Tillamook Recognized as Top Healthcare Employer

Adventist Health Tillamook was recognized in April 2024 by Becker’s Hospital Review as one of 27 critical access hospitals to know in 2024 and one of the top 150 healthcare systems to work for in healthcare. Learn more...

Project Patch Founder Tom Sanford Dies

Started in 1984, Project Patch celebrates 40 years of mission this year. Sanford passed away on August 4. He was 80. Read more...

Transforming Education in Marginalized Communities Through Tourism

In a remote area in Sri Lanka a school recently was renovated thanks in large part to an OC pastor with a special Sri Lankan connection and the membership he ministers to here. Read the story...

Do you know your Pathfinder Camporee history? Learn how it all began back in 1984 and how it's grown to the thousands that attend from around the world today!
Watch the video...

Farther Afield

Waters Retires From NPUC Education Leadership

Keith Waters first encountered Adventist education in seventh grade when he attended Pine Tree Academy in Maine. As of August 1, Keith Waters is retiring after 48 years in Adventist Education. Read more...

Storm Interrupts International Pathfinder Camporee, Displaces Some Campers

On Aug. 6, 2024, storms disrupted the International Pathfinder Camporee, causing the cancelation of the evening program and displacing campers. Read more...

“Night at the Camporee” Brings a World Premiere to Gillette Community

A rapt audience of more than 1,000 guests — mostly community members — enjoyed a premiere presentation of night one of the camporee’s theatrical production based on the story of Old Testament character Moses. Read more...


Watch the evening program live from the International Pathfinder Camporee!

Events & Announcements

August Evensong at Sunnyside
August 10, 4:00 PM, at Sunnyside Adventist Church, we will be blessed with our next Evensong featuring Robert Schmidt at the organ and Jim Robertson with the spoken word. You will not want to miss this moment of spiritual blessing. Event location: 10501 SE Market Street, Portland, Oregon 97216.

Jim Blackwood Celebration of Life
Jim Blackwood, who served for many years as an educator in the Oregon Conference passed to his rest on July 30, 2024. Jim served as Associate Education Superintendent and was principal at Portland Adventist Academy, Tualatin Valley Jr. Academy, and Emerald Jr. Academy. His family invites you to join them in celebrating Jim's life on Sabbath, August 17, at 3:00 PM at the Lebanon Adventist Church at 690 S. 10th Street, Lebanon, Ore.

Gospel Outreach presents:
Pastor Joedy Melashenko and The Melashenko Trio

Gospel Outreach presents Pastor Joedy Melashenko and The Melashenko Trio Special Sabbath Worship Event, August 17 at the Sandy Adventist Church. Sabbath morning worship will begin at 10:30 AM and a gospel concert will follow at 2:00 PM. Audiences all over the world have been blessed by the Christ-centered music and preaching of the Melashenko Family for more than five decades. You will hear thrilling updates about GOSPEL OUTREACH and how God is working in miraculous ways in many difficult regions of the world, amazing testimonies, enjoy sweet fellowship, and hear beautiful Christ-centered harmonies! This Sabbath event provides a perfect opportunity for you to invite a friend or neighbor and be doubly blessed. GUARANTEED! Your hearts will be lifted heavenward and your souls refreshed. The Sandy Adventist Church is located at 18575 SE Langensand Rd, Sandy, OR 97055.

WWU Alumni Sabbath at Rosario
Walla Walla University’s annual alumni Sabbath at Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory will beheld August 23–25, 2024. Come for Sabbath or the full weekend; meals and accommodations require registration by August 19. This year's guest speaker is new WWU president Alex Bryan. For details and registration, visit or call 509-527-2631.

Big Lake Youth Camp: In search of Golf Cart or Side-by-side

Big Lake Youth Camp is looking for a gently used golf cart or a side-by-side/Ranger style of vehicle for camp use during the summers. If you have one you'd like to donate, please reach out to our office: or call (503) 850-3583.
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Each Month

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries in a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
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