A Message from the Inaugural Director
As we begin to plan for the new academic year, we hope you will enjoy the highlights of our most recent initiatives. New and ongoing event series have brought together faculty and students around timely issues, fostering much-needed dialogue in these divisive times. Research grants have allowed Georgetown humanities scholars to progress with groundbreaking projects. Undergraduate and graduate participation in humanities activities continues to enrich our community with fresh perspectives that show the crucial role of a humanistic approach to the understanding of our complex world.
We hope you will continue to follow our updates on upcoming events by subscribing to our newsletter and to our mailing list.
Best wishes for the rest of the summer and for a stimulating Fall 2024 semester,
Nicoletta Pireddu, Ph.D.
Inaugural Director, Georgetown Humanities Initiative
“What Makes Us Human in the Age of A.I?” Series
Georgetown Humanities, in collaboration with the Center for Digital Ethics, launched the interdisciplinary event series “What Makes Us Human in the Age of AI?”. The purpose of this ongoing initiative is to foster exchanges across departments on the role of intrinsically human attributes and of the humanities in facing the challenges of the latest digital and technological revolution.
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New Work in Global Justice
Book Talk
On April 17, 2024, Dr. Aaron Rosenberg (King’s College, London) discussed his book Scale, Crisis, and the Modern Novel: Extreme Measures (Cambridge UP, 2023), which explores how developments in literary form relate to environmental and ecological issues.
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Georgetown Global Dialogues “Ways Forward in a Divided World”
Georgetown Humanities was delighted to contribute to the Georgetown Global Dialogues organized by Prof. Tom Banchoff, Vice President for Global Engagement, and essayist and novelist Pankaj Mishra during the week of April 22-26, 2024. Leading intellectuals from the Global South fostered international exchange on the challenges that humanity is facing on a global scale.
The videos of all the events are available here.
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With the support of Georgetown Humanities, two Georgetown faculty could bring scholars to campus who offered feedback on their books in progress.
Professor Sara Omar, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Professor Omar hosted a day-long workshop on her manuscript Sex Between Men in Early Muslim Discourses.
Prof. Elena Herburger,
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Prof. Elena Herburger organized a workshop on her book manuscript Conditionals in Natural Language – Conditionally So.
Scholars participating in Prof. Herburger’s workshop
Humanities Faculty Work in Progress
On April 8, 2024, Dr. Peggy Lee (Assistant Professor in the Department of English) presented “‘Holding Myself Together:’ On Mereology, Institutional Violence, and Exhaustion”.
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We welcome proposals for new presentations. Please contact us at HumanitiesGU@georgetown.edu.
"10 Pictures and 10 Ideas About Migration and Humanitarian Crises"
A colloquium with Augus Morales on documentary photography and how to re-think migration.
Organized by Georgetown University Spanish & Portuguese Department and The Charlotte Moran Visiting Scholar Fund (Hood College).
Dick Davis: Nezami's Khosrow and Shirin
Dr. Dick Davis talked about this 12th-century masterpiece of Persian poetry and read from his new translation of it.
Organized by Georgetown Global Medieval Studies and Georgetown Persian Studies Program.
"The Falcon as Fulcrum"
A presentation by Prof. Eliza Zingesser (Columbia University), who shared her research from her new book project, Lovebirds: Avian Erotic Entanglements in Medieval French and Occitan Literature.
This event was organized by the Department of French and Francophone Studies.
Thresholds: Disciplinary Crossroads
The 16th Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium "Umbrales: Intersecciones disciplinarias / Limiares: Interseções Disciplinares / Thresholds: Disciplinary Crossroads" brought together a vast array of presenters on literary, cultural, and linguistic studies, with keynote speakers Profs. Matthew Kanwit (U of Pittsburgh) and Gabriella Nouzeilles (Princeton University).
Organized by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Aayush Murarka (SFS'26)
Georgetown Humanities Student Fellow Aayush Murarka (SFS’26) share their thoughts on their participation in the Georgetown Global Dialogues.
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"Ancient Echoes, Modern Reverberations:” Georgetown Humanities Student Fellow Julian Zeitlinger (C'26) Interviews Professor Claire Catenaccio
The interview focuses on Classical Reception Studies, a sub-field of Classics which examines modern works of art and other cultural phenomena influenced by Greek and Roman antiquity. Professor Catenaccio also discusses how Classical Reception Studies has evolved over time and how the Classics and the internet intersect today.
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October 15, 2024: A talk by Italian-Algerian author Amara Lakhous (co-organized with the Italian Department; time and location tbd).
October 28, 2024: A plenary lecture by artist Ayana Jackson on her archival research and method of artistic collaboration (co-organized with the African Studies Program and the Communication, Culture, & Technology Program; time and location tbd).
The Georgetown Humanities Initiative is a member of
the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes
