    Partial Opening of Djuwang Baring
It’s official! On 2 August we opened 32 kilometres of Djuwang Baring (Creswick Trails) five months ahead of schedule 🚲🌳
Together with our project partners DJAARA, land management partners, and our funding bodies (Regional Development Victoria and Creswick Community Bank), we are very proud to be announcing this major milestone. A special shout-out also to our friends at Daylesford Macedon Tourism, Tourism Midwest Victoria, VOGA and Dirt Art for their contributions and ongoing support.
When complete Djuwang Baring will be a 60-kilometre network of mountain bike trails starting from the Hammon Park Trailhead, a five-minute walk from the centre of Creswick. Djuwang Baring will be a unique asset for our local community. It will have a strong positive effect on tourism, visitation, and in turn will provide strong returns to local and regional businesses and tourism destinations.
Once the project is fully complete (by December), we will host a large, community focused opening that everyone will be welcome to attend.
We have also launched a new and awesome website to showcase these amazing trails. Check it out at www.djuwangbaring.com
Remember to follow the signage, ride to your ability and take care on the open trails. Happy riding!
    Message from the Mayor
It certainly has been a busy month at Council with many community events held and project milestones reached.
The past month saw the wonderfully renovated Central Springs Reserve officially opened, while the first 32 kms of Creswick Mountain Bike Trails – Djuwang Baring – were opened 5 months early. A community event will be held in December when the remaining 28 kilometres are completed and opened. The trails are already being enjoyed in big numbers and local traders report a pleasing upturn in economic activity.
Key outcomes from the 20 August Council meeting were:
the adoption of Council’s second Reconciliation Action Plan;
awarding a contract for lighting at Victoria Park Daylesford;
noting solid progress against the Annual Plan initiatives;
and changed arrangements for the two upcoming Special Meetings.
In a unanimous decision councillors resolved to amend arrangements for the upcoming Special Council Meetings on 3 September – proposed adoption of town structure plans and rural strategy – and 10 September – proposed adoption of a long-term financial plan.
Community members will now be able to attend those meetings in-person, as well as virtually, to table questions beforehand and to address Council at the meetings.
Cr Brian Hood speaks at the partial opening of Djuwang Baring
    Township Structure Plans and Rural Hepburn
Council will consider final drafts of the Township Structure Plans (for Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford and Hepburn Springs, Glenlyon, and Trentham) and Rural Hepburn Strategy at a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 3 September. These form part of the Future Hepburn project.
Future Hepburn project has been the most significant strategic planning project Hepburn Shire Council has ever delivered, with the potential to touch every landowner, resident and visitor in the Shire, now and into the future.
Our CEO, Bradley Thomas, said, “We appreciate the interest and engagement we’ve had on the Future Hepburn project and the valuable feedback received from the community and stakeholders, over the last two years. We have taken onboard all of the feedback and made some adjustments to the plans and strategy.”
“Officers have spent considerable hours reviewing submissions, technical advice and conducting many workshops with Councillors and ultimately have reconsidered and made some changes to areas earmarked for rezonings and other planning changes. This was only made possible by overwhelming community and government assistance provided during the consultation period."
Read our full media release and watch the video below for an explanation of changes to the draft documents as a result of community feedback.
* Please note *
This meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, at 24 Vincent Street Daylesford, and the public are able to attend in person, or virtually via the live stream on Council’s Facebook page. Those attending in person will need to register via the form on Council’s website.
Members of the public may submit Public Questions and Requests to Address Council relating to the matters to be considered at the meeting (more information on public participation here).
Ron Torres (Executive Manager Development and Community Safety) and Bronwyn Southee (Manager Strategic Planning) take us through the recommended changes to the draft Township Structure Plans (for Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford and Hepburn Springs, Glenlyon, and Trentham) and Rural Hepburn Strategy after feedback from the community and stakeholders.
(Timestamps: Introduction - 0:00, Rural Hepburn - 7:33, Glenlyon - 17:26, Clunes - 23:09, Creswick - 30:53, Daylesford - 38:50 and Trentham - 48:40)
    Financial Vision
Council is hosting a Special Council Meetings on Tuesday, 10 September at 2pm, to consider the Financial Vision.
This meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at 24 Vincent Street Daylesford, and the public are able to attend in person, or virtually via the live stream on Council’s Facebook page. Those attending in person will need to register via the form on Council’s website.
Members of the public may submit Public Questions and Requests to Address Council relating to the matters to be considered at the meeting (more information on public participation here).
Submissions must be lodged by 10:00am the Monday prior to the Special Meeting of Council. Only the business as detailed above will be transacted at the Special Council Meeting. This Special Council Meeting is called pursuant to Council’s Governance Rules 2022.
Enquiries to Manager Governance and Risk on 03 5321 6434.
  Pothole patching underway
We have a great road repair machine! It's called the 'Flocon' and it does many things:
hotmix + coldmix asphalt, crushed rock, sand and soil.
it's a standout when repairing gravel road potholes because it can deliver precise amounts of material into the pothole. This is then levelled and compacted with a wheel roller.
It efficiently transports cold mix asphalt or applies bitumen emulsion on sealed roads.
In winter we use it a LOT! And we ask you to be careful when you drive past us. Give us a hoy, but please slow down and give us plenty of space. Stay safe, everyone!
  Council joins anti-vaping campaign
Council is part of a new $2 million initiative to empower young people to say no to vaping.
Delivered by VicHealth, Vape-Free Victoria will see 29 local councils, 5 universities, 5 sporting bodies and teams, the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Quit Victoria and the Victorian Government work together to support young people aged 14 to 25 to understand the harms of vaping.
The project aims to elevate the voices and experiences of young people through the UNCLOUD platform, giving them the opportunity to help create local solutions to address vaping. Read our full media release.
  Do you know an inspiring woman?
Do you know an inspiring local woman? This is your chance to celebrate and shine a light on their achievements.
Nominations to the International Women's Day Heather Mutimer Honour Roll are now open until 30 September. Scan the QR code for details and submit your nomination.
  Day basin restoration
Renovation work is about to begin on the day basin at Daylesford’s Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens. The day basin was a water storage facility and it sits at the base of the historic Pioneer Memorial Tower.
The project has been championed by the Friends of Wombat Hill Botanic Garden, who are keen to see the basin restored and celebrated as one of their key projects.
Funding has been secured from the Victorian State Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund, Hepburn Shire Council, and the Friends of Wombat Hill Botanic Garden.
The garden is beautiful in all seasons, and we encourage you to take a stroll and maybe seek culinary delights at the cafe.
   Subsidised items to reduce waste to landfill
At all transfer station sites Council is offering the following items (*while stocks last – limited amounts):
220L round compost bin $40
180L compost tumbler $65
Pet poo composter $25
Pop down to your local transfer station to help reduce waste to landfill. Don’t forget you will need to show proof of residency in the Shire.
Find out when your local transfer station is open and more about reducing your waste.
   Kerbside landfill amounts decreasing
During July Hepburn Shire collected 88 tonnes of organics, which means since the beginning of food and garden organics bin collections in April this year a total of 363 tonnes of organic material has been diverted from landfill. The amount of material sent to landfill in July was 83 tonnes less than July last year. It is great that less material has been sent to landfill since the introduction of the organics bin compared to the same period (April – July) last year.
While the service has been successful in diverting valuable resources to make compost to improve local soils, unfortunately there is contamination present (items that do not belong). This contamination can have negative consequences for the quality of compost produced (and its end use). It has to be removed by hand.
Residents whose bins are identified as contaminated will receive bin stickers and letters reminding them of what is acceptable in bins. Hepburn Shire Council conducts inspections and audits of kerbside bins. They use that information to inform decisions, direct information and guide education.
Recent inspections showed that we have 65% presentation rate of organics bins, and they are on average 69% full. Most contamination is coming from a small number of bins (bins that were contaminated were almost 50% contaminated) with the main contaminant identified as bags filled with food scraps, as well as food in containers, nappies, and textiles.
As part of the move to township wide collection of organics, new composting units managed by Gaia EnviroTech at Creswick Transfer Station are now in operation. The new units improve the process of composting organics. During the Clunes trial the learnings from the composting units were taken to improve the unit designs for better water and heat retention to improve processing, amongst other enhancements. If you would like to find out more about the process, please check out this detailed video here.
Thank you for your help reducing waste to landfill!
Don’t forget ours is a bagless system – no plastic, biodegradable or compostable bags are accepted.
For more information www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/organics.
   Victoria Park lighting project
Last week Council awarded the contract for the provision of sports lighting at Victoria Park in Daylesford to regionally based contractor De Araugo and Lea.
This project will redevelop the AFL oval lighting and netball court lighting at Victoria Park to a competition standard lighting system of 100 lux LED (AFL) and 200 lux (netball). This lifts the standard of play and safety, increases participation and creates greater sustainability for the clubs.
Officers will work with the contractor to deliver the works around the busy events schedule of Victoria Park. Works will commence following the current football and netball season.
The project is funded by $250,000 from the State Government (Sport and Recreation Victoria), $169,450 from Council and $20,000 from the Daylesford Football Netball Club.
  Council elections
Are you thinking of standing for Council? Local Government Elections will be held in October 2024.
There will soon be a number of sessions for potential candidates to learn more about the role of a Councillor and the role of Local Government.
Find out more on our website.
  Shire families
Exciting news for Hepburn Shire families! You can now sign up to the Hepburn Shire families mailing list, designed for parents, and children aged 0-18 years!
Get the latest on helpful information, FREE children & youth activities, school holiday programs, and workshops! Sign up for our mailing list.
  Are you a business owner?
Would you like to learn more about footpath trading and outdoor dining permits?
On 4 September Council will host two Community Safety and Compliance Business Forums at Victoria Park Pavilion in Daylesford.
Join us to discuss footpath trading and outdoor dining permits!
- Morning Session: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
- Afternoon Session: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Enjoy light refreshments, tea and coffee, as we explore these important topics. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay informed and engaged with us, learning more about local regulations.
We look forward to seeing you there!
  Quick Response Grants are open
Quick Response Grants have been designed to support community groups who may have experienced an unforeseen disruption, urgent issue, or to facilitate smaller projects that are less costly than the amount available in the Community Grants scheme.
Grant applications will be assessed monthly to ensure a timely response to community issues. Applicants can apply for a grant up to $1,000 at any time but can only receive one Quick Response Grant per year.
Applications are assessed monthly, however due to the upcoming Council Election in 2024, the outcome of grant applications received after 17 September 2024 cannot be announced until after 26 November 2024.
  Lunchtime closures of libraries and hubs
If you visit your local hub or library at Trentham, Clunes, or Duke Street, you may know that since the start of the year we have trialled closing these sites during lunchtime.
In light of our latest budget, and the need to think carefully about our spending, we will continue these closures including a lunchtime closure of the Creswick Hub.
We understand these services are highly valued by the community and we wish to minimise the disruption to our community and staff. Thank you for your understanding.
Opening hours:
- Creswick Hub: Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm (closed 1pm to 2pm); Sat 9am to 12pm
- The Warehouse - Clunes: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10am to 5pm (closed 1.15pm to 2pm); Sat 10am to 1pm
- The Mechanics Trentham: Tues, Wed, Fri 10am to 5pm (closed 1pm to 1.45pm)
- Duke Street customer service: Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm (closed 12.15pm to 1.15pm)
- Daylesford Library 9.30am to 5.30pm
  Rainbow Action Plan launched
Last week, Council proudly launched its inaugural Rainbow Action Plan (the Plan) for LGBTIQA+ inclusion with Ministers Harriet Shing and Mary-Anne Thomas in Daylesford.
The Plan commits Council to actions that will foster a safer and more welcoming community for all LGBTIQA+ people. We recognise and celebrate the important contributions that our LGBTIQA+ people, businesses and visitors bring to the life of our Shire. Together, we share an inclusive, resilient, vibrant, sustainable, innovative and diverse community.
Did you know that Hepburn Shire Council is one of only 18 local government authorities in Victoria to adopt an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan? Read a copy of the Plan visit Rainbow Action Plan.
  Tiny Towns
We accompanied Mary-Anne Thomas MP as she visited four towns who were receiving Tiny Towns grants; Daylesford, Lyonville, Glenlyon and Trentham.
Regional Development Victoria’s Tiny Towns Fund, to improve facilities and infrastructure in small towns across the Shire, means we will upgrade outdoor fitness equipment in Trentham, development of a masterplan for Victoria Park in Daylesford, and an accessible equestrian ramp at Glenlyon Recreation Reserve.
We were also pleased to auspice the Lyonville Hall Community Asset Committee, who were successful in obtaining a $50,000 grant towards a landscaping project at the popular Lyonville Hall. We also supported community groups in various ways to successfully apply for funding.
   Visit Hepburn Shire
Visit Hepburn Shire has a brand-new website: www.visithepburnshire.com.au. And if you’re a local business that provides a visitor experience, we’d love to see you on there!
The site takes its listings from the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW), and if you’re listed on the ATDW platform you’ll appear on our site and several others. You can also update your listing as often as needed.
Contact ATDW for more information or email be tourism@hepburn.vic.gov.au
  Puberty Education Resources
Hepburn Shire libraries in Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford and Trentham have a display stand of 13 books recommended by Central Highlands Rural Health (CHRH) as part of its puberty education program. Students and parents from Hepburn Shire primary schools can access the books to learn about the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty.
In addition to the library resources, Council and CHRH have partnered to deliver the Reusable Period Products Program in all Hepburn Shire primary schools.
Following the recent success of Council’s Reusable Voucher Program, the Reusable Period Products Primary School Program recognises the significant waste to landfill that period products generate. The Program aims at an early intervention education, to offer students who menstruate an opportunity to utilise reusable period products from the beginning of their menstruation journey.
You can learn more about this program on our website.
  Business & Community Directories
Are you looking to promote your local business for free or list your community group, association or sporting club?
The directories provide a free platform to list your local business or community group while supporting residents to find them.
Create a listing or find a local business or community group.
  Tech Talk + Tea
Thanks to funding from Telstra's Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, we are able to host free sessions for learning how to make better use of your device, stay safe online and improve your tech knowledge.
Just turn up with your devices. Technology is changing so quickly – it’s easy to lose track. We encourage you to come along to these informative and personalised sessions to better your online skills and confidence.
Some of the sessions include scam awareness, getting the most out of your phone or tablet, staying safe online, troubleshooting, the shutdown of the 3G network.
The sessions will be fun and social and are open to all participants regardless of age, experience or the type of device they are using. Sessions begin on 2 September at the following locations:
- Creswick Hub – Monday 10am-12pm
- The Warehouse Clunes – Monday 2pm-4pm
- Daylesford Library – Tuesday 10am-12pm
- The Mechanics Trentham – Tuesday 2pm-4pm
   Creswick Creek clearing
Through a partnership program between ourselves and Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, targeted sections of the Creswick Creek are now cleared of woody debris and invasive weeds.
The water will now flow more easily and mitigate flood risks. We hope you enjoy walking alongside of it. Local native plants have been planted along the bank in parts to reduce erosion. Check out this video explaining the project.
   Reduction in emissions
Council has achieved an 18% reduction in corporate greenhouse gas emissions as climate action initiatives take effect.
Another outstanding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction was recorded in financial year 2023/24 with emissions from Council operations down 18% to 734tC02e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) from 895tC02e in 2022/23. This represents the elimination of a further 161 tonnes of carbon dioxide over the past 12 months.
We have now shifted our entire electricity needs to 100% Victorian renewable energy while reducing power costs through a long-term power purchase agreement, which will secure cheap, local and emissions-free electricity until 2029. Electrification of Council facilities and fleet continue to be a priority now that the remaining sources of greenhouse gas pollution are diesel and petrol from our heavy and light-medium vehicle fleets, and remaining gas heating and hot water services in Council buildings.
Compared to the baseline year of 2021, we have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 42%.
The Hepburn Shire community sees steady progress on emissions reduction over the past 12 months and a whopping 31.4% decrease in electricity emissions since 2018!
Hepburn Z-NET achieved a 9.6% reduction in emissions from electricity shire-wide in the financial year 2024. Council eliminated electricity emissions by expanding the VECO power purchase agreement, which provides 100% renewable energy as part of a 60-council buying group. Promotion of solar bulk buys resulted in high uptake across the residential and commercial sectors.
Hepburn Shire's net emissions from electricity last year were 48,510 tonnes carbon (tC02e). From the 2018 baseline of 70,715 tC02e, this represents a total reduction of 22,205 tC02e or a 31.4% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use.
  Join our team
Are you looking for a career move or a job closer to home? Along with great teammates, we offer attractive and flexible working arrangements. Stay up to date with the latest job opportunities and apply here.
Looking for a rewarding career?
  Next Council meeting
The next ordinary Council meeting will be held on Monday 16 September 2024 at 5:30pm at the Council Chamber (24 Vincent Street Daylesford). Council meetings are open to the public (unless otherwise specified) and are livestreamed on our Facebook page.
These are the five focus areas in our Council Plan. See how we are working towards each area with the icon attached to every story.