
Full Circle

I hope your summer is going well!

As many of you know I recently took our daughter back to my old stomping grounds- in this case the Western Arctic. It was an epic trip, 4 years in the making. We had planned this trip with my Mum the year she passed away so it was wonderful to finally get there. She was with us in spirit! Reconnecting with old friends, new friends, family and places. The places! Wow. We flew, took a ferry through Alaskan fiords, and drove 2000 miles on a gravel highway through the mountains- all the way up to the Arctic Ocean. They don’t call it the Top of the World Highway for nothing! lol And the Dempster! I’ve dreamed of driving that road since my first trip to the Great Northern Arts Festival in 1997. The landscape was astonishing. So inspiring. I can't wait to see what new work evolves.

And the festivals! If you ever have a chance to go, go! So much beauty and love, so much to learn and share.  Adäka was our first stop in Whitehorse. What a spectatcular way to start the trip.
The workshops at both festivals were fabulous! Thank you to all the artists who so generously shared their knowledge and skills. So wonderful to make so many connections.

It's a whole different world north of 60. I love it!


And at GNAF the most amazing thing happened. Look who was reunited 19 years later! Pictured is Leslie's first festival in Iqaluit in 2005 and just now in Inuvik. Ame was there both times! So fun and so wonderful. So glad Leslie had the photo on her phone.

Speaking of full circle, on another note, if you’re going to be in Toronto in September, come see me!  I’m going to be at the Cabbagetown Art and Craft Show. This will be my first time at this show and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll be in town for a while so if you can’t make it and would like to make an appointment to get together another time please let me know. I’d be happy to! 

Thank you for coming along for the ride, I really appreciate it. I hope that all is well. xo
Artist Statement

The reward is in the act of observing. Stone colours, textures, the shape of leaves, the ebb and flow of the sea, the changing seasons - all of these things continue to inspire my work. A gesture of thanks and appreciation.

At first it was a technical challenge - to really learn to see the natural world and to develop techniques to capture a sense of it in metal. But as time has passed I am now realizing another purpose: Connection. People connecting to place, places connecting to each other and our shared connection to the world around us.

Almost 20 years ago one of my students said the following to me:

"The moon casts three shadows you know."

I am still thinking about it.

Allyson Simmie

I was able to pick up the ring on Friday. It’s gorgeous! And it fits perfectly. I’m very pleased and can’t wait to show it off.

Thank you for your beautiful design and for working with me to create a personal piece that I will treasure.”

Jewelry Designer and Goldsmith, Instructor- Inspired by the Canadian and Arctic Landscapes

I spent years travelling and living across Canada and in Canada’s Arctic, giving workshops, establishing jewellery studios, teaching and encouraging others to pursue a career in the arts.

In 2000 I moved back to Nova Scotia and began work on Seal Rock Studio. My family and I currently live on Nova Scotia’s scenic South Shore. I continue to work as a professional artist, exploring the theme of the Canadian and Arctic landscapes – sharing my experiences both North and South.

To read complete bio click here.
Copyright © *2024 Allyson Simmie Metal Arts. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
#228-100 High Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 1V9

Phone: 902 277 1739


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