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In This Newsletter:

Keep scrolling to see the following information.

Renewal Weekend
  • Updates
Message from Fr. Cally
Cum Christo Weekends
Prayer Request
Ultreya Schedule
Secretariat Spotlight

Renewal Weekend


The most recent Secretariat meeting decided to postpone the Renewal Weekend to
February 21-23, 2025.

This will give time for a location to be confirmed and be closer to our next Weekend!


We will continue to keep you posted on all other updates.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Coordinator, Shelly.

You can still complete and send in your application by replying to this email, contacting Shelly, or mailing it to P. O. BOX 94  BILLINGS, MT  59103 


Shelly VanWey  


Renewal Application

Message From Fr. Cally

On August 18 there was a celebration for Father Cally's 25th Priestly Ordination at St Joseph's parish in Hardin.  It was a full house with parishioners and visitors from Glendive, Sydney, Miles City, and Billings.  The Billings Cum Christo community was well represented.  Celebrating Mass were: Father Cally, Father Jolly, Father Jude Okoye, and Bishop Warfel.  Susan Garcia, Maureen Culbertson, and Carolyn Story joined Vince, Julie O'Dell, and Nga Pham for Mass music.  The parish provided brunch and cake.  Susan, Maureen, and Carolyn sang some favorite songs.  Father Cally is a faithful supporter of the Cum Christo Movement and we are so blessed and happy to support him and celebrate his ordination.
Dear members of Big Sky Cum Christo Community, Billings.

Thank you so much for your presence and support during my 25th
priestly ordination anniversary on the 18th of August. You came in good numbers to rejoice and
celebrate with me. I was highly impressed by your gestures of love and solidarity. I am so grateful.

May God bless all of you.

Fr. Cally Igwenagu

Cum Christo Weekends

Jim Mack
Luke 1:78
Kim Mork
Psalm 34:5
Volunteer Application
Candidate Application
See the website for all other documents and a digital application for both sponsors and candidates.

Grouping Information:

Below is our current list of groups. If yours is incorrect, please reply to this email.
If you do not have a group, contact one that works for you.
Grouping Information

Prayer Request

We grow together as Fourth Dayers by keeping up our tripod and praying for everyone's successful journey with Christ. 

Reply to this email to request prayer from the Secretariat team. 

There is a current email group that receives and sends out prayer requests. If you would like on the list please email any requests to or reply to this email.

Ultreya Schedule

September Ultreya

Sept. 3rd:   A selection from Bishop Barron’s “Catholicism” series.
Sept. 10th:  TBA
Sept. 17th:  Witness, Julie Henning
Sept. 24th:  TBA

This month the synopsis for August will be attached to Ultreya announcements. 

Secretariat Spotlight

Each month we will be featuring a member of the Secretariat Team and what they do to keep the Cum Christo Weekends going.

The following are all the positions and their current representative. The bolded are open for new members.

Without the Secretariat, we will have NO CUM CHRISTO MOVEMENT! 

The Secretariat is the governing body of the Cum Christo Weekend. They meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at St. Thomas in Billings at 6:30 PM. When there is a decision to be made about upcoming weekends, new team members to add or transition, and more, the Secretariat comes together to make those decisions.

President: Dave Culbertson

Vice President:

Secretary: Mariaya Alcorn

Treasurer: Jean Eberts 

Diocesan Representative: Rachel Schwartz, Bill Lynch, Denise Smith 

Rector and Rectora: Jim Mack and Kim Mork

Pre Cum Christo: Jodi Samel 

Cum Christo: Kevin Holland

Renewal: Shelly Van Wey

Post Cum Christo: Jeryl Macauley, Mary Strauss, Deb Kobold 

Palanca: Sherry Dompier

Prayer Chain: Julie Loftsgaard

Outreach (Facebook, Website, Newsletter, and more):
Cami Chandler, Jeff Melugin, Kayla Weigler

Historian: Lucy Melugin

All are welcome at any of the meetings, we can't wait to see you there!

Spotlight on the Vice President

No one currently holds this position. Please prayerfully consider helping in this capacity.

A vice president's responsibilities include: 

  1. Be a voting member of the Secretariat.

  2. Serve as President in cases where the President is unable to discharge the duties of his/her office.


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Big Sky Cum Christo · PO Box 94 · Billings, MT 59103-0094 · USA