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You are warmly invited to join Jason Digges, one of the pioneers of the Authentic Relating movement, to one of four, 90-minute free webinars on the powerful practice of Authentic Relating.

Specifically, you will learn how you can use this practice to create more fun, more engagement, and deeper collaboration in your intentional community, either current or future one. You will also learn how to inject more love into your family, business, or social change organization. 

Join one of the Free Authentic Relating webinars


There are four different webinars on two tracks. Click here for all 4 webinar descriptions and sign-up links. Alternatively, go to the individual pages and descriptions for the webinars happening on the following dates, and sign-up there for the Zoom link:

What to expect?

We’ll start with a 15-30 minute introduction to the model and practice of Authentic Relating, before spending the next hour giving you opportunities to practice Authentic Relating in small groups with your fellow communitarians. You will likely come away inspired and energized and feeling more connected to yourself, to others and to your community-building mission.

Register here for the Free Introductions

What is Authentic Relating?

Authentic Relating is a worldwide community, 30,000+ strong, exploring peer-driven emotional intelligence practices. It is an open-source, global movement for social transformation based on the idea of prioritizing connection, showing up powerfully for other people, and injecting more love into the world.

Authentic Relating has powerful applications to all spheres of life including family, education, and business; but until now, few have explored its applications to residential Intentional Communities and working teams. Come to the free webinars and take it out for a test drive!

Watch this 11 minute interview of Jason Digges to learn more

Here is what people have to say about this course:

“I walked away with an upgraded relational toolbox, and was surprised by the immediate impact it had on the health of my relationships. Jason is brilliant and revelatory while remaining humble and curious. This guy really knows his stuff! Thank you, Jason!” — Heather

“Wow! Learning and living deep concepts and skills through play was so nourishing for me. We explored vulnerability, appreciation, compassion, authenticity, mindfulness, and humility – all through interactive exercises. This approach, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to learn these important life skills.” — Nina

I just finished taking a 6-week AR in Community online course that Jason led and I’m not just communicating better, but I’m also understanding and deepening my connection with myself and others. I’m incredibly grateful for finding Jason and the AR community and I’m looking forward to continue growing my relating skills! — Sitara

These webinars are introductions to our four upcoming courses:

Note that recordings will not be provided, as Authentic Relating is, by its very nature, intensely experiential. To get the most from the experience, you will need to attend one of the free introductions, or sign-up directly to the courses. On the upside, on the webinars you will get to network with your fellow communitarians and, hopefully, learn something about yourself and how you do relationships. 

Register here for one of the Free Introductions to Authentic Relating
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