Successful Mini League of Nations Training
These student leaders are ready to go with training completed and great resources provided.
Last Saturday, 12 students from 11 different schools attended a fun event at Crossroads facilitated by Civitas intern, Robyn Davies. The morning's main objective was to provide guidance and ideas for getting younger students interested and inspired by the world around them through the lens of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (click here to read about the SDGs). The trainees participated in a sample activity that centered around the concept of immortality. How would possible scientific advancements to allow some people to live forever affect the world? In small groups, students created statements related to the topic that they shared with the larger group, followed by Q & A with the other groups. The conversations were engaging and thought-provoking. Robyn provided a packet of valuable information for each participant. The next step will be for Robyn to meet individually with student leaders before they begin reaching out to teachers/administrators to schedule a meeting to explain the objectives and steps of the program. It was a great morning! Kudos to Robyn for leading such an organized, entertaining workshop and providing a nice packet for everyone. Interesting fact: when Robyn first began promoting her program, she called it Little League of Nations. Well, Little League Baseball reached out to her and told her she could not use that name, thus the revision to Mini League of Nations!
High School Kickoff Event -- Learning about Campaign '24
Saturday, Sept. 7, 10 AM - Noon at Crossroads
It's been a summer of surprises and shifting political winds. President Joe Biden was about to be the first octogenarian (in his 80s) candidate for president that the United States has ever seen. In a bold July move, he stepped aside and endorsed his vice-president Kamala Harris. Her choice to be her running mate, Tim Walz, is a social studies teacher from Minnesota. Donald Trump's partner, J.D. Vance, is among the few who grew up in Appalachia and went to an Ivy League college. This will be a most engaging race.

This summer, twenty Civitas interns studied the campaign, and some of them will be presenting information and facilitating conversation when we have our kickoff event on Saturday, September 7, at Crossroads (map) from 10:00 AM - Noon. Come participate in the conversation and pick up knowledge from interns and former Civitas intern Reece Ellis who will be remoting in from rural Missouri. Sign up by clicking here.
Missouri may have its first competitive races for governor and the U.S. Senate in nearly two decades. Missouri's Second Congressional District covering most of St. Louis County will be competitive for the first time since the last millennium. Come bring your opinions, but more importantly, bring your questions and your knowledge. Looking forward to seeing you there. Also, the summer interns put together a comprehensive newspaper about this year's campaign. You can read it by clicking here.
Earn a Game Changer Point and/or Service Hours
The Missouri History Museum is hosting a Civics Engagement event on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14. They have asked Civitas to have an informational booth available to help share with attendees how Civitas encourages civic engagement with area students. We would love to have students sit with us at the booth for an hour or more each day and share your Civitas experiences with people who stop by the booth.
Click here to sign up to help.
It's that Time of Year Again...
Mark Your Calendars for High School Model UN!
A trivia group from last year's Country Draft.
A detailed email about the Civitas High School Model United Nations program for this fall will be sent to teacher sponsors and student leaders next week. If you would like to be added to that list, please email Stephanie at If you are interested in participating in Model UN but don't know of a group at your school, you can attend all events on your own. Civitas can also help you get a group started at your school.
The first important date to plan for is the Country Draft on Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am until noon. The three FALL High School MUN dates:
Saturday, November 23, Session A from 9:00 am until noon.
Saturday, November 23, Session B from 1:30 until 4:30 pm.
Saturday, December 14, Session C from 9:00 am until noon.
All fall High School Model UN events will be held at Browning Auditorium at Webster University. Any student can attend the Country Draft, although just one representative from a school is required to attend. We'll review the Civitas Model UN procedures and review helpful resources on the Civitas website on draft day, followed by a few rounds of trivia (with prizes) before dividing into the three separate sessions to draft for countries. Civitas will need to know which of the three sessions your school/school group plans to attend before you or other students sign up for the draft. Also, we are having an optional Resolution Writing workshop/brainstorming session on Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 am until noon at Crossroads School.
Saturday, September 7, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Crossroads College Prep School (MAP)
Kick-Off Event--Campaign '24
Click here to sign up.
Fri., Sept. 13, 10 am-1 pm and Sat., Sept. 14, 10 am-3 pm at MO History Museum (MAP)
Civitas has a booth for a Civics Engagement event
Click here to sign up for a shift to earn a Game Changers point and Service Hours
Saturday, October 5, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
High School Model UN Country Draft
Signup form available after info letters are emailed next week.
Friday, October 18-Sunday, October 20 at Washington University
Washington University Model United Nations Symposium (WUMUNS)
The Civitas team is full. Contact Civitas if you'd like to be added to a waitlist.
Saturday, October 26, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Crossroads College Prep (MAP)
HSMUN Workshop--Brainstorming, Writing, and Revising Resolutions
Signup form available after the Country Draft.
Saturday, November 23, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session A
Signup form available after the Country Draft.
Saturday, November 23, 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session B
Signup form available after the Country Draft.
Saturday, December 14, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session C
Signup form available after the Country Draft.