Hot Topics in Mental Health & Law: Civil Commitment
The Center for Mental Health, Policy, and the Law (CMHPL) is pleased to announce an eight-session virtual speaker series on civil commitment. Civil commitment, or involuntary commitment, is a legal intervention by which a person with serious mental illness, or other criteria, may be ordered to a psychiatric hospital or receive supervised outpatient treatment for some period of time. This series brings together an array of experts who will present on civil commitment laws and processes, ethical considerations, and clinical practices for caring for people with mental illness.
VA Forensic Mental Health Symposium
The VA Mental Health and Justice Rotation for Psychiatry Residents hosts an annual VA Forensic Mental Health Symposium, offering diverse presentations pertaining to forensic mental health. The symposium welcomes all trainees — any healthcare discipline, law, criminal justice, or related field — to attend. The goal is to promote education, training, and research in forensic mental health by providing an informal venue to explore the breadth of topics at the intersection of mental health and law. This year's presentations will include talks on correctional mental health; evolution of violence risk assessment; expert and consulting witness roles; and more. The virtual symposium will be on Friday, October 11, from 1:00–4:30 p.m. PT. If you are a trainee interested in participating, please contact CMHPL Director Jennifer Piel, MD, JD ( for details and the Zoom link.
Billy Mills Run/Walk For Life
Last month, CMHPL Director Dr. Jennifer Piel participated in the Billy Mills Run/Walk For Life, which supports suicide awareness and wellness. Billy Mills (pictured above with Dr. Piel) is an Olympic gold medalist in the 10,000 metre run.
Substance-Induced Psychosis and Criminal Responsibility
Andrew Reisder, PsyD, forensic director of Ohio's Forensic Diagnostic Center District Nine, and CMHPL Director Jennifer Piel, MD, JD, will be delivering a lecture on behalf of the Ohio Forensic Centers Consortium on Substance-Induced Psychosis and Settled Insanity on October 7. This will expand on content covered in their article on methamphetamine-psychosis and insanity that was published in the "Journal of Forensic Sciences." There are limited spots available for clinicians outside of Ohio to participate virtually; please contact Jennifer Piel, MD, JD ( if interested.
Advancing Health Equity Through Telehealth
Jennifer Piel, MD, JD, a Telehealth Equity Catalyst Award recipient, presented at the Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) Advancing Health Equity Through Telehealth learning series. The series features speakers who harness telehealth and technology to reduce the impact of barriers and improve health care access and outcomes.
Forensic Mental Health Journal Club
The next Forensic Mental Health Journal Club is on October 28, from 5:00–6:00 p.m. Dr. Claire Ashbaugh, a forensic psychologist, will lead a discussion on forensic evaluations in immigration cases.
White House releases rules on mental health parity
On September 9, 2024, the White House released its final rules on mental health parity. The rules aim to strengthen the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Family Act and improve access to behavioral health services. These rules, issued by the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury, reinforce that insurance plans must analyze and document limits to benefits for behavioral health conditions and that the plans are no more restrictive than those applied to medical and surgical benefits. Under the updated rules, insurers will be expected to provide information on outcomes, including claims denials. The final rules have been applauded by several mental health organizations. View fact sheet for more information.
The following events are hosted by other organizations of potential interest to the CMHPL community.
Grants Pass v. Johnson: Impact of SCOTUS Decision
National Alliance on Mental Illness | September 18, 1:00–2:30 p.m. PT (Online)
A panel of experts will discuss the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson. When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued its decision in June, it upheld a city ordinance that allows communities to criminalize homelessness.
Behavioral Health Listening Sessions
King County DCHS | Various dates, starting September 23 (King County, WA)
How can the King County behavioral health system better serve you? King County is hosting in-person listening sessions at locations across all 9 King County council districts in September and October.
Innovations In Addressing Substance Use and Addiction
UW Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences | September 30 (UW)
This symposium will showcase the department's efforts to tackle our region’s challenges with addiction and substance use disorders. There will be a full day of programming, including a panel of policymakers who will share their priorities for future addictions clinical care, research and education.
Women in Medicine Month
The American Medical Association (AMA) is offering programming and honoring physicians in recognition of Women in Medicine Month. Dr. Piel has been a recipient of the AMA Women Physicians Sectional Inspirational Award and serves as the Delegate to the AMA from the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.
National Suicide Prevention Month