August 17, 2024

Pathfinders Make Lifelong Memories, Despite Severe Weather and Infastructure Limitations

Despite every obstacle and challenge this past week, Oregon Conference Pathfinders made lifelong memories! Check out what a few of them had to say at last week's International Pathfinder Camporee...

You can watch all of last week's evening programs online at

Find a lot more International Camporee memories and perspectives on Facebook at #internationalcamporee2024...

Women's Retreat Registration Now Open

This year's Oregon Conference Women's Ministries Retreat will be held October 4-6 at the Holden Convention Center in Gladstone, Oregon. This year's featured speaker is Pastor Jana Lee. Learn more...

ACS Disaster Response Training Coming Up

Ensure your readiness to serve in times of disaster as you learn how to set up and manage a donations center to effectively respond to disasters in your community and beyond! Join us September 22 at the Grants Pass Better Living Center in Grants Pass, Oregon. Learn more...

CLEAN Conference
& Leadership Training Coming in September

CLEAN Conference is a free event that will teach you how recognize, learn about, and gain tools to overcome trauma and addiction in all forms. Learn more...

Don't miss the first-ever Adventist World Radio Camp Meeting August 30 - September 2, 2024, in Jasper, Ore. We would love for you to participate in this wonderful weekend event, where you will hear miracle stories from our staff who travel around the world, personal testimonies of people who have had their lives changed through hearing the gospel via AWR, and training events such as how to become a cell phone evangelist. Learn more...

Farther Afield

Incoming AAA Principal Passes Away

Ken Smith had initially planned to retire from Wisconsin Academy at the end of this last school year. However, Washington Conference called with an invitation to serve at AAA. He was en route to Washington when he experienced a medical emergency. Read more...

ADRA Teams with Pathfinders to Set
a World Record
at Camporee

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency donated 6,200 backpacks to help Pathfinders set a new Guinness World Record for the most people stuffing backpacks with school supplies simultaneously. Read more...

Adventists in Jamaica Celebrate Solar-Powered System Installation

The new system is expected to significantly reduce the conference’s reliance on traditional energy sources, fostering a greener and more sustainable future for the organization and the community it serves. Read more...


Load the Ark Game Connects Faith Through Play

Today, the digital age offers a new platform for spreading faith. The internet has become a modern-day pulpit, with religious leaders and organizations utilizing websites, podcasts and social media channels to share sermons, teachings and discussions accessible anytime, anywhere. For DayStar Media Labs, an organization founded by a group of friends and siblings to promote Christian arts and media, this digital landscape presented both an opportunity and a challenge. Learn more...

Events & Announcements

Jim Blackwood Celebration of Life
Jim Blackwood, who served for many years as an educator in the Oregon Conference passed to his rest on July 30, 2024. Jim served as Associate Education Superintendent and was principal at Portland Adventist Academy, Tualatin Valley Jr. Academy, and Emerald Jr. Academy. His family invites you to join them in celebrating Jim's life on Sabbath, August 17, at 3:00 PM at the Lebanon Adventist Church at 690 S. 10th Street, Lebanon, Ore.

Gospel Outreach presents:
Pastor Joedy Melashenko and The Melashenko Trio

Gospel Outreach presents Pastor Joedy Melashenko and The Melashenko Trio Special Sabbath Worship Event, August 17 at the Sandy Adventist Church. Sabbath morning worship will begin at 10:30 AM and a gospel concert will follow at 2:00 PM. Audiences all over the world have been blessed by the Christ-centered music and preaching of the Melashenko Family for more than five decades. You will hear thrilling updates about GOSPEL OUTREACH and how God is working in miraculous ways in many difficult regions of the world, amazing testimonies, enjoy sweet fellowship, and hear beautiful Christ-centered harmonies! This Sabbath event provides a perfect opportunity for you to invite a friend or neighbor and be doubly blessed. GUARANTEED! Your hearts will be lifted heavenward and your souls refreshed. The Sandy Adventist Church is located at 18575 SE Langensand Rd, Sandy, OR 97055.

WWU Alumni Sabbath at Rosario
Walla Walla University’s annual alumni Sabbath at Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory will beheld August 23–25, 2024. Come for Sabbath or the full weekend; meals and accommodations require registration by August 19. This year's guest speaker is new WWU president Alex Bryan. For details and registration, visit or call 509-527-2631.

Gladstone Park to Host Vonda Beerman in Concert

You're invited to join us for a concert with renowned vocalist Vonda Beerman, September 6, 7:00 PM at Gladstone Park Adventist Church. Angel Award winner, Vonda Beerman, is an inspirational soprano with an obvious passion for "message" songs. Vonda has consistently strove to keep true to her calling as one of God's musicians, singing concerts in churches, prisons, camp-meetings and numerous telecasts and special events. She travels the country sharing her testimony and music with a passion. This is a free concert. Gladstone Park Adventist Church is located at 8378 Cason Road Gladstone, OR 97027. Questions? Please call 503-655-2614. Listen to a promo song here:
Giving Online

How Can I Give Online?

Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
Give using AdventistGiving...

Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
Each Month

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries in a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
Learn more...

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