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Issue 177 ~ 23rd August 2024


When Mary told me she was going to write about ‘shapewear’ this week it immediately triggered many wonderful memories of when I was younger.

I had a lovely grandma who lived close to us after we moved into the city of Leicester when I was in my teens and I always loved staying with her when my mother and father went away. Grannie was not very tall and was of ample proportions – probably because she was a wonderful cook - but always dressed smartly and always looked beautiful. I remember she had terrible feet with hammer toes that crossed over each other and, looking back, I think she must have suffered with arthritis because she never walked far. (I guess I have inherited the ‘bad feet’ gene!)

It was in Grannie’s corner cupboard in her living room that she kept her corsets. I think she preferred to get dressed in front of the fire as this was well before the days of central heating. I was always fascinated at the intricacies of such a garment. It had bones and endless laces at the back and the front which obviously held Grannie’s body into a firm stranglehold ensuring that no flab was ever going to escape or be visible through her lovely dresses. I remember her saying ‘nobody ever sees me getting dressed!’ which I presumed meant that she felt self-conscious about her body.

As time progressed the heavy-duty corsets progressed to a more commercial and manageable garment called a girdle. By the 1960s wearing a ‘roll-on’ – which is what we all called it - was commonplace. A roll-on was basically an elasticated girdle that held our body in and stopped it wobbling. With Twiggy hitting the fashion scene we all wanted to look slimmer and trimmer, and a roll-on supposedly helped! But it didn’t work for me because my excess fat just squeezed out of the top of the garment, increasing my waist, and also down to my legs, making my thighs fatter! Worse still was the ‘panty-girdle’! Indeed, it made the line over my bottom smoother and my thighs slimmer, but sadly, I then had very fat knees!

When it became apparent that we shouldn’t be wearing girdles at all because they made our stomach muscles lazy, off it went and, to be honest, I was glad to be free of the strangulating corsetry. Then I learned the revelation that exercise burned fat and toned up our body so I decided that was a far healthier way forward.

It was in 2006 that a new trend was launched when, following their meteoric rise to fame with their hard hitting style TV programme, What Not To Wear, Trinny and Suzannah launched their own range of undergarments. "Trinny and Susannah Magic Knickers" were made of nylon and designed to flatten the tummy, buttocks and thighs so they appeared slimmer and compact. Suddenly firming underwear came back into fashion and for a special occasion I decided to treat myself, but when I tried it on under my posh dress, it actually had the opposite effect and made me look bigger. It ended up never being worn and being donated to a charity shop!

Sadly, none of us, not even top models, are happy with our body. We can ALL find bits we wish were slimmer, flatter, bigger or firmer, but the fact is we are all wonderfully different. That’s what makes us special – it’s what makes us unique! Our genes determine some of our characteristics such as height and body type, and our lifestyle determines our weight and fitness. Some illnesses and diseases are inherited but not all of them so what we can aim for is to do everything possible to keep our own body working to the best of its ability. Nobody else can do it for us and if we have a bigger backside than we would like, so what!

Recipe of the Week

Tuna Wrap

Serves 1
Per serving: 300 calories, 1g fat
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: None

1 tortilla wrap per serving
¼ red onion finely chopped
¼ each of two different coloured peppers, finely chopped
1 mushroom, finely chopped
1 stick celery, finely chopped
Fresh coriander (optional)
1 x teaspoon Chilli and Ginger Dipping Sauce
28g tuna, canned in brine, or sardines in tomato sauce

  1. Spread the centre of the tortilla with the dipping sauce.
  2. Sprinkle the finely chopped peppers, onion, mushroom and celery on the sauce in the centre.
  3. Break up the tuna or sardines in a small bowl and place on top of the salad vegetables then top with fresh coriander if you wish.
  4. Now wrap the tortilla edge that’s closest to you over the contents, tucking it under the filling, then fold in the sides of the wrap like a parcel before rolling it up into a sausage shape.
  5. Squeeze to secure then cut diagonally in the centre to serve.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
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Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I wonder if the last time you visited a lingerie department you noticed the explosion in newly styled figure changing shapewear on display. Rows and rows of items that have the amazing ability to 'cinch' your waist, flatten your tummy and even lift your butt! You can even have a full body suit to shape your entire body! I was amazed that it now takes up quite a significant amount of floor space in that department and I can only assume that many are purchasing it as a quick 'fix' for their body shape. 

Now, I think there is a place for it but there are a few facts and figures (forgive the pun!) that need to be highlighted, notably that there are some hidden health risks of squeezing ourselves into shapewear. And it should not come as too much of a surprise that it has become so popular among so many, as it is seen as quicker than spending hours in the gym or embarking on yet another fad diet to drop those unwanted inches. Whilst Rosemary has given us a light-hearted history of her own experience of corsetry, I felt I ought to highlight some of the not-so-good issues:

Digestive issues

Shapewear that is too tight around the tummy area can potentially cause digestive problems. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), for example, exerting pressure on your gut may aggravate your symptoms, particularly after eating. It has also been shown to make conditions like acid reflux and constipation worse as a result from food not moving through the digestive tract easily.

Circulatory issues

Tight shapewear, especially if it compresses the legs, can affect blood circulation and this can lead to swelling, numbness or a tingling sensation. This is not to be confused with compression stockings that are specifically used for varicose veins or after an operation to prevent blood clots which actually improve circulation. In these instances, they should be measured to fit you personally and supplied through a medical practitioner.

Breathing problems

Studies have shown that tight clothing restricts the movement of the diaphragm and causes shallow breathing. This means your respiratory function will be severely restricted. It is not surprising that women historically who were 'sewn' into their corsets were prone to fainting spells!

Skin irritation

Dermatologists note that shapewear worn for extended periods of time and very regularly are more likely to suffer skin irritation, rashes and infections. Also, continuous wear can cause skin chaffing especially in hot conditions, where moisture can get trapped beneath the material.

Reduced visits to the toilet

It is quite likely that the hassle of taking it off to go to the toilet makes you 'hold on' for so long that you risk a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). So, if you know you are prone to these infections make sure you only wear shapewear that is easy to remove.

Women with a prolapse

If you have been diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse then shapewear can make it worse, due to the increased pressure in the abdominal area. The uterus and the bladder are at risk of dropping further into the vagina.

The right approach

So, am I saying you should never wear such items? No, but there are a few suggestions here to make sure none of the above become an issue:

  • It's best to choose shapewear that is not too tight, so take care when selecting the right size for you. Avoid anything that feels uncomfortable that is likely to leave marks on your skin. It should feel snug but not overly restrictive.
  • It is advisable to only wear them for short periods and not at work every day, for example.
  • Modern fabrics are designed to be fairly breathable such as Spandex, Lycra and nylon but look for a product that has some cotton in it, as it is breathable and light against the skin. It is also less likely to irritate sensitive skin.
Your natural corset

You will not be surprised if I encourage you to develop your own ‘natural corset’ that we all possess. It lies under the skin - and not on top of it! If you look at the diagram below of your four abdominal muscles you will clearly see that they provide a superb ‘waist cinching' potential that simply needs a bit of work for it to be the best it can be. The lines of the muscles indicate in which direction they 'pull' and particularly along the sides you will see the oblique muscles that draw the waist in the most effectively:

Layer 1 - The Transverse Abdominals
Just by pulling our tummy in we will activate this muscle. The muscle fibres run across our torso so they literally flatten our tummy as we pull in.

Layer 2 - The Internal Obliques
These draw our waist area in an upward direction.

Layer 3 - The External Obliques
We can clearly see these on either side of the waist and they literally draw our waist inwards.

Layer 4 - The Rectus Abdominis
This is the part of our abdominals that is often referred to as the 'six pack' - and we have seen plenty of examples during the Olympics on all those athletes who will never need help with their shape! Its importance, however, has often been over-rated as the transverse and the obliques play a much bigger part in giving us a great shape.

Would I wear a shaping garment?

I admit to wearing such an item for the wedding of one of my daughters. The dress was rather figure-hugging and the shapewear provided a significantly smoother 'look'. It was good for a brief glance in the mirror, but not for several hours of wearing! My mother-in-law always said we should suffer for fashion but on that occasion, it was a step too far so it was hastily removed for the evening disco!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. On your daily 30+ minute walks this week, occasionally pull in the transverse and hold for a slow count of 10. It really works to flatten the tummy!
  2. Do The Plank and hold for 30 seconds every day this week. This is great for your core.
  3. See if you can manage the Advanced Whole Body Strength Programme once this week and try to do the Advanced Waist Shaper that is included in that programme every day this week.
  4. Try to do one session of either Pilates or Ballet this week as both workouts focus on your core.
Rosemary demonstrates how to do "The Plank"
Did you know... 

Playtex was founded in 1932 as the International Latex Corporation by Abraham Nathaniel Spanel, an American industrialist, inventor and philanthropist who held over 2,000 patents. Spanel’s original factory in New York produced ladies’ swim caps and latex gloves.

After the Second World War the company used the materials developed for their army and navy life jackets for other purposes, particularly for intimate apparel garments such as girdles and bras.

Playtex is noted for a focusing on particularly comfortable girdles. Remember the 1974 TV advertisement for the 18 hour girdle? It had a lady walking up the steps of a plane with her husband, obviously enjoying their jet-setting life. She stopped in horror saying she couldn't fly because she'd forgotten her girdle - only to remember she had it on!

Playtex also developed the I can’t believe it’s a girdle range and the cross your heart bra design which enjoyed worldwide success, and they became the first company to use live models instead of mannequins to model bras in TV commercials.

You can re-live the jeopardy of the whole will-they won't-they make it on the plane advert all over again by clicking here!

And finally...

Reading this week’s Newsletter will, I am sure, trigger many memories of times gone by and that for many of us the very idea of wearing shapewear is no long entertained or desired, even if there are a few lumps and bumps we would like to smooth over. In my view, the memory of the discomfort of wearing such a garment far outweighs the benefit of squeezing into one! Let’s instead continue with our regular exercises and shape up naturally, strengthening our core and standing tall.

And remember, even if we have a few lbs and inches we wish we hadn’t, we are all still special!

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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