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Expressway News

August 2024


Navigating school zones, construction areas, and the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone requires careful attention and adjustments to maintain the safety and health of our region. By staying informed, you can help ensure safety while supporting the preservation of our community’s infrastructure and natural resources. 


Back-to-School Safety

Back-to-school season is officially upon us. Staying alert behind the wheel is the way to stay at the head of the class. School zones are designated areas near schools that often have heavy traffic, with drivers, students, and other pedestrians sharing the road. Adhering to traffic laws in these zones is crucial to protect students, parents, and school staff.  

Observe Speed Limits

School zones typically have reduced speed limits during specific hours, particularly when students are arriving or leaving school. Watch for flashing lights or signals that indicate you're entering a school zone, as these are your first cues to slow down. 

Be Aware of Crossing Guards

Crossing guards are there to ensure students cross the street safely. Always stop when directed by a crossing guard and wait until they signal it’s safe to proceed. Remember to respect pedestrian right-of-way - as a driver, it’s your responsibility to yield to them. 

Stop for School Buses

When a school bus stops and extends its stop arm, all traffic in both directions must come to a complete stop. Stopping for a school bus might cause a delay, but it’s a small price to pay for the safety of students. 

Eyes Up, Phone Down

Phone use is prohibited in school zones. Stay alert for stopping vehicles and children arriving and leaving school.  


Traveling in Construction Zones

From school zones to construction zones, safety remains a priority. Construction zones, areas where work is underway, demand extra caution from drivers to protect both workers and motorists. Here are essential tips for driving safely through construction zones: 

Observe Reduced Speed Limits: Construction zones often have reduced speed limits to account for changing conditions. Follow these posted limits, even if the area seems clear.  

Stay Alert for Changing Conditions: Construction zones may present sudden changes in road conditions, such as uneven surfaces or new lane shifts. Stay alert and adjust your driving as needed. Be prepared for potential delays and plan your route in advance to minimize frustration and ensure safe driving. 

Watch for Construction Workers and Equipment: Construction workers often operate close to the roadway and equipment may enter the roadway. Please slow down and keep an eye out to help protect yourself and our crews. 

Remain Patient: Construction zones may lead to traffic congestion and delays. Taking a moment to let other drivers merge and follow road rules can significantly help maintain a smooth flow of traffic through the area. A little patience now might just be returned to you later. 


Protecting the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
As Water Quality Month comes to a close, we want to highlight our ongoing efforts to protect our water resources. Our commitment to safeguarding these resources extends beyond this month, aiming to maintain or enhance water quality through all our processes. Our projects follow the Edwards Aquifer Protection Rules, along with national best practices, to minimize erosion and sedimentation and develop Edwards Aquifer Protection plans to prevent contaminants from entering our water supply. Our teams also implement water quality treatment measures including water quality ponds, vegetative filter strips, and detention ponds to support volumetric increases. As we close out the month of August, the Mobility Authority remains committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability and quality of our water resources. 
Learn More about Our Green Initatives

Early Opening of New Non-Tolled
Travel Lanes on 183 North

The Mobility Authority is proud to announce we have delivered the early opening of an additional non-tolled travel lane in both directions on the 183 North Mobility Project corridor (between SH 45 and MoPac on US 183) - just in time for back-to-school travel. This accomplishment means smoother, more reliable travel as construction continues, and it’s something that we prioritized bringing to fruition as quickly as possible as a part of the many mobility improvements coming to northwest Austin through this project.    

Special thanks to our hardworking construction crew for making this happen and thanks to our community for their patience as we continue our work on the rest of the project corridor. Details and future improvement updates can be found at

After less than a year of construction, travelers have been enjoying time savings on southbound MoPac between Bee Cave Road and Loop 360 since January 12, 2024. With added pavement and reconfigured ramps, drivers now have more time and space to merge, accelerate, and travel to their destinations. Join us in reflecting on this important non-tolled project fully funded by the Mobility Authority. 

Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
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