August 23, 2024

Remote Adventure Camp
Encourages Kids to Disconnect from Technology
and Reconnect with Each Other

As technology and digital devices become more and more deeply embedded in the lives of most Americans, a group of Adventists between the Umpqua Valley region and the neighboring Oregon Coast have been working to provide a unique offline experience that reconnects kids with nature, each other, and Jesus. Church members of the Bandon, Coquille, and Coos Bay Seventh-day Adventist churches have been leading what is now called “Remote Adventure Camp” for almost two decades. Keep reading...

Lift Jesus Higher Venue Change Announced

Please note that this Sabbath's Lift Jesus Higher event has moved to Rogue Valley Adventist Academy and will accompanying Church in the Valley that day. It will be held 2:00-4:00 PM. Learn more...

August 2024 OCYS Offering Video

The August 2024 Oregon Conference Youth Support offering focus is on Big Lake Youth Camp and the ministry it is to the young people and the families of those who attend each year. Learn more about the Oregon Conference Youth Support Offering and what it goes
for in this video...

Church in the Valley Happening this Sabbath!

This Sabbath, August 24th, the Medford, Grants Pass, Gateway, SonRise, Valley View, and Rogue River Adventist churches will close for the day, inviting their members to join them at RVAA, with members from Medford Spanish, Ashland, and others joining as well for a very special Church in the Valley.
Learn more...

Farther Afield

WWU Invests Eternally in Adventist Teachers

Walla Walla University believes Adventist education is more important than ever. WWU is now offering innovative new programs and collaborative services to support even more Adventist teachers as they inspire academic excellence and faith in God. Read more...

‘The Hopeful’ Available to Stream in North America Starting Aug. 23

Viewers in North America can visit to stream the film at home, school, or church. The platform will offer several options, including a gifting feature that allows viewers to pay it forward to others, spreading hope within their communities. Learn more...

New Immersive Experience Ignites Youth’s Interest in
Health Care Careers

The 11,000 square-foot immersive showcase debuted at the International Pathfinder Camporee, featuring high-tech simulation labs, virtual and mixed reality stations, and custom health care-inspired video games. Read on...


LifeTalk Radio for Kids Keeps Imaginations Active

A new school year is just around the corner. While you're busy getting school supplies, new school clothes and a sturdy new backpack for your students, don't forget kids grow better with radio. Research shows that excessive TV viewing causes kids to have trouble paying attention and thinking clearly, but radio can fuel their imagination! has dozens of excellent programs to expand the minds of children. LifeTalk Kids is available 24/7 online and on our LifeTalk App.
Discover adventure tales, Bible stories, science, history, nature and more...

Events & Announcements

Dinner with the Doctor at Castle Rock

Castle Rock Adventist Church is pleased to host a "Dinner with the Doctor" on Thursday, August 29 at 6:00 PM. The topic for the evening is “Gut Health". All are invited, bring a friend or family member! There will be a light plant-based meal followed by Arvi Generoso, M.D. speaking on “Gut Health", with a time for questions. Castle Rock Adventist Church is located at 7531 Old Pacific Hwy No. Castle Rock, Wash.- Exit 49. Questions? Call Wanda at 360-967-2165.

Portland Adventist Academy Substitute Teachers Needed!

PAA is looking for responsible substitute teachers for the coming school year. Subs work with friendly and energetic high school students. Teachers provide all material so all you have to do is be present and follow instructions. No college degree is necessary, but you must be 21 or older. Work would be occasional and only during school hours on weekdays. All candidates must pass a background check (paid for by PAA). To apply or learn more about the job, email or call 503-255-8372.

WWU Alumni Sabbath at Rosario

Walla Walla University’s annual alumni Sabbath at Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory will beheld August 23–25, 2024. Come for Sabbath or the full weekend; meals and accommodations require registration by August 19. This year's guest speaker is new WWU president Alex Bryan. For details and registration, visit or call 509-527-2631.

Gladstone Park to Host Vonda Beerman in Concert

You're invited to join us for a concert with renowned vocalist Vonda Beerman, September 6, 7:00 PM at Gladstone Park Adventist Church. Angel Award winner, Vonda Beerman, is an inspirational soprano with an obvious passion for "message" songs. Vonda has consistently strove to keep true to her calling as one of God's musicians, singing concerts in churches, prisons, camp-meetings and numerous telecasts and special events. She travels the country sharing her testimony and music with a passion. This is a free concert. Gladstone Park Adventist Church is located at 8378 Cason Road Gladstone, OR 97027. Questions? Please call 503-655-2614. Listen to a promo song here:

Boat Cruise with Canvasback Missions
On September 15, Canvasback Missions invites everyone to enjoy a Willamette River Boat Cruise. It’s a guided tour up river on a 2.5 hour round trip cruise. We will see some of the most beautiful scenery on the Willamette River! We will stop at Rock Island Falls and see the Volcanic Caldera just to name a few of the great sights. There are seven bridges and four islands so bring a camera. Learn more and register at
Giving Online

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Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
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Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
Each Month

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries in a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
Learn more...

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