Defence Research Network

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Monthly Members' Newsletter

For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics concerning policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.

For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. It is always worth remembering that we would be nothing without you! For our September newsletter we are talking about developing an academic/professional identity. We have lots to share with you so we hope you enjoy the read.

Scroll down to get up to date with the news, opinions, events and opportunities from our members...
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Welcome to this edition of the Defence Research Network newsletter!

Hello there! After a month off in August, we are back with our latest newsletter focusing on "Developing an Academic and Professional Identity." This edition invites you to engage with three thoughtful reflections from our members, each sharing their personal journeys, insights, and the challenges they've navigated in academia and professional practice.

Our community section has been bustling with activity, and you can catch up on these updates below. We also encourage you to explore the events and opportunities section for new additions that will be of great interest.

Finally, thank you all for your valuable contributions. Your insights are essential to the success of our network, and we always welcome your ideas or submissions for upcoming themes.

Tegan Watt Harrison
Newsletter Editor
Defence Research Network

A child, employee, partner, and researcher of the Armed Forces. A personal reflection of my 32-year indirect journey.
By Siobhan Cambridge, RMN, MSc, MSc, BA Hons
Summary: But what is my pull towards the Armed Forces environment? Reflecting on my indirect journey with the Armed Forces and what has led me to my current PhD research project. I am currently completing a PhD research project aiming to understand the experience of ‘military mobility’ for adolescents from British Armed Forces families. This initially stems from my personal experience as a child from an Army family, and professional experience as a Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHs) Nurse, overseas in the Sovereign Base Areas alongside British Forces Cyprus. My partner is currently serving as a Captain in the Army. And my research has always been focused on the Armed Forces or veteran community, with the aim to promote awareness of experiences, challenges and to recommend support.

I was born in British Forces Germany, but only lived there until the age of 2, where we then moved as a family to an area in the East Midlands of England. When I was 3 years old, my parents made the decision to settle in the North West of England, which was both their birthplace and where our wider family lived. This decision was made as my older brother began primary school. So, my memory of ‘military mobility’ is non-existent. Nevertheless, what I can remember due to my dad’s cap badge*, he was continuously away from the family home. Once my parents made the decision for my mum, siblings, and I to live away from the Armed Forces environment, we were not integrated into the culture. Therefore, I would never refer to myself as a child from an Army family. And I didn’t until starting to work as a Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHs) Nurse in British Forces Cyprus. I probably only stated this as I felt it gave a sense of understanding and familiarity for the young people I worked with. This might be why I still question the identity as I never felt any kind of familiarity. In all honesty, I have probably used it more for other people’s benefit rather than my own. In addition to this, from memory there were no other children in my school who had parents in the Armed Forces or whose parent was continuously away and returned. This might not have been the case; however, I don’t remember ever talking about or anyone ever asking me how I felt about this experience. So, I guess the association and identity as a child from an Armed Forces family was never applied.

Growing up my dad was often away on deployments or postings; I couldn’t tell you how many times or where to. But I remember the different dynamics we as a family had to readjust to when he was away and returned. Having to adapt was an extremely difficult experience when my dad was serving but especially when he was medically discharged with a spinal injury at the 21-year point. Even when my dad had left the Army, there was still an impact both physically and mentally from his time in service. Plus, there wasn’t the same physical or mental support when my dad was in the Army or when he was medically discharged, and it was still taboo to talk about your experiences. So, without going into any personal detail when my dad left the Army it was a very challenging and stressful time, even as a child. There was a sense of feeling powerless and confused. You love your family members; you want them to be happy but there is a massive life change to adapt too. A life change which is overall positive but comes with lots of difficulties. Thus, not only were the transitions difficult for my dad, but it had a massive impact on us as a family and as individuals. Again, from memory there was no support that I am aware of that was offered to my siblings and me.

From this, growing up I had a negative opinion of the Armed Forces. I didn’t understand why the organisation was allowed to negatively impact my family and I so much. I also couldn't understand why anyone would join, which triggered my interest to explore the subject from a research perspective, as part of my undergraduate degree in Applied Social Science and Social Policy. The veterans that I interviewed completely changed my perception, opinion, and thinking. I began to wonder about the transition experience for Armed Forces personnel back to civilian life. I subsequently completed a Psychology Masters; the qualitative dissertation research explored the transition period and how it affects veterans’ identity and sense of self (if you would like to read more, please see reference at the end of the article). Here, I interviewed a veteran, who suggested that I should be interviewing family members of Armed Forces personnel to get their perspective. This initiated my further interest, especially from my personal experience.

When I completed my Mental Health Nursing Masters, I focused on veteran’s experience in the NHS, electing to do a short placement at Combat Stress. However, the idea of support for the families of Armed Forces personnel was always in the back of my mind. After being qualified as a registered Mental Health Nurse for 18 months, I went on to work as a CAMHs nurse working with the families of Armed Forces personnel, in British Forces Cyprus.

Working and living in British Forces Cyprus was an incredible experience. I worked and made friends with many different Armed Forces personnel, MoD, and civilian families, professionals, plus, health, social care, and educational organisations. Nevertheless, it wasn’t always sunny. There were elements for me and a lot of other people I spoke with that found living on an overseas Armed Forces base as a ‘bubble’. This ‘bubble’ can create a sense of detachment and distance from life off the base; but then again, I suppose it can become your life when you are living in the ‘bubble’. When assessing and providing therapeutic interventions for children and adolescents from British Armed Forces families, based in British Forces Cyprus, the main presentations tended to be social anxiety, low mood, or relationship difficulties. Even as an adult, I experienced the constant change of friends which I found difficult. Especially as you are away from your usual surroundings and support network, there’s a sense of becoming reliant on those around you.

So, despite my personal experience of ‘military mobility’ being limited, working with this population I saw how it can have an impact. This impact is person specific and can be positive or negative. Again, with my researcher’s hat on, this further developed my interest.

Whilst living in British Forces Cyprus, I met my partner who is a Captain in the Army. I left whilst he remained posted to British Forces Cyprus, he then returned to the UK to complete pre-deployment training before he was deployed and gone again. I have found this whole experience challenging, like when I was a child, I must adjust and readjust to my partner being away and returning. Even as an adult family member of an Armed Forces personnel there is an element of feeling powerless. You don’t know when they are going to be able to talk to you next, you don’t know when they will return home for their rest and recuperation period or from their deployment, or you think you know, and it can change last minute. You worry whether the relationship is going to be the same, you don’t truly understand what they are experiencing or going through. Or there are times when you can be excited or upset about something and the one person in that moment you want to tell you can’t. So, by the time you do tell them it’s not as exciting or you’re more upset. Then conflictingly this causes feelings of selfishness and guilt. You aren’t the one on the deployment. But you are the one waiting around feeling powerless. For me, these feelings are likely heightened from my experience as a child. Furthermore, when I left British Forces Cyprus, not only did my partner remain but I left the Armed Forces environment behind. There is a sense of familiarity and camaraderie living on an overseas Armed Forces base. Due to the intense environment, there was always someone who wanted to do something. Moving back to the UK, even though it was my decision, was difficult to adapt to. I can’t imagine what this could feel like for a child or adolescent who has no choice in the matter.

So, what is the pull? I guess, even as a child who was distanced from, I was indirectly impacted, without choice or meaning to, by the Armed Forces. This 32-year indirect journey and these different experiences have led me to the PhD research I am now completing, in which I aim to understand the experience of ‘military mobility’ for adolescents from British Armed Forces families. From a researcher and professional experience there has been elements that have led to this from talking to Serving Personnel, veterans, and family members. But also from personal experience, I want to help support this population and raise awareness. As I have lived, researched, and worked alongside this population; I am aware of the many positives and negatives. This is why I want to complete the PhD research; to make an impact for this community. Even whilst completing my PhD research there is a pull. I have recently volunteered to support children and adolescents from Naval connected families to Lourdes for a week over Easter 2024.
For myself, from this 32-year indirect journey, not only do I want to help others, but I feel like I have taken back some power. I have decided to research and work with this community. To not fester on my historical negative views and experiences. But to turn them into helping others going through similar experiences. That’s the pull.

*cap badge - The cap badge, also known by some regiments as a ‘cypher’ or ‘the motto’, is worn on Army berets and headdress and is a great source of pride to soldiers. It is an easy way of identifying the wearer’s regiment and embodies the spirit of that unit and its historical lineage.


Binks, E., & Cambridge, S. (2018). The Transition Experiences of British Military Veterans. Political Psychology, 39(1), 125–142. 
A photograph of Siobhan and her family.
Reflections on the challenges of academic and professional identities
By Marshall Gerbrandt, PhD student at the University of New Brunswick   

Who I am as an individual is the sum of many things – soldier, veteran, academic, partner, and parent. Yet even this list omits other important aspects of my life while also failing to show the existing relationship and tensions between these identities. In what follows, I describe the tensions that exist as one moves from institutional insider to outsider. Of course, all of this occurs alongside the need to reconcile one identity while trying to develop another. 

For me, I start this inquiry identifying myself as an academic. Yet, I remain conscious of the ways my military experience continues to influence me. My military journey lasted twenty years. I joined the navy following high school as a non-commissioned member. At the time, the idea of higher education did not appeal to me, yet the opportunity to travel and be part of a larger organization did. After five years, I sought a change and became an officer in the army. My military service was filled with a variety of experiences at home, throughout Canada, and elsewhere in the world. These experiences shaped my identity while also informing who and what I thought a military member ought to be.

The position from which I speak or write is constantly in flux. Ten years ago, I would have approached this subject as an insider both unaware and unable to critically critique the Canadian military as an institution beyond the tactical and technical aspects of my daily life. Five years ago, I was perhaps more aware but less able to initiate external critique. Maintaining this idea of being in flux, I think it also contributes to how we might view our own identity. When thinking about cultural identity, Stuart Hall (1989) suggested there are two different approaches. The first defines cultural identity as a singular shared experience, where that identity reflects a common experience and shared frames of reference while the second draws our attention to difference.

This idea aligns with the Canadian military’s definition of culture and much of my own experience. Reflecting upon my early years within the military, the idea of one shared experience resonated with me and my experiences. Yet, all these experiences occurred from a place of privilege – privilege that I did not recognize throughout much of my time in the military. My privilege extended beyond rank to include all aspects of my identities, which is able-bodied, White, male, and one which conformed to institutional norms and expectations. For too long, this privilege blinded me to Hall’s second definition of cultural identity – experiences of difference – yet it describes a tension that I now experience as I move from a professional identity based upon military service towards one nested within academia.

I no longer have formal ties to the Canadian military, yet I wonder if the term outsider is truly applicable. As I think about my role as an academic, how do I rationalize or understand my own experiences alongside those whose experiences I want to better understand as part of my own research. I wonder if my previous experience represents an opportunity – shared but different experiences – or a hurdle if I am simply viewed as perpetuating the status quo. David Walker (2016) suggested “military insider-ness may be put to good research use” (p. 256) when one adopts a professional and reflexive approach. Reflecting upon the idea of difference, I recognize that while I shared space with others, our perceptions and experiences were not the same.

As I work towards developing an academic identity, it is Hall’s (1989) second take on cultural identity that becomes significant. Here, the idea of culture moved beyond similarities and drew attention to the “critical points of deep and significant difference” (p. 70, emphasis in original) which form “what we really are” or “what we have become” (p. 70). Hall suggested that we cannot speak about a single experience or identity without recognizing difference and thus culture is positioned as both becoming and being. This need to recognize and reflect upon points of difference is particularly salient when one’s academic interests, and thus their identity, overlap with other existing or previously held identities. These ideas of difference create tension.

As I negotiate these identities, I am reminded that who we were does not necessarily represent who we are. Hall (1989) suggested identity is neither fixed nor complete, but instead “always in process” (p. 68). The identity that would have described me upon joining the military differed from those I would use upon leaving. Walker (2016) suggested we ought to put our insider-ness to work within qualitative military research, but noted that alongside our existing knowledge, we must strive for critical analysis. Taking this idea further, while we “write and speak from a particular place and time, from a history and a culture which is specific” (Hall, 1989, p. 68), we must remain conscious of the ways our experience influences us.

So, as I continue to negotiate the tensions caused by developing an academic identity that encompasses my military one, there are two questions that I often return to. First, why me? And second, why consider culture within the military? Naomi Nichols (2014) suggested social scientists have both an ethical and intellectual responsibility to “produce knowledge that will improve the conditions of our interconnected life” (p. 23). While I no longer serve in the military, it remains a large part of my identity, whether vocalized or not. There is a lingering obligation to continue to make the daily life of military members better. Beyond my own connection, the military as an institution permutates everyday life – from ideas of masculinity to nationalism. For me, by focusing on the daily experience and the way military culture shapes it, I wonder if I also hold an idealistic notion that change can extend beyond the institution.

Hall, S. (1989). Cultural identity and cinematic representation. The Journal of Cinema and Media, 36(36), 68–81.
Nichols, N. (2014). Youth work: An institutional ethnography of youth homelessness. University of Toronto Press.
Walker, D. (2016). Putting “insider-ness” to work: Researching identity narratives of career soldiers about to leave the army. In L. Cohen, L. Manion, & K. Morrison (Eds.), Research Methods in Education (pp. 256–267). Routledge.

Reflections on academic identity in the wider socio-political and institutional context
By Barış Çelik
In this brief contribution to this month’s newsletter, I would like to reflect upon what I think impacts the changing nature of my academic identity. This is a topic I have been thinking about quite a bit recently as someone with a teaching-heavy contract at a Russell Group university. For readers who are not familiar, Russell Group refers to top-tier UK universities in terms of research, teaching and learning excellence. This being said, recent teaching excellence metrics show that only a handful of Russell Group universities deliver outstanding and highest quality teaching, while student satisfaction levels in these universities tend to be lower than universities outside the Russell Group. One of the potential explanations for this is that Russell Group universities are often seen as ‘research-intensive universities’ that are associated with high-quality research measured mainly by publications, research grants and non-non-academic engagement.
This significant emphasis on research – and the apparent disconnect between research and teaching excellence – makes me question my role as a Teaching Associate at a research-intensive, Russell Group university. To what extent is my teaching valued? What is the status of teaching compared to research in my institution, especially in terms of prestige, workload allocation, and the institutional support that is available for teaching-focused colleagues? And most of all, how can I describe my academic identity in this environment?
In developing my academic identity, I often ended up working with scholars in my immediate social and professional context, then adding as a second layer my working conditions such as my teaching, research and administration commitment. Another consideration is the wider dynamics such as funding opportunities, the higher education sector, even the larger political and economic contexts. This means that whenever I think about my academic identity, I end up reflecting upon the complex setting within which my academic identity is shaped.
I also research and teach in the field of security and defence studies. This field also presents particular challenges for my academic identity, not least because it is an area that has ethical implications due to its inevitable interaction with resources, actors and processes such as military officers, international arms trade, and organised violence in the form of war and conflict.
So for me, thinking about academic identity means considering not only professional or technical but also wider sociological and political contexts in which I am working.
Reflections on crafting an academic identity: the role of conferences 
By Veronika Poniscjakova
In mid-September, I attended the International Society of Military Sciences (ISMS) conference, held at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm. I was proud to present two co-authored papers on professional military education, representing the work of our Portsmouth Military Education team.

I believe that conferences are a valuable tool in crafting one’s academic identity. Presenting my papers helped me articulate my ideas more clearly and confidently, while networking opened doors to potential collaborations. By staying up to date with emerging trends and best practices in military science, I am better equipped to position myself within the academic community.

I always enjoy attending conferences, as they provide an opportunity to meet new people, exchange ideas, and expand my network. At the ISMS conference, I had the pleasure of meeting many new colleagues. I also met Dr Megghi Pengili, a DRN alumna, in person for the first time. She presented an insightful paper titled “The Challenge of Public-Private Partnerships Towards Grand Strategy Designs for Defence,” which offered a fresh perspective on strategic defence partnerships. I found the diversity of presentations truly stimulating, and it was inspiring to engage with such a wide range of experts in the field.

One aspect of the conference that stood out to me was the Swedish Defence University’s impressive wargaming initiatives. These projects sparked ideas about how our own Portsmouth Military Education team could incorporate similarly innovative approaches.

Overall, I believe that attending conferences is essential, especially for early career researchers (ECRs) and PhD students who are hoping to expand their professional networks.
News from our committee & community
Edited by Tegan Harrison 
Thank you for all your contributions to this edition! It is wonderful to hear from you and we do enjoy sharing your work with our members. Please enjoy reading said contributions below!

Dr Veronika Poniscjakova continues her work with the media. She has provided commentary for France 24 and TVP World and has also presented at two conferences: the aforementioned International Society of Military Sciences Conference held in Stockholm and the COMEC (Council of Military Education Committees) conference at RAF College Cranwell.

Lucy Robinson, our Twitter Manager, has also been busy over the last month, having attended and presented at two conferences!

She ran a workshop, 'Getting creative with data familiarisation' at the International Creative Research Methods Conference (#ICRMC2024). Then, later in the week, she shared some of her doctoral findings and implications for practice at BERA (#BERAWERA2024).

If you're interested in finding out more about her work, have a look on Twitter/X or click here. 

Jaswant Mann has kindly shared some images of the British Commonwealth War Graves site at the cemetery in the town of Ohlsdorf Germany.  

“I am a West Midlands VAPC member.  

I went on an European cruise in November 2022 and visited the British Commonwealth War Graves site at the cemetery in the town of Ohlsdorf Germany. 

It is the largest non-military cemetery in the world and commemorates both WW1 and WW2 soldiers. I was notified that there are 676 and 18899 graves respectively.   

I was greatly heartened to see the British site was carefully and respectfully maintained (although signage and directions were somewhat confusing).  

I submit this article, and my original photographs, for inclusion in these newsletters or other communications and hope they will benefit relatives who lost loved ones but cannot easily visit or readily travel abroad to Germany.” 

The FiMT Research Centre are inviting you to take part in their new research exploring the perceived value of military Service on post-Service life.
We often state that the majority of personnel transition well, but the evidence of what that looks like and how Service may have added value to post-Service life is limited.
The purpose of this new research,
 the OUTCOMES STUDY, is to build evidence about the impact of military Service that focuses on the ‘normative’ experience, rather than on the challenges and difficulties.
If you are ex-British forces, and left service between 2 and 10 years ago, please consider taking part in an online focus group - we’d love to hear from you. As a thank you for your time you will be offered a £25 high street voucher after completion.
Follow this link to learn more and take part and please share with your networks:
We look forward to hearing from you. 
The FiMT Research Centre team.
David Burden, PhD Candidate, Wargaming Urban Conflict has just had his paper on the wargames of the Battle of Hue published in a book of collected papers on urban operations which you can find using the following link

What we have been listening to
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
War on the Rocks Ukrainecast Ukraine World Eastern Front
Do get in touch if you have heard a fascinating podcast or you have been involved in one, we'd love to include it in a future newsletter.
September Twitter Hour: Developing an Academic/Professional Identity 
Edited by Lucy Robinson
This month's #TwitterHour was on 'Developing an Academic/Professional Identity'. Thank you very much to all those who engaged with the four questions. Below, we share the highlights! 
1. What is your top tip for developing an academic or professional identity?
  • Try to engage with working groups/colleagues with similar interests. Chat to ones who don't- as they might be able to point you in the direction of people who can help. Reach out.
  • Embracing change would be my top tip. Especially in academic work it's easy to explore new interests, challenge your own assumptions, and adapt to new fields as you interact more with research and teaching. So I'd say stay curious and be open to learn.
  • My top tip is to make others aware of what you do! Promote your work and yourself to build your own 'personal brand.' And engage with others to expand your professional network
  • Keeping a record of all your professional development achievements can be really helpful to reflect on your progress and see what you need to work on. 
  • For those moving from military service to academia, I think it’s important to recognize your own experience does not represent all experiences.
  • Think about different ways to engage different audiences. A paper might impact your field but unless you can translate it into other formats you will limit its reach. Try to maximise the different ways you share your findings - think podcast, blog, tweet, drawing!
2. How do you use professional social media like Linkedin or ResearchGate to build your academic or Professional profile?
  • Perhaps not directly for professional profile, but I used LinkedIn quite a bit for contacting interview partners during my research. I had realised that some of the retired military officers can be quite active there
  • This links to my previous point! I use LinkedIn A LOT! Whenever I do something noteworthy in my professional life, I post about it. This not only enhances my profile but also leads to interaction with other academics.
    • I use LinkedIn much the same as @VPoniscjakova ! If you're starting a PhD, I recommend getting it in your first year and using it to share professional developments and build networks.
  • For me, I have used social media like LinkedIn as an online CV where I make sure I am putting myself out for future opportunities or for making connections with people with the same area of interest, and it's an attempt to create a personal brand. As social media gives you a broad audience, it is also for recruiters to reach out to you rather than the other way around. I think it also projects that you are, as a candidate, on a journey to develop your professional identity and are up-to-date with current developments in your specific field. And in this age of technology, I think it is a very important aspect and is appreciated professionally.
3. How can mentorship be helpful in developing academic/professional identity for PhD students and early career researchers/ young professionals?
  • Mentorship is super important! I don’t have 'formal' mentors, but there are two people I turn to for advice and guidance. Their input has been so helpful in shaping my academic and professional journey, and I appreciate it more than I can say!
  • Mentorship has been invaluable to me. Having someone to ask questions of, someone who champions you, helps pick you up after rejections, helps you shape your academic identity, and teaches you skills you didn't even know you needed. I owe so much to mine, thank you.
  • A good supervisor/mentor should help open doors for you and support your development from day one. They should recognise gaps in your skill/experience and help to develop these.
  • An approachable mentor can create a safe space for open communication, allowing ECRs (and any mentee) to explore their interests and build confidence. This might be controversial, but I think a nice mentor can even be more valuable and helpful than one with extensive expertise.
  • I think mentorship is a very important aspect, I always seek advice, feedback from a mentor, or someone who has enough knowledge to guide me. When you are an early bird in the academic world, I think mentorship gives you a path, and  you don't feel directionless. I think having someone to talk to even when you are confused helps you straight out your approach while you are paving your professional or academic identity. Because what you are going to learn in the professional world, they have already been through it.
4. What major challenges have you faced or are currently facing in developing your academic or professional identity?
  • Being an interdisciplinary researcher can make this a challenge as you can be juggling an identity that is trying to reach across multiple disciplines. I think finding others in a similar position and building networks in the different fields can help. 
  • This is a tough one! For me, it’s been figuring out who I actually want to be and how to 'frame' myself—do I want to be seen as an academic, a leader, or something else? It’s tricky trying to balance different roles.
Thanks again to all those who contributed! #DefResChat
What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova 
Russian Warfare and Influence: States in the Intersection Between East and West
Mikael Weissmann, Niklas Nilsson 

This new edited book examines the vulnerabilities of countries neighbouring Russia to its influence and hybrid warfare tactics, as well as their responses to these security threats. It explores local developments in states such as Ukraine, Finland, Armenia, and Serbia, analysing specific cases to provide a deeper conceptual understanding of hybrid warfare. Rather than treating these states as passive victims, the book highlights their active role in countering Russian aggression.
You can get a copy
Ground Truth: The Moral Component in Contemporary British Warfare
Frank Ledwidge, Aaron Edwards, Helen Parr 

 This new edited book addresses the ethical deficiencies in the operational conduct of war by Western armed forces, which have largely been overlooked in scholarly critiques. Featuring analysis from leading soldiers, veterans, and scholars in military ethics, the volume discusses a range of issues, from conducting counterinsurgency campaigns to the failure to properly account for defeat. It explores the military's role in a democratic society, examines past solutions to ethical challenges, and considers lessons for the future of military conduct.
You can get a copy
Edited by Lucy Robinson
Click on the images below, or follow the links, to find out more about these upcoming events.

If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by Lucy Robinson
Click on the images below, follow the links, or scan the QR codes, to find out more about these upcoming opportunities.

The 2024 Military Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum (MSOTL) will be held online, 2-3 October 2024. This event is free to attend. We especially welcome educators in military learning environments, including those working in professional military education as well as training organizations both in the United States and abroad.

The theme for this year's conference is: The Future of Military Education: Technology and the Art of War.

The conference includes plenary presentations and breakout presentations of research aligned with the following tracks:

  1. Evidence-based instructional strategies
  2. Faculty development
  3. Assessment
  4. Learning theories and andragogy
  5. Distributed learning
  6. Educational technology
  7. Research methods

For questions or assistance, please contact

As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!

Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
October: Networking 
We hope you've enjoyed our news, tips and recommendations so far. In case you missed our previous newsletter editions, check out our archive section here!

As usual, we will be looking to showcase some early-career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation with' pieces with more established academics. And let us know about any relevant events, from book launches to webinars. We'll keep an eye on our Twitter account to keep you posted!

Keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
See you soon and many thanks for being part of our network!
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
Thank you so much for joining our network.

Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.

For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at 

The DRN team 
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