Ceci n'est pas une newsletter      by COFACE Families Europe

20 September 2024

Dear all,  

September is a packed month for European politics particularly following the June elections. In Brussels, this week has been busy with the unveiling of the new European Commission portfolios by President-elect Ursula von der Leyen, presenting her plans for 2024-2029 to the European Parliament. COFACE will continue to closely monitor developments and strengthen partnerships with the Commission to shape a family-supportive Europe. Read more here.

Advocacy remains at the forefront of our work across Europe. In France, for the sixth consecutive year, our dear COFACE Disability member Unapei and their partners have issued a crucial "Back-to-School" reminder that not all children have access to appropriate schooling. Their campaign #jaipasecole draws attention to the critical issue of children with disabilities being denied access to suitable education and aims to push for systemic changes to guarantee their rights. Find out more here

Keep scrolling for more updates and news affecting families throughout Europe.

Senior Communication Officer 
COFACE Families Europe 

High-Level Conference of European Ministers responsible for Family Affairs − Vienna

2 minutes reading
A high level conference of European Ministers responsible for Family Affairs took place in Vienna on 13th June 2024, as part of the commemoration of the 30 anniversary of the International Year of the Family. It was a great honour for COFACE Families Europe President, Annemie Drieskens, to participate in this conference and raise the voice of families. [...]
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AccessibleEU: A European hub for Accessibility Resources, Networking, and Training

The #AccessibleEU Centre features a growing online depository with nearly 200 good practices on different areas of accessibility across Europe. It aims to create a common European one-stop-shop on accessibility, build the capacity for accessibility in EU countries, train excellent professionals on accessibility and much more. [...]
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European Commission takes Germany to the EU court over family benefits for mobile workers

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In July 2024, the European Commission decided to refer Germany to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to uphold the rights of mobile workers from other EU Member States as regards the amount of family benefits granted to them. [...]

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Key findings: Bringing the family perspective to the education field

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In April 2024, COFACE and the Irish CountryWomen's Association co-hosted a  European expert meeting on Life-long learning and bringing the family perspective to the education field. You can now access the full meeting report on our website. [...]

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“Mute your machismo” – A campaign against sexism in video games aimed at teenagers

1- minute-reading

COFACE Spanish member, UNAF (Unión de Asociaciones Familiares) has launched the campaign ‘Mutea tu machismo’, which aims to raise awareness among teenagers about sexism in video games and to prevent discrimination and violence against female gamers with macho comments and behaviour. [...]
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COFACE member AGF’s position on the EU parenthood recognition regulation 

2 minutes reading

In their position, AGF demands that the discussion on the topic must take place in a fact-based manner against the background of a pluralistic society in which different family forms have their place regardless of origin, gender, religion and sexual orientation. [...]

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Digitalisation and older people: AGE Platform Europe’s call to EU policy makers


Europe is ageing and is facing a digital revolution. While AGE recognise and value the positive change new technologies can bring, the European platform is also conscious of, and has experienced, the barriers created by too rapid digitalisation and the impact it has on our autonomy, participation and dignity. [...]

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KMOP trains informal caregivers to support people living with Dementia
In June 2024, COFACE member, KMOP, educated and raised awareness among 12 informal caregivers about improving services for people with dementia and helping them build better social relationships with their patients. The training took place at the Psychogeriatric Association “Nestor”,  the largest provider of free services for the elderly in Greece today. [...]
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© 2024 COFACE Families Europe, All rights reserved.

COFACE Families Europe has been involved for 60 years in building a strong social, inclusive and family-friendly Europe. It brings forward the voice of millions of families (all types, without discrimination), gathering 58 organisations from all over Europe. COFACE Families Europe advocates for strong social policies that take into consideration family needs and guarantee equal opportunities for all families. More:

Contact details:
Director: Elizabeth Gosme:
Editor: Bettina Guigui 
Contributors: Elizabeth Gosme
More information
This newsletter has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2022-2025).

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