
Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, September 15, at 9:15 am, Fr. Dan White, SJ, will be back to lead Youth Faith parents on a unique tour of College Church. All are welcome, meet by the baptismal font (see details below and in the bulletin)
  • Sunday, September 15, during 10:30 am Mass, babysitting will be available for children ages six months through three years (see details in the bulletin)
  • Sunday, September 15, after 10:30 am Mass, Dining Out with Parishioners at C.J. Muggs in Clayton (all are welcome - see details below to RSVP)
  • Sunday, September 15, gathering at 11:45 am, meeting noon-1:15 pm, Care for the Caregiver support group in the Ballroom classroom, accessed through the doors on the west side of the Ballroom (see details in the bulletin)
  • Tuesday, September 17, 4 - 5 pm, Voices of Mill Creek Valley discussion, 2nd Floor of Pius XIII Library (see details below)
  • Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul meeting via Zoom (see details in the bulletin)
  • Wednesday, September 18, noon, Katie Jansen has been invited to share some of her experiences in the Church as a part of a Conversations in the Spirit  webinar hosted by the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP). The webinar is for anyone concerned about retaining the vibrant presence of young women in our Catholic Church (all are welcome - see details in the below)
  • Thursday, September 19, 7 pm, our SFX Young Professionals [ages roughly 22-40], will be attending the Saint Louis Symphony concert on Art Hill in Forest Park (contact Jacob for details

    Looking Ahead:
  • Sunday, October 5, 2024 at 10:00 am, SFX Blessing of the Animals at the Ellen Clark Sculpture Park, aka the Dog Park on the Northeast corner of Grand & Lindell (see the Circle of Creation Green Corner in the bulletin)

    [Please see the bulletin and for more upcoming events.]

This Sunday, September 15th, at 9:15 am, while their kids are in class, Youth Faith Formation parents have been invited on a unique tour of our church with our former pastor, Fr. Dan White, SJ.

Fr. Dan will share with us some of the spiritual richness of our faith in the signs and symbols spread throughout our beautiful church.

We will start our tour by gathering around the baptismal font at 9:15 am. All parishioners are welcome to join us! We will get to know our church better and get to know each other better.


Dining Out with Parishioners

Dining Out With Fellow Parishioners

The Pastoral Care Commission is offering an opportunity to dine and enjoy gathering with fellow parishioners. This is for Senior Parishioners and anyone who would like to join us!

Sunday, September 15th after 10:30 Mass at C.J. Muggs in Clayton, 200 S Central Ave., 63105, hosted by Jane and Emory Webre (some of the most welcoming people you will ever meet!). 

Please RSVP today to Tina Saunders at 314-443-4509 or

How do we retain the vibrant presence of young women in our Catholic Church?
Katie Jansen, our Director of the Work, has been invited to share some of her experiences in the Church as a part of a Conversations in the Spirit webinar hosted by the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP):
Association of U.S. Catholic Priests




Women and Priests — Conversations in the Spirit

Should she stay or should she go now? How could the Church walk more closely with young women?

This webinar seeks input from young women, educators, mothers, and priests and others concerned about retaining the vibrant presence of young women in our Catholic Church. 

You are invited on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 at noon CT for an interactive webinar dedicated to St. Phoebe. 

Julia Oşeka is the keynote speaker. Julia is a Polish native and young adult Synod delegate, chosen as one of ten non-bishop voting members from the United States and Canada who will be at the upcoming Synod on Synodality in October. 

During the webinar, there will be a facilitated small group synodal discussion. Your input on this important subject matters! Following the webinar, the AUSCP will submit a summary of this Conversation in the Spirit to the USCCB Synod office and to the General Secretariat in Rome

For more information and to register:

Can't make it? Please pray for Katie and for fruitful conversations!
Creation Care Summit 09.21.24

Creation Care Summit:
Gratitude, Hope and Action

Join us as we learn together from our Catholic social teaching about hearing “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

At this inaugural Creation Care Summit hosted by the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we will hear from local experts, advocates, students and clergy committed to helping us better care for each other and our Common Home.

For more info contact James Fowlkes-Comninellis at 314-792-7177 or

WHEN: Saturday, September 21 @ 9am - 12pm

WHERE: St. Louis University High School 4970 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110

RSVP: or call 314-792-7177

Sr. Simone Campbell 09.26.24
Solidarity Walk
World Day for Migrants and Refugees Solidarity Walk and Mass

Sunday, September 29, 2024
The walk will begin at SLU clocktower (220 N. Spring Avenue) at 1:00 pm and end at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis (4341 Lindell Blvd.) followed by 2:30 pm Mass with Bishop Mark Rivituso.

All are welcome! Parishes, congregations, and individuals are encouraged to bring banners and/or national flags. Wear your national attire if you choose!

For further information, please contact our parish's good friend, Marie Kenyon, at or 314-792-7062.

Web Developer?

Are you a web developer?  Have you been asking yourself  “how do I use my gifts at St. Francis Xavier”?.  Well ask no more!  We need you!!

We're seeking a one or two committed volunteers to assist in building a website and implementing web-based forms. These will specifically support a “census" College Church is conducting this Advent season to update and understand our parishioner demographic information.

Volunteers are asked to commit at least 4 hours per week.  This project is expected to be three months, between mid-September and mid-December 2024.  

Does this sound like you? Or maybe someone you know?  Please connect with us to learn more by contacting Leah Shea at or 314.825.1201.

Click here to read our bulletin online

We are glad to share our bulletin for September 15, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass.

Our parish Masses are at 5:15 pm on Saturday and 8 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. SLU Campus Ministry coordinates the Masses at 4:30 pm and 8:00 PM on Sunday (with different music). 

The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.

SFX Offertory Card
We are grateful for your generous support of College Church. Please click here to sign-up for online giving or adjust your regular contribution. 

Many parishioner and friends of College Church have set up weekly or monthly recurring online giving - which is easy to do and a tremendous help to our parish. It requires no processing of checks or trips to the bank, while also allowing us to better predict our weekly and monthly cashflow.

We have a newly replenished supply of the blue and white offertory cards (pictured above) on the tables at the entrances to the church. If you give online, please pick up one of these cards before Mass and place it in a collection basket during the offertory, a symbol of your offering at the Presentation of Gifts. Thank you to all who continue to use these cards!! 

If you have any questions about how to set up online giving or are interested in making your donations through gifts of appreciated stock, a Donor Advised Fund or a retirement account, please contact Meg Beugg, Director of Parish Engagement, at or 314-977-7304.
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St. Francis Xavier (College) Church
3628 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108-3302

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