
Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, September 7, 10 am at the Missouri History Museum, A Holy Inheritance: The History of Black Catholics in St. Louis with Winnie Sullivan (see details and registration below)
  • Sunday, September 8Donut Sunday 😊 in the Ballroom after the 8 am and 10:30 am Masses (more details below)
  • Sunday, September 8, at 9:20 am in the Ballroom, a meeting for all Youth Faith Formation parents (while kids are in class - welcome back!)
  • Sunday, September 8, at 12:15 pm in the Ballroom, join parishioner, Mary Ann Moore, to learn how you can help kids in the Juvenile Justice System (see details below and in the bulletin)
  • Tuesday, September 10, 6:30-7:30 pm, Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family (held at the Northern Vicariate Offices - see details below)
  • Wednesday, September 11, 10:30 am, join our Elder Prayer Companions in praying for the parish (see details below)
  • Sunday, September 15, during 10:30 am Mass, beginning on 9/15, babysitting will be available for children ages six months through three years (see details in the bulletin)
  • Sunday, September 15, after 10:30 am Mass, Dining Out with Parishioners at C.J. Muggs in Clayton (all are welcome - see details below to RSVP)

    [Please see the bulletin and for more upcoming events.]
A Holy Inheritance: The History of Black Catholics in St. Louis with Winnie Sullivan

This Saturday morning at 10 am, come hear our own Winnie Sullivan speak at the Missouri History Museum. 

Winnie will tell the story of African American Catholics in St. Louis, tracing their arrival in the area from before the city’s founding to the present day. Recalling this history reveals the resilience of Black Catholics who, despite hardship, persistently sought their rightful place within the community of Catholic faithful. The presentation will honor the lives and contributions to the Catholic Church of these African American ancestors and will describe resources available to aid further historical exploration. While this program is free, registration is required. 

This talk is a part of Community Curation 2024, a series of events sponsored by the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Congratulations, Winnie, and thank you for your important work!
Donut Sunday

Please join us downstairs in the Ballroom this Sunday after the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses for:

Donut Sunday!

We will have complimentary donuts, fruit, coffee, tea, juice, water, and friendly people of all ages who would enjoy meeting you. 

What's that? You've never been to Donut Sunday? Or it has been awhile? The Spirit is calling you!

Here is a strategy: You've now been appointed to the SFX welcoming committee. Seriously. Introduce yourself to someone near you at Mass and invite them to come downstairs with you to check out the donuts. Or venture downstairs and introduce yourself to people standing around the donuts or coffee.

Conversation starters:

“What looks good to you?”
“How’s the coffee/tea/juice?”
“Where is your favorite place to get donuts?”
“How is school going?”
“I'm curious - what did you find interesting/inspiring/puzzling at Mass?”
“Are you a part of the Youth Faith Formation program?”
[If yes] “How’d your first Youth Faith class/parent meeting go today?”
“Where are you finding God these days?”
“Where is one of your all-time favorite places to attend Mass and why?”
"Have you two met? I'm _____." [said to people standing around who don't seem to know each other...remember, you are a part of the welcoming is your job to welcome and introduce people! 😊] 

Or, if you want an absolutely guaranteed approach: venture downstairs, introduce yourself to the person standing behind the coffee counter or coming out of the kitchen, and say you'd like to help out for 10/15/20 minutes! You are now a part of our wonderful Donut Sunday crew! Helping with a parish event like Donut Sunday is the great way to feel comfortable, have fun, and meet people.

Episcopal City Mission

“Don’t give up on us! Everybody deserves a second chance!”

This is what kids say who are involved in the juvenile justice system in St Louis City and County Detention.

After 10:30 Mass this Sunday, come to the Ballroom, enjoy coffee and donuts, and then at 12:15 pm, join parishioner, Mary Ann Moore, to learn more about these kids, the work of Episcopal City Mission (ECM), and how you can help. See details in the bulletin. 

Youth Faith Formation - First Communion 2024
Youth Faith Formation - would you like to be an assistant?

We are looking for a few more assistants to help with our Youth Faith Formation Programs on Sunday mornings this school year. Could this be you? Assistants help our wonderful catechists (teachers) in the classrooms. This is a great opportunity for SLU students, high school students, young adults, parents, and interested parishioners.

If you able to help with the Youth Faith Formation program this year, please reach out to Jaime Gil at or Julie Kilian at Thank you!
Don't miss Jaime's reflection in this week's bulletin.

On Tuesday, September 10, 6:30-7:30pm, the Northern Vicariate (our region of the Archdiocese) is hosting an informational session on Surviving Divorce, a program offered through the Catholic Renewal Center. It will be held at the Northern Vicariate Offices (6052 Waterman Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63112) for anyone who has been impacted by divorce and might be seeking healing or learning more.  

Join our Elder Prayer Companions in praying for the parish

Elder Prayer Companions are a group of parishioners (many are retired or semi-retired) who are committed to praying for the needs of our parish staff, pastoral council, and other parish leaders. The group meets for communal prayer and fellowship every six weeks in the Parish Center. Please contact Sue Griffard, who would be delighted to answer any questions, at 314-619-5500 or Or just join us next Wednesday, September 11, at 10:30 am in the Adult Faith Room on the 1st floor of the Parish Center. [Elder is a relative term! All are most welcome!] 

Dining Out with Parishioners

Dining Out With Fellow Parishioners

The Pastoral Care Commission is offering an opportunity to dine and enjoy gathering with fellow parishioners. This is for Senior Parishioners and anyone who would like to join us!

Sunday, September 15th after 10:30 Mass at C.J. Muggs in Clayton, 200 S Central Ave., 63105, hosted by Jane and Emory Webre (some of the most welcoming people you will ever meet!). 

Please RSVP by September 12th to Tina Saunders at 314-443-4509 

MO ID Access Summit

Our much anticipated Missouri ID Access Summit is this Saturday! 
From Christine Dragonette, our Director of Social Ministry:
 The Missouri State ID Access Coalition (of which College Church is a co-convener) is thrilled to host our first annual MO ID Access Summit on Saturday, September 7th, 2024 at the Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being, just down the street from College Church.
Everyone is welcome! More info and registration here:

Can't attend? Please pray for the success of this summit!
A Celebration of the "The Legacy of Mill Creek Valley"
A Celebration of "The Legacy of Mill Creek Valley"

We invite all parishioners to participate in two upcoming events in honor of the former Mill Creek Valley, an expansive neighborhood significant in the racial history of College Church. Its northwest boundary was the corner of Grand and Lindell. Yes, literally right across the street from the front doors of St. Francis Xavier College Church! On Tuesday, September 10, there will be a celebration of a new artwork by the brilliant St. Louis artist, Cbabi Bayoc, installed around the fountain across the street from College Church

See below to learn about the Voices of Mill Creek Valley event on September 17. 
Creation Care Summit 09.21.24

Creation Care Summit: Gratitude, Hope and Action

Join us as we learn together from our Catholic social teaching about hearing “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

At this inaugural Creation Care Summit hosted by the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we will hear from local experts, advocates, students and clergy committed to helping us better care for each other and our Common Home.

For more info contact James Fowlkes-Comninellis at 314-792-7177 or

WHEN: Saturday, September 21 @ 9am - 12pm

WHERE: St. Louis University High School 4970 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110

RSVP: or call 314-792-7177

Sr. Simone Campbell 09.26.24
Tip of the week: Please do not leave purses, wallets, phones, etc., unattended in the Church, Ballroom, or bathrooms. Also, do not leave valuable or visible items in your car.
SFX 9-08-24 Bulletin

Click here to read our bulletin online

We are glad to share our bulletin for September 8. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass.

Our parish Masses are at 5:15 pm on Saturday and 8 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. SLU Campus Ministry coordinates the Masses at 4:30 pm and 8:00 PM on Sunday (with different music). 

The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.

SFX Offertory Card
We are grateful for your generous support of College Church. Please click here to sign-up for online giving or adjust your regular contribution. 

Many parishioner and friends of College Church have set up weekly or monthly recurring online giving - which is easy to do and a tremendous help to our parish. It requires no processing of checks or trips to the bank, while also allowing us to better predict our weekly and monthly cashflow.

We have a newly replenished supply of the blue and white offertory cards (pictured above) on the tables at the entrances to the church. If you give online, please pick up one of these cards before Mass and place it in a collection basket during the offertory, a symbol of your offering at the Presentation of Gifts. Thank you to all who continue to use these cards!! 

If you have any questions about how to set up online giving or are interested in making your donations through gifts of appreciated stock, a Donor Advised Fund or a retirement account, please contact Meg Beugg, Director of Parish Engagement, at or 314-977-7304.
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