September 6, 2024
State Historical Society of North Dakota to host Whitestone Hill Education Day Sept. 18
KULM, N.D. – On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the annual Whitestone Hill Education Day will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Whitestone Hill State Historic Site near Kulm. Programs are targeted toward fourth to sixth grade students, but the public is also invited to attend. Participants are asked to bring their own lunches and water.
School children and other visitors will learn about the lives and cultures of the people of Whitestone, as well as its prairie ecosystem. The event consists of several concurrent 20-minute sessions. All sessions will break from 11:40 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. for lunch.
The concurrent sessions, most of which are hands-on, include topics such as Dakota hand games, prairie plants and animals, the fur trade, how to shoot a bow and arrow, setting up a tipi, and the history of the attack there in September 1863.
“This event is an opportunity to learn about not only the human tragedy that happened at Whitestone, but also the traditional lifeways of Dakota people who thrived here and have cherished this sacred place since time immemorial,” said Historic Sites Manager Rob Hanna.
Whitestone Hill State Historic Site is a place of remembrance for the 150 to 300 people, mostly Dakotas and Lakotas, who were killed here in September 1863. Managed by the State Historical Society of North Dakota, the site features interpretive signs, monuments, a primitive campground, and picnic facilities. It can be reached by traveling from Kulm south 12 miles on North Dakota State Highway 56, then east four miles on a gravel road, then north two miles to the site.
For more information, contact Rob Hanna, 701.328.3508 or For more information about additional upcoming events of the State Historical Society, go to
Rob Hanna, 701.328.3508
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