
Paradise Found Gala Update

In consideration of our vendors, families, and the unknowns of the coming storm, the Paradise Found Gala has been rescheduled for Sunday, November 3rd.  This was not a decision made lightly, but Helene continues to grow in strength, and it remains uncertain what both the direct impact and after effects will be. Even if conditions clear by Friday evening, with storm surge, power outages, and debris, it could be both a physical and emotional challenge for everyone to come celebrate.

While we continue to pray for the storm to return to the sea, we also want to allow people the time to prepare. November 3rd will be a wonderful night for us to come back together without the threat of a storm and will be a wonderful celebration of being on one campus together!

  • All tickets will be transferred to the new date, and we look forward to dancing the night away with you then!
  • Tickets will remain open for new guests to purchase.

The Silent Auction will remain open for bidding until November 3rd!


If you have booked a room at the Ritz under our room-block rate, you will need to call the Ritz and move the date to November 3rd, or cancel.


  • 4:30 PM Gala Check-In
  • 5:00-6:00 PM Open Bar & Hors D'oeuvres
  • 6:00 PM Doors Open
  • 10:00 PM Close of the Evening

*For specific Gala event questions, please contact: 

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