MAHC hosted another educational session on BABA that included an overview of the federal Build America, Buy America law that will impact your housing project from the very start. BABA requires all federally funded HUD and other projects use materials and products made in the U.S. That means steel, iron, construction materials, and manufactured products.
1. MAHC overview slides with links to manufacturer compliance information and lists of suppliers that are compliant.
2. Recording of Zoom session. Click here and use password: HX+j7WUT
MAHC Needs Photos of Your Developments by 9/30 - Submit here
As we work to promote housing affordability, we need your help. We need high-quality photography of your developments that can be featured in our marketing and communication materials. Your contributions will help us showcase the impact of our work together and highlight the beauty, design, and importance of affordable housing across Maine.
To ensure that we receive photography that meets our technical needs, please use this simple web form to easily upload your assets. These will be for the express purpose of supporting MAHC’s public outreach and will not be used for any other purpose. Photo Submission for MAHC
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Your contributions will play a crucial role in helping us communicate the impact of our collective work across the state.
MAHC & MaineHousing Development Process Survey - Need Your Input
Production of new housing at the speed and scale needed in our state is not something that can be achieved without the joint efforts of numerous agencies, organizations, and individuals. Among the many participants in this great effort, MaineHousing recognizes that our partnership with developers is instrumental. As one of those key partners, and in our pursuit of continuous program improvement, MaineHousing would like feedback about your experience working with our Development department. This survey seeks your perspective on the various phases and aspects of our development programs and processes, on which you will be asked to rate, rank, or provide open-ended commentary. Please consider the questions carefully, then provide your frank and honest opinions. Responses are anonymous beyond specific project information you may choose to share. Take survey here:
Town of Yarmouth Seeks Affordable Housing Developer - RFQ
Town of Yarmouth, Maine is seeking proposals to identify a development partner to create affordable housing of no more than 20 units on a portion of the surface lot at the rear of the Yarmouth Town Office complex located at 200 Main Street, Yarmouth, Maine 04096. The Town, through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), is soliciting concept proposals for the feasible development of an affordable housing project which will be beneficial to the community. Please see the Town's Request for Qualifications here.
Deering High School Students Study Availability and Accessibility of Affordable Housing in Portland
Volunteers of America Northern New England worked with five Deering High School students who completed a report on the availability and accessibility of affordable housing in Portland. Click here for a copy of Portland's Affordable Housing Crisis: Creating More Room for Extremely Low-Income Households.
This report shares the work of several Portland housing organizations, the student's findings, and suggested recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. Some of their findings: By analyzing the city’s current rate of affordable housing production from 2000 to 2022, we have determined that the city is not keeping pace with crushing demands for affordable housing especially for persons in poverty and those experiencing homelessness. These are our findings:
Portland is mostly adding high-income housing. Since 2010 more than three quarters (76%) of all multi-family new units have been market rate (not affordable for low-income persons). Of the 521 units approved or completed in 2022, 384 (74%) were for higher income households and only 138 units (26%) were affordable.
The city’s production of affordable housing is not adequate for poverty populations. Of the 1,800 new units of housing produced since 2000, 588 units (40%) are out-of-reach and inaccessible for poverty or extremely low-income households. Further, of the 521 units approved or completed in 2022, only 26% (138) were reserved as affordable housing - none will be accessible to those in poverty without rental subsidies.
Of the 1,471 new units of subsidized housing produced since 2011, 60% were for individuals making $39,000 to over $100,000 per year.
Portland is not producing housing for extremely low-income households. Only 19% of all units produced in the past twenty years are accessible to those living in poverty. The very poor are left out.
9/27, 10:30-Noon, Public Hearing on Maine Application for HUD PRO Housing Grant
The Housing Opportunity Program, within the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), is hosting a hybrid public hearing to discuss DECD’s draft application for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) grant opportunity, Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing). This grant opportunity appropriates $100 million in grant funding for the identification and removal of barriers to affordable housing production and preservation.
This public hearing will provide an overview of DECD’s draft application, a timeline of the grant application process, and an opportunity for public feedback on DECD’s proposal. DECD will also accept written comments on its draft proposal until 11:59pm on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. To submit written comments, please email DECD’s draft application will be available to view on DECD’s website by the end of business day on September 24, 2024.
Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission, 297 Bath Road, Wiscasset, ME 04578
Or, join by Zoom: Meeting ID: 857 7574 0337 or dial: 1-305-224-1968
9/24 Comment - Portland ReCode Eliminates Affordable Housing Setback and Height Bonuses; and Makes Select Affordable Housing Projects Noncompliant - Portland Businesses Take Note
The City of Portland released its Final Draft of ReCode and it eliminates the affordable housing setback and height bonuses. The thought behind this was that eligible zones have become more flexible as part of ReCode and thus the affordable bonuses are no longer necessary. Height allowances under the base standards have generally increased, but there will undoubtedly be parcels that suffer from the elimination of these bonuses. Further, several affordable housing properties (either previously approved or constructed) would now be impermissible if the current form of the Code were adopted. These properties would become non-conforming. Because our state's housing affordability crisis is driven by a shortage of housing, businesses in Portland might want to weigh in on whether this moves housing forward in the community, and whether enough analysis of the impact of this has been done in the short timeframe before voting for adoption.
A Planning Board vote will be held at its 9/24 meeting to make a recommendation to City Council for action.
Some already identified projects that have been previously permitted/constructed would have had to reduce size with the new ReCode. Overall, 104 units lost across 5 projects at the bare minimum. Although none of the reductions seem to put any of the projects below the magic 30-unit count for a LIHTC deal, I don’t think it’s a given that all the projects still pencil out if they were to lose a floor or two.
89 Elm St: 201 affordable units; if the project was still viable, 49 units would be lost
Equinox: 43 affordable units; if the project was still viable, 12 units would be lost
Winter Landing: 52 affordable units; if the project was still viable, 10 units would be lost
Woodfords Senior Housing: 43 affordable units; if the project was still viable, 11 units would be lost
COMB Block – Phase 1: 55 units – mostly affordable; if the project was still viable, 22 units would be lost
Porter Station: 60 units – mostly affordable; height limit allowable; however, ordinance is unclear if new height restrictions in B zones when adjacent to R zones would result in loss of approximately 10 units.
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Seeks Landlord Input at Virtual Focus Group- Share Your Interest to Participate
NCHV is seeking help to identify and understand the biggest challenges landlords face in the rental market with leasing up units and maintaining tenants. As part of this work, NCHV is looking for landlords, including property managers, of all types to participate in focus groups. This is a great opportunity for you to share your experience, what does and doesn’t work, and propose solutions. NCHV is hosting a virtual focus group in September. If you are interested in participating, please complete this Interest Form. As a thank you for your time, NCHV is raffling off a $100 Amazon gift card to one of the attendees. NCHV will offer additional virtual sessions later in the fall including one exclusively for housing developers/operators.
Thank you to Our 2024 Housing Policy Conference Sponsors to Date!
MAHC Housing Policy Conference
Coming up on November 13, 2024 at the Doubletree by Hilton, Portland. Get your sponsorship and vendor table today.