Special ticket offer for students to see Brantley Gilbert — Students can buy $25 tickets to see Brantley Gilbert at Joel Coliseum on Thursday, Sept. 26. Unlock with the code DEACON here. Offer is valid through Sept. 25 or while supplies last. Applicable fees apply. Offer is available online only and is not valid on previously purchased tickets. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the show starts at 7 p.m. Special guests are Adam Calhoun and Demun Jones.
September 30 is the last day to drop a full-term course and the last day to change from a letter grade to pass/fail in an approved full-term course.
October 1 is the Major/Minor Fair (3-5 p.m. in Benson Room 401).
At Wake Forest, we celebrate faculty who are both outstanding teachers and brilliant scholars. President Wente invites faculty members to share their contributions and insights in our “Walk with Wente” series. This episode features Nina Lucas, Professor of Dance, about how combining dance and academics is a win-win for students at Wake Forest. They discuss teaching students how to connect something in their lives with dance, the benefits of dance as a communication tool, and the need to stay authentic and explore.
ZSR offers Personal Research Sessions for all students. Research librarians are available to help at any stage of the research process — from formulating a research question to finding and citing sources. Find a research librarian and book a session.
ZSR is currently offering workshops in Zotero — a free, open-source works cited management software (i.e., it helps manage sources and create bibliographies). Register for a workshop or watch online tutorials.
Wellness items, including cell phone lock boxes, coloring kits, standing desks, and white noise machines, can be checked out at ZSR.
Forgot your calculator? Need to draw something out on a whiteboard? Were you caught in the rain? Borrow a calculator, dry-erase markers, an umbrella, and more from our accessories and peripherals collection.
Voting in the 2024 Election
Wake Forest is happy to provideTurboVote — a digital tool that powers greater voter access and expands participation in elections.
Oct. 11: Voter registration deadline for individuals wishing to vote in person on Election Day in North Carolina — or — individuals who wish to request an absentee ballot in North Carolina.
If you wish to vote by absentee ballot in your home state: regulations vary by state; reach out to your local board of elections to get information on your state and county’s process and deadlines.
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
October 1 is the deadline for graduating seniors (undergraduate Class of 2025) to apply to graduate. Watch this video on how to apply.
Read about plans for “The Grounds,” a year-round gathering place with food and beverage options, entertainment, activities, walking trails, and a new style of residential living in one community hub.
Looking for events? Next Week at Wake: Student Edition is sent out every Friday afternoon and lists student events for the upcoming week that appear on The Link and/or the Events Calendar.