
This Week At TCA

Monday, September 23rd - Friday, September 27th


REMINDER: Half Day Friday, September 27th

*There is NO AFTERCARE this day
11:30 AM Dismissal at Fruitville Campus
12:00 PM Dismissal at Bee Ridge Campus

Night in Neverland

TCA's Homecoming 2024
Saturday, October 19th | 7th-8th (3-5pm) | 9th-12th (6:30-9pm)
Buy Tickets Now

Ooh La La - A Night in Paris!

TCA's Annual Mother-Daughter Event
Friday, October 25th | 5-8 PM
Join us for our annual Mother-Daughter Event! All ages welcome!
Buy Tickets Now
National Honor Society Ceremony
Today, Monday, September 23rd, 4-5pm

National Junior Honor Society Ceremony
Monday, September 30th, 4-5pm
TCA College Day
Tuesday, September 24th, after Morning Meeting
Bee Ridge Campus - Atrium

College Night
Tuesday, September 24th, 6-8pm
Robarts Arena 

Florida Gulf Coast University Visit
Wednesday, September 25th, 1:30 pm
Bee Ridge Campus - Atrium

Hillsdale College Visit
Thursday, September 26th, 8:45 am
Bee Ridge Campus - Atrium

Florida Southern Visit
Thursday, September 26th, 11:30 am
Bee Ridge Campus - Atrium

University of Florida Visit
Friday, September 27th, 10:45 am
Bee Ridge Campus - Atrium

NO Fridays at TCA this Week!
Next FRIDAY, October 4th at 8:20 AM - TCA Gym

Join Us for our life-giving parent talks every Friday! You don’t want to miss it!

FRUITVILLE CAMPUS | Fridays | 8:20 AM | Coffee & Pastries Younger Siblings Welcome | Childcare Provided | Community Guaranteed

🌺 Paradise Found Gala Attendees
Please Complete Your Ticket Information

For our Gala Guests, please confirm the following:

*PLEASE Claim your tickets
*List Allergies if applicable
*Seating Requests
*Enter your credit card information for a smooth & fast check-in
Log-In to Finalize Your Ticket Information

🍁 Fall Break
No School  | October 7th - 11th

🌸 Save The Date for The Well Women's Retreat!

November 8th - 10th

Reservations go on sale the week of September 30th!

Sponsorships available if you would like to ensure your spot!

Please email Mrs. Courtney Moulton at if you are interested in a sponsorship spot.
Sponsor Now

🇪🇸 Support Spanish 3 Field Trips 🇪🇸

🐄 Chick-fil-A Breakfast! 🐄

Offered one Wednesday per month (7:45 am - 8:30 am)
Limited Quantity of biscuits!
Bee Ridge Campus - Wednesdays once a month - Dates below

Benefits - Spanish 3 Field Trips
Thank you for your ongoing support toward the Spanish 3, Upper School Fundraiser!
September 25, October 23, November 20, December 11, January 15, February 12, March 12, April 16, May 7

💜 Canterbury House Fundraiser

Jeremiah's Ice

Jeremiah's Ice will be available every Wednesday in September from 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm at the Bee Ridge Campus - come support Canterbury House and enjoy a cool treat!

Sweet treats available for $5. Dates below!
September 4, September 11, September 18, September 25

Aftercare Details

Please click below to view our Aftercare information. For questions, please contact Ms. Charlene Tillman at

*Please Note: Aftercare ENDS at 5:30 PM
Aftercare Information

TCA Calendar 2024/2025

September Events

Mark your calendars or subscribe for this years scheduled events!
TCA Calendar

Jeans Day at TCA

Never miss a TCA Jeans Day!

October 4th 🎈
October 25th
November 22nd
December 13th
January 31st
February 28th
March 28th
April 25th
May 16th

Upcoming Important Dates

Half Day
September 27th
Paradise Found Gala
September 27th
Q1 End
October 4th
Fall Break - No School
October 7th-11th

TCA Lunch Options

Fresh Flamingo DAILY Lunch Option

Offered at BOTH Fruitville & Bee Ridge Campuses
Order Now

FRIDAY Lunch Option

Offered at BOTH Fruitville & Bee Ridge Campuses
Order Now
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The Classical Academy of Sarasota · 8751 Fruitville Rd · Sarasota, FL 34240-5201 · USA