
Dear Friends, 

We successfully launched the book Disinformation, Misinformation, and Democracy: Legal Approaches in Comparative Context, edited by Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr., András Koltay, and Charlotte Garden. The event, co-sponsored by Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, The University of Alabama School of Law, The University of Minnesota Law School, and Columbia Law School, welcomed professors, dis/misinformation experts, and law and policy students in person at Columbia Law School. Thanks to the live-stream made possible by the Internet Society New York Chapter, more than 200 people from around the world followed the panels live on X, Zoom, YouTube, and through Internet Society feeds.

To everyone who joined us online or in person – thank you for your interest and all the pointed questions. 

Three of the book’s co-editors, two authors of chapters, and experts working on dis/misinformation from different disciplines made up our three panels as speakers and moderators. The first discussion defined the problem from a historical perspective, outlining the scope and scale of threats that dis/misinformation presents to democracy. The second panel provided a comparison of national and regional strategies from Europe, South Korea, and Brazil. The third and final panel considered bottom-up approaches. In case you missed the insightful discussions, please find the event’s full recording below. In the weeks to come, we will be sharing recordings of individual panels.

We are deeply grateful to our partners, star speakers and moderators for all their invaluable contributions.
You can watch the full recording of the event in the Internet Society's archive or on our YouTube channel. We thank Joly MacFie of the Internet Society New York Chapter for making the live-stream of the panels possible.
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