

Sweeping the knitting world! Tens of thousands of “emotional support chickens” are flying off knitters’ needles, bringing inordinate joy to recipients. Here's a tale about one of them.

Meet Shannon, a fiesty resident. Shannon doesn't speak much, other than to holler “Bitch! Whore! Nooo! I hate you!” I figured, she could probably use an emotional support chicken, right?

Made her one in her favorite color - purple. Popped a jingle bell on the tail. Little did I anticipate the drama to ensue.

Comedic sketch sensation has medical world in stitches heh heh! Coming soon to a late-night show near you.

Initial presentation? Didn’t go too well. “Close your eyes, Shannon, we have a present for you!” “Fuck you! But we persist. “Take it Shannon! It's special! It's for you! It's your favorite color!”

Once in hand, her eyes sparkle. Off she rolled, arms wrapped around the thing.

BUT THEN. The very next day Mary, our house kleptomaniac, STOLE the chicken! Mary steals other people's food. Your pen. Supplies from the activities cart. Small objects she can squirrel away. Money. When confronted about lifting the chicken, she retorted “It's OK, she doesn’t use it.” Heh heh.

After Mary fell asleep, intrepid aide Henry tip-toed into her room, snatched the chicken back. We decided to let it overnight in my room, for re-gifting the next day.

Next morning, emotional support chicken was re-presented to Shannon. Her whole face lit up!

With out-stretched arms, she brought her chicken close in for a kiss and a snuggle. Clearly, a bond was forming. She clung to it all day.

Repatriation of emotional support chicken

But THEN! Next day, purple chicken got stolen AGAIN!! This time, Ramona was the culprit. We discovered it, proudly displayed on her bed.

Aide Karina stole the well-traveled bird back, then it was re-re-presented to Shannon. This time, she reached out for it and shouted, “My chicken!”

Chicken security has been hardened. Oh, and turns out per Shannon, his pronouns are he/his/hey you, and his name is Pedro. 🐓


Greetings friends! I'm in dire need of assistance to handle lifeline bills like phone, and critically needed medications. While I'm no longer circling the drain medically, I'm still recovering and your support is so very needed. Can you help? It's a transitional time back to the outside world over these next several months, and I simply can’t make it without you. Why? Because that safety net - It isn't. In deepest gratitude ~ Karen  🙏💞

GoFundMe - Meds and critical expenses

Amazon Medical Needs List - Order direct, sort by priority

DoorDash - Food here is appalling!

(Shot of me above with steroid-bloated chipmunk face)