
School Closed

Dear TCA Families,

As I’m sure you are aware, Tropical Storm/Hurricane Helene is quickly making her way to Florida.  As always, we are following Sarasota County School district, which means school will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25th through Friday, September 27th.  This will give families time to prepare for the storm as well as keep everyone home when the storms begin tomorrow.


The Ritz Carlton will notify us sometime TOMORROW regarding our Paradise Found Gala.  In the event that they cancel we will reschedule for another date and communicate immediately.  

Thank you for your patience as we work to make the best decisions for our students, families, and staff.  

The Admin Team

*For specific Gala event questions, please contact:
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The Classical Academy of Sarasota · 8751 Fruitville Rd · Sarasota, FL 34240-5201 · USA