
September 2024

Academic Technology Solutions (ATS) brings you the next installment of our newsletter. Read on to learn about blog posts, upcoming events, and more that can support your teaching with technology.

We’re Here To Help

Generative AI Resources and Support 

Are you wondering how teaching might be affected by new generative AI technologies? If you want to learn more about the impact of generative AI (GenAI) on teaching, we have resources that can help! See the ATS Generative AI page for explanations of the strengths and weaknesses of GenAI, or check out the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning’s (CCTL) programming and resources on generative AI.
Additional resources include:

Stop by the Academic Technology Solutions Open House

Take your teaching to the next level! At the ATS Open House, you can explore the Regenstein studios (including the new Podcast space), collaborate with instructional designers, and discover tools to enhance your courses. Drop by the Techbar in Regenstein Library on October 9 and 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and get inspired. Be sure to catch our Lightning Talks from 12:00 pm. to 1:30 p.m. both days for quick insights on teaching tools and strategies. Register now to let us know you’ll be there.

Co-Host a Customized Workshop or Office Hours

If you have a group of instructors or Teaching Assistants who are interested in particular topics within digital pedagogy, reach out to ATS and request a customized workshop. You can also request special office hours for your department, during which ATS instructional designers will be available on-site to answer questions about Canvas, teaching tools, and any other questions relating to teaching with technology.

Check out Our Blog

ATS blog posts can help you find out what’s new in Canvas and get answers to frequently asked questions about new quarter preparation. You may also be interested in our ongoing blog post series on hot topics such as artificial intelligence and digital accessibility.

Make Course Materials Accessible

Two new digital tools can help you make your course materials more accessible to all students. Use the accessibility checker PopeTech to identify and remediate issues in your Canvas course site, and use SensusAccess Inside Canvas to convert documents to alternative formats, such as text, HTML, or MP3. Contact Academic Technology Solutions if you have questions or would like more information.

PopeTech will be leading a demonstration of the PopeTech Canvas accessibility tools on Wednesday, October 16 from 2-2:45 p.m. Register via Zoom to attend.

Request Classroom AV Tutorials

If you are teaching in a new classroom this autumn, or if you want a refresher on the classroom AV technology, request an AV tutorial. For the best availability, please schedule tutorials before the start of classes by emailing AV Services at or calling 773.834.4499. 

What’s on our Radar?

Clipart with a set of headphones, an online video, and a book.

Virtual Suggestion Box

We welcome suggestions for agenda topics, training topics, or newsletter items.