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Issue 207 ~ 21st March 2025

In this week's Newsletter:


This week we are discussing our skin, what happens as we age and what we can do to look after it. Mary covers this wonderfully in her piece, with some very useful hints and tips on how to look after it.

First, let’s look at the basics. Our skin is like our body's protective shield and it has three main jobs:

  1. Protection – Keeps germs, dirt, and harmful things out while holding in moisture and nutrients.
  2. Temperature control – Helps us stay warm or cool by sweating or ‘trapping’ heat.
  3. Sensation – It lets us feel touch, pain, and temperature changes.

It also helps heal wounds, makes Vitamin D from sunlight, and plays a big role in our general appearance and health.

As we age, our skin changes naturally over time as it loses collagen and elastin making it thinner and weaker and less ‘firm’. The result of this is the unwelcome appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on our face, and our body skin begins to crinkle and lose its strength as gravity takes hold. Our skin also becomes dryer and doesn’t heal as quickly as it used to and age spots often appear. 

As an eczema sufferer in my early years, I have been used to putting creams on my skin for ever. When I was a baby, my eczema was so severe I had no top skin and my mother had to put some medical cream/ointment onto my whole body to try to treat it and I had little socks sewn into the ends of the arms of my clothes so that I couldn’t scratch. But that was in 1946/7 when treatment was very different from how it is today and thankfully things have improved a lot since then.

As asthma took over my health challenges when I was two years old, and has been my lifelong companion ever since, as a child my skin condition improved except in the usual areas – behind the knees and in the crease of my arms, until I reached my teens but it remained on my hands for many years later.

Thankfully, steroid creams were invented and were first used to treat eczema in the 1950s. The breakthrough came in 1952 when hydrocortisone, the first corticosteroid cream, became available for skin conditions. It quickly became the go-to treatment for reducing eczema-related inflammation, redness, and itching and it certainly worked for me. The only down side was that it caused the skin where it was applied to be very thin, and the legacy is clear to see on my hands which looked like old hands when I was in my 30s! As you can imagine, they look particularly attractive now as my wrinkly hands are also arthritic! But hey - they still work enough to enable me to write this newsletter so I’m certainly not complaining! 

Whilst we may be aware of the signs of ageing on our body, it may not be too concerning as we wear clothes for most of our lives. It is, however, a whole different story when we talk about our face as, for most people, that is on show all the time. So, is our facial skin different from the skin on the rest of our body? The answer is a very definite, yes, and here’s how:

Facial skin is thinner and more delicate – especially around the eyes, making it more sensitive. It also has more oil glands which for some leads to oilier skin and a higher chance of acne, but for others (like me) we can have dry skin. Of course, the very fact that it has more exposure to light means our face is likely to suffer more from the sun’s rays, pollution and even the weather, making it more prone to damage. And on top of all that, our face, sadly, shows our advancing years faster than the rest of our body by showing fine lines and wrinkles earlier.

But there’s more… If you are a smoker, that is really bad news for your face! Smoking makes skin age faster because it damages collagen, reduces oxygen, and dries out the skin. That’s because it narrows the blood vessels, reducing the oxygen supply and nutrients that keep the skin healthy. The chemicals in cigarettes also destroy collagen and elastin causing wrinkles and sagging earlier, plus it dries out the skin making it look dull. Bad news all round for smokers, then. 

But what about genetics? Can we blame our parents for our wrinkles? Of course, our genetics do play a big role in determining our skin type and it also influences our oil production (whether our skin is oily, dry, or balanced), our skin’s sensitivity (how easily our skin reacts to products or the environment), its melanin levels (which affect our skin tone and sun sensitivity), and the all-important one – the ageing process (how quickly wrinkles or fine lines appear). But we can’t blame our ancestors for everything. Our lifestyle and environment, such as what we eat, how we care for our skin, whether we work inside or out, and how much stress we have in our lives, all show through our skin over time!

I have always looked after my skin because it is naturally dry, and since I was 18 I have always worn make-up. That may sound vain but I know I look pretty grim without it and much better with it, so I am prepared to make the effort every morning. My facial cleansing routine that I do before I go to bed is shown on this Skin Care video and there is another one where I demonstrate how I apply my Make-up. These were recorded about three years ago and some of the products I used are, sadly, no longer available. Why do cosmetic houses stop making the exact product we like? Really frustrating! I also apply foot cream to my feet and legs and a moisturiser to my upper body every day after my bath. Though, as you will read later, Mary points out that maybe we don’t need to bath or shower every day!

I didn’t mind having a few wrinkles as I reached my 60s and early 70s but I have to warn you, that the ageing process seems to put its foot on the accelerator once we get past 75! As you may already know, I use my Facial-Flex every day and that does seem to keep my facial muscles firmer, my lips a bit thicker and my jowls under control, but it doesn't stop me having wrinkles.

So, how can we help our skin to stay youthful and fresh? In my opinion, if we look healthy because we eat a good daily nutritious diet of fresh food, we exercise regularly so that we feel energised, maintain a healthy weight, plus have a positive attitude to life… having a few wrinkles really doesn’t matter. The most important youthful appearance we can give is one of happy contentment, lots of energy and a real love of life. 

Recipe of the Week


Serves 4
Per serving: 243 Calories, 8g fat (excl. accompaniments)
Prep time 10 mins
Cook Time 20 mins


1 red pepper, diced
1 red onion, diced
500g mashed potatoes
2 tbsps semi-skimmed milk
2 garlic cloves, crushed
200g spinach
50g grated half-fat cheddar cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
oil spray, for cooking


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC, 400ºF, Gas Mark 6.
  2. Dry-fry the red pepper and onion in a non-stick frying pan with a little oil spray until soft. Heat the potato mash in a saucepan with the milk until hot. Mix in the garlic and remove from heat.
  3. Shred the spinach and add to the potatoes, mixing in well. Add the onion and pepper to the potato mix along with three quarters of the cheese. Mix well, seasoning with black pepper, pile into an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  4. Oven bake for 20 minutes until golden brown. Serve with vegetables or salad.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
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Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Do you look in the mirror every morning and inspect your face for any further signs of ageing? I know I do. But having researched recently the best things we can do to protect our skin as we age, I am reassured that I am doing all I can to keep my skin healthy.  

Just as we have a gut-microbiome, we also have a skin-microbiome. Our microbiome is the collection of bacteria, fungi, and other micro-organisms that live on and inside our body - including on our skin.

For our skin, the microbiome acts like a natural defence system.
It helps:

  • Protect against harmful bacteria and infections.
  • Regulate inflammation and skin conditions like acne and eczema.
  • Maintain moisture and skin barrier health.

When balanced, our microbiome keeps our skin healthy and glowing. But if disrupted by harsh skincare, diet, stress or other factors it can lead to irritation, breakouts, or sensitivity.

This vast ecosystem made up of trillions of microbes helps to keep our skin healthy. They work to form a protective barrier of the skin that fights infections and reduces inflammation, proving that our skin health is linked to our general health. But as with many other parts of our body it is affected by the ageing process, and it is not just the wrinkles we need to be bothered about!

Common Skin Problems as we Age

Age Spots
Also known as liver spots, these small dark patches show up in places that have been exposed to the sun, mainly the face, hands, shoulders and arms. I remember a few years ago when a large patch appeared on the side of my face I went to see a dermatologist, who took an ultra-violet look at the whole of my face and it was a shock to find how much of my skin had been damaged by exposure to the sun. Those holidays abroad in the 70s, when we were unaware of the full dangers of the sun, have left a damaging legacy! I am constantly now urging family members to cover up, use plenty of sunscreen and to be fully aware of the long-term damage we can do to this important organ of the body.

Varicose Veins
These are weakened blood vessels that can swell and twist or bulge in the legs and feet. They can often be painful, causing aching legs, a feeling of heaviness and swollen legs and ankles. They can be treated on the NHS if you have these symptoms, but the NHS will not treat you for cosmetic reasons alone. Wearing compression socks to add pressure may reduce them, but the best advice is to be a healthy weight, put your legs up often, take regular exercise to maintain a good blood flow and moisturise thoroughly.

Spider Veins
These small bundles of broken blood vessels, red in colour, can pop up anywhere on the body. They can be very noticeable on the face but are not a major health problem. I have started using a green coloured primer before foundation to calm the redness (not every day, but for special events!). If they are very prevalent on our legs then compression socks can be helpful, and there is a minor surgical procedure we can have if they cause discomfort with a burning sensation.

Itchy Skin
Ageing skin gets drier and can become very itchy. Moisturising with a recommended lotion such as Aveeno or E45 (more on that later) becomes more important the older we are. If it persists and becomes a problem, then it can be a sign of something more serious such as kidney disease, low iron levels and thyroid or liver problems. A blood test may be needed.

Leg Ulcers
These are usually caused by blood flow problems to the lower legs and feet, causing inflammation. If bacteria get into the broken skin, then the whole area can become infected and ulcerated. Keeping the wound clean and regularly checked should help, but more importantly keep moving as much as you can, to ensure a good blood flow through the legs. Even when sitting we can all still do ankle rotations and foot exercises. Go to our website for The Foot Workout.

As we get older our skin gets thinner and the tiny blood vessels near to the surface of our skin can easily break causing a bruise. Those on blood thinning medication may find the problem gets worse. There is not a lot we can do about it except take care not to bump into things!

Saggy Skin
This is most noticeable around the jawline but is actually happening everywhere else too, especially the inner thighs and the underarms. Keeping the muscles strong, through plenty of strength training can make a significant difference. The jawline can even have regular strength training with a Facial-Flex. This amazing piece of kit exercises the neck, jaw and throat muscles smoothing out that sagginess!

Skin Cancer
Damaged skin cells can grow out of control and become cancerous. Thankfully, modern treatments are proving very successful. I had a non-malignant melanoma on my neck a few years ago (that pesky sun again) and had it successfully removed. Left without treatment it may have become malignant, so be diligent in checking spots and moles and if something small and seemingly insignificant does not heal over time or grows in size get it checked out!

How to Keep your Skin Healthy

Moisturising our skin regularly has already been mentioned, but did you know that the contents of your cream or body wash may be doing your skin more harm than good? It's all about the ingredients, as we are now finding out. Apparently, to protect our valuable skin microbiome, we need to avoid certain substances that can be detrimental to the skin. A recent short piece in The Times magazine about the use of soap, and how often we bath or shower, caught my attention and set me off exploring more about how to treat our skin kindly and reduce the risk of further damage.

Professor Carsten Flohr, a consultant dermatologist at the St. John’s Institute of Dermatology in London says that we do need soaps or shower gels, as water alone is not enough to remove the dirt that sticks to the skin. However, and here is the nub of it, not all soaps and shower gels created are equal. We need to combine water with a surface-active agent (the chemical compounds that remove dirt and grease) and these differ greatly in how they affect our skin. Some of those agents are not ideal as they are often derived from palm oil, coconut oil or petroleum to create more lather.

Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES) is a detergent and surfactant commonly found in shampoos, body washes, and facial cleansers and whilst it helps products foam and remove oil and dirt from the skin and hair, it is generally considered safe in low concentrations and less harsh than Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS). Many people choose SLES-free products for even gentler skincare and haircare.

Look for sodium laureth sulphate on the ingredients list and you are then sure this is a milder and better tolerated formula for the skin.  Also, glycerine and urea are good ingredients to look out for. These attract water and help the skin to hold onto moisture. E45 and Aveeno Body Washes are recommended as well as a company called Luna Daily who specialise in producing skincare products that protect the microbiome of the skin.    

The conclusion to all this is that generally we all wash too much. One of the best things we can do for our skin is to wash it less! Controversial I know, and not something that those habitual bathers want to hear! I heard about this several months ago and started to shower less often, particularly on those less physical days when I am not getting hot and sweaty. So, there are at least two days a week when I might skip the usual dousing. I have mentioned this to quite a few people now and the response is one of considerable alarm at the thought of not showering every day. However, I would remind them that when we were kids in the 1950s, we had a bath once a week and usually in the same water as all our brothers and sisters!

We know our skin doesn't look like it did when we were younger, but actually if we eat well and exercise regularly, we are going a long way to preserving the largest organ of the body. 'Love the skin you are in', I say!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Go for a daily 30+ minute walk and find an uphill route if possible. If that’s not possible, speed up the pace every 30 strides for 10 steps. Increase the ratio as appropriate. It is all about challenging ourselves.
  2. Always do your Post Walk Stretches after every walk.
  3. Try one of our Pilates or Ballet sessions as a change – there are options from 'Introductory' to 'Advanced' from which to choose.
  4. Continue with the Amazing Inch Loss Exercise Plan if you are following this daily programme otherwise select a workout of the appropriate level from The 28-Day Immunity Plan and do it 3 times this week.
Did you know... 

How many bottles do you take into the shower?

Bathrooms in houses were rare before the 1860s. Few families had their own water supply, instead relying on communal water pumps and a quick wash in the cold water from the pump was probably the nearest most got to any idea of personal hygiene.

It wasn't until the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the installation of indoor plumbing in homes became more widespread, making it easier for people to access running water.

The early 20th century saw a growing emphasis on hygiene and public health, partly driven by medical research and campaigns to prevent diseases. This shifted societal attitudes toward cleanliness, making regular washing more normal. Bath night became a thing - once a week!

The shift from baths to showers as the primary method of washing became widespread in the UK starting in the 1960s when the invention of the electric shower (also known as a tankless water heater) made them more affordable and accessible, revolutionising personal hygiene habits. By the late 1960s and into the 1970s, shower cubicles started appearing in new-build houses, and by the mid-1970s, showers became the norm.

In the 1980s, a wider range of shower accessories became available, further establishing the shower as the preferred method of washing. The development and marketing of soap, shampoos, and other personal care products also played a role in encouraging more frequent bathing. Advertising, in particular, in the early 20th century, promoted the idea of daily washing as essential for both health and social acceptability. Much like the idea of eating sugary cereals in the morning was sold to us as a healthy breakfast by Mr Kellogg, it seems that the notion of a daily shower being essential has been encouraged by those companies with a vested interest in selling us soap!

And finally...

I think we have all learned quite a lot about skin and how best to look after it!

As each week Mary and I delve into the science behind how our body works, I am always fascinated to keep on learning new facts. But as always, it all boils down to our taking responsibility for looking after our own body: eating healthily, exercising regularly, and having fun! 

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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