MHACC 雙語月報 Bilingual Monthly Newsletter
03/03/2025 第 246 期

親愛的 MHACC 社區成員們:



執行長 Elaine Peng 彭一玲 

Dear MHACC Community,

As spring blossoms and nature awakens, March brings new beginnings and fresh energy. Let’s embrace growth, change, and well-being in this season of renewal.
Wishing you a bright and uplifting spring! 🌿☀️

Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)

支持我們|Support Us
家人與患友互助組 2025 最新時間
Family & Peer Support Group 2025 Updates

重要提醒 | Important Notice:
從2025年2月起,所有小組將以混合形式(線下 + 線上)運作。
Starting February 2025, all support groups will operate in Hybrid format (In-Person + Online)
線下地點 | In-Person Address:
3100 Capitol Ave, Suite C, Fremont, CA 94538
Family Support Groups will use a new Zoom link.
家人互助小組 | Family Support Groups
新的 Zoom 連結 | New Zoom Link: 加入會議 | Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 6053 8029
Passcode: MHACC
患友互助小組 | Peer Support Groups
Zoom 連結 | Zoom Link: 加入會議 | Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702
Passcode: MHACC
電話參與 | Call in: 1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799

🏠 MHACC IHSS 家護工服務

美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC常年關懷IHSS家庭護理工,不少護理工是我們精神病患的護理人員。 由於有关護理工登記註冊,填報工時單,成功登入登出打卡等事項為不少家護工帶來很大的挑戰,聯盟多年来一直提供免費指導便民服務,以下是三月份的IHSS便民服務時間供大家參考.

MHACC has long supported IHSS home care providers, many of whom care for individuals with mental health conditions. Navigating caregiver registration, timesheet submissions, and clocking in and out successfully can be challenging for many providers. To assist, MHACC has been offering free guidance and support services for years. Below are the IHSS assistance service hours for March.

📢 報名倒數 | 全美陽光精神健康盃歌唱大賽
Final Call | National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest

總獎金 $12,000 決賽:5/31 奧克蘭華埠
報名截止:3/31/2025 11:59 PM (PST)
線上海選:4/18 - 4/20
🔗 立即報名:[官方網站]
📩 聯繫我們

Last chance! Registration closing soon!
This is more than a competition—it’s a movement to inspire and uplift.
$12,000 Grand Prize
Finals: 5/31 in Oakland Chinatown
Deadline: 3/31 11:59 PM (PST)
Online Auditions: 4/18 - 4/20
🔗 Register Now: [Official Website]
📩 Contact Us:
Spots are filling fast—sign up now and let your voice be heard!

亞太裔傳統文化月慶典 & 贊助商邀請

與美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC) 一起,共同慶祝亞太裔傳統文化月與精神健康意識月,參與奧克蘭唐人街兩天的大型街會!
日期:2025年5月31日 - 6月1日,時間:10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
地點:奧克蘭唐人街 10 街
活動亮點:第二屆「陽光精神健康盃」全美歌唱大賽總決賽;現場演出:樂隊、舞蹈、兒童表演;100+ 攤位:美食、零售、遊戲、藝術市集。

誠邀您的品牌加入贊助商行列,支持 AAPI 文化與心理健康,同時獲得高曝光機會!
📩 贊助詳情:[Sponsorship Package]
⚠️ 贊助商報名截止日:5/15/2025

AAPI Heritage Month Celebration & Sponsorship Opportunity

🌟 Join MHACC in celebrating AAPI Heritage Month & Mental Health Awareness Month with a two-day festival in Oakland Chinatown!
Date: May 31 - June 1, 2025,10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: 10th Street, Oakland Chinatown
Event Highlights:National Sunshine Mental Health Cup Singing Contest – Grand Finale;Live performances: Bands, dance troupes, kids' shows;100+ booths: Food, retail, games, art vendors。

Become a sponsor to support AAPI culture & mental health advocacy while gaining brand visibility!
📩 Sponsorship Details: [Sponsorship Package]
⚠️ Sponsor Registration Deadline: 5/15/2025
Event Details

03/04/2025 奧克蘭華埠社區候選人論壇

3月4日,來奧克蘭亞裔文化中心聆聽 第二區候選人 分享他們對華埠重要議題的立場。活動提供 粵語、普通話和越南語即時翻譯

Oakland Chinatown Community Candidates Forum

Join us on March 4 at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center to hear District 2 candidates discuss key issues affecting Chinatown. Live interpretation in Cantonese, Mandarin, and Vietnamese will be available


時間:5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
🔗 報名連結:點此登記

本講座將介紹阿拉米達縣如何保護弱勢群體,並提供雇主與員工權利、工作場所安全的最佳實踐。參與者將學習如何主動應對和制定機構內部的 ICE 應對方案。


Know Your Rights Virtual Workshop for Alameda County Community-Based Service Providers

Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Virtual Workshop (Free)
🔗 Register Here: Sign Up

This workshop will cover Alameda County's efforts to protect vulnerable populations, employer and employee rights, and best workplace safety practices. Participants will also gain practical tools to prepare for and respond to ICE presence in their organizations.

Join community leaders and experts to stay informed and protect your rights!

03/20/2025 🧵 免費刺子繡工坊 | 名額有限,速報名!

在這繁雜的世界,給自己一個寧靜的時光,用針線勾勒美麗圖案!免費刺子繡工作坊 即將登場,讓我們一起體驗這項結合創造力與療癒力的傳統工藝。

時間:12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

🔗 報名連結:點此登記
📩 聯繫方式

🧵 Free Sashiko Embroidery Workshop | Limited Spots – Sign Up Now!

Find a moment of peace in the chaos of life and create beautiful embroidery with your own hands! Our free Sashiko embroidery workshop is here—join us for a relaxing and creative experience.

Date: Thursday, March 20
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Oakland Asian Cultural Center

🔗 Sign up here: Register Now
📩 Contact:

03/23/2025 青少年精神健康急救培訓 Youth MHFA Class


Join the Youth MHFA (Mandarin) Online Training on Sunday, 03/23/2025, to gain crucial mental health first aid skills in our Chinese language training session.

時間⌚️: 美西時間/PT 9am-3pm(美東時間/ET 12pm-6pm)
課程介紹|Learn More

注意⚠️: 您需要完成一個在線課前練習才能進入正式Zoom課程
Note⚠️: You must complete an online pre-class to qualify for the Zoom Training.

報名連結 或者掃碼進入報名第一步👇
Click to Register or scan to begin the first step👇

03/14/2025 兒童與青少年社交焦慮及應對方法線上講座

社交焦慮如何影響孩子的生活?本講座將由 哈佛醫學院心理學助理教授 Dr. Jacqueline Sperling 解析社交焦慮的成因、表現及治療方法,並探討照顧者如何提供支持。結束前設有 15 分鐘 Q&A。

時間:12:00-1:00 p.m.(PST)
📩 報名:點此登記


Social Anxiety in Children and Adolescents Webinar

How does social anxiety impact young people? Dr. Jacqueline Sperling, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School, will discuss its causes, symptoms, and treatment, along with ways caregivers can provide support. A 15-minute Q&A will follow.

Date: Friday, March 14
Time: 12:00-1:00 p.m.(PST)
Free Online Webinar
📩 Register: Sign Up Here

Live Chinese interpretation provided by MHACC. Open to parents, educators, and anyone interested in mental health!

03/17/2025 “孩子就是離不開手機和電腦?真的嗎?” 網路講座

日期: 3/17/2025 (星期一) 上午10:00-11:00
講者: James Li (亞健社心理服務專科防備計劃心理健康輔導員,副婚姻家庭治療師 AMFT #15815)
督導: Yee Wan (Ingrid) Chung (加州執照臨床心理輔導員 LPCC #6514)
語言: 國語 

“Are Kids Really Unable to Stay Away from Their Phones and Computers?” Online WorkShop
Date: 3/17/2025 (Monday) Time: 10:00-11:00am
Speaker: James Li (AHS SMH Prevention Program Mental Health Counselor, Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #15815)
Supervisor: Yee Wan (Ingrid) Chung (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor LPCC #6514)
Language: Mandarin

會議連結 🔗 Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 234 369 4221
亞健社油管頻道 AHS SMH Prevention Program YouTube Channel

03/12/2025 心理健康系列:週三午餐漫談


每週三:12:10 PM – 12:50 PM
講者:李偉倩博士 (臨床心理師)
📩 報名:點此登記

📢 免費線上講座,邀請朋友一起參與!

Emotional Wellbeing: Wednesday Lunch Chat

Topic: Making Connections
Explore social anxiety, professional relationships, and networking skills
Every Wednesday: 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM
Speaker: Dr. Wei-Chien Lee, Clinical Psychologist
📩 Register here: Sign Up

03/24/2025 心理健康講座:從《易經》學習適應與成長

日期:3月24日(週一)時間:6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Emotional Well-being: Insights from "I Ching"

Learn how I Ching wisdom can help build resilience and adaptability in a changing world.
Date: March 24 (Monday) Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Online Webinar (Mandarin),Speaker: Dr. Yi Wu (Philosophy Professor)
RegisterFor more details

⚠️ 提防詐騙,保護心理健康 

詐騙已嚴重侵蝕華裔/亞裔老年移民的心理健康,其影響不亞於猖獗的犯罪與治安問題,甚至更糟。舊金山警察局與地方檢察官辦公室 製作了一部 短片,幫助社區更了解 「祝福詐騙」,以及如何避免成為受害者。
觀看影片:點擊這裡 ,請分享此連結給您的家人和朋友,提醒他們保持警惕!
⚠️ Protect Yourself from Scams 

Scams have severely impacted the mental health of Chinese/Asian elderly immigrants, as much as, if not worse than, rampant crime and safety issues. The San Francisco Police and DA’s Office have created a short film to help the community understand blessing scams and how to avoid falling victim.
Watch the video: Click Here,Please share this link with your family and friends to keep them informed!
Recently, fraudulent text messages, phone calls, and emails regarding toll or bridge payments have also surged. Beware that these agencies typically send notifications via regular mail, not electronic messages or phone calls.
Learn more: California Attorney General’s Warning on Toll Scams
Chinese-language hotline (recording only): 415-553-9212

📰 最新精神健康類新聞和報告
Latest News and Reports on Mental Health

FDA 取消氯氮平 REMS 計劃,提升患者可及性

美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)宣布,不再要求醫生、藥房和患者參與氯氮平(clozapine)REMS 計劃,也無需提交 ANC 血檢報告 才能領藥。這項決定來自 2024 年 11 月的專家會議,多數成員認為 REMS 已成為治療障礙。

FDA 仍建議醫生依據處方資訊監測 ANC,但業界普遍認為取消 REMS 將減少行政負擔,提升患者依從性,並改善治療難治型精神分裂症的可及性。

FDA 現正與製藥公司合作,正式移除 REMS 要求,更新處方資訊,確保患者更順利獲得治療。

FDA Ends Clozapine REMS, Expanding Patient Access

The FDA has announced that clozapine prescribers, pharmacies, and patients no longer need to participate in the REMS program or submit ANC blood test results before dispensing. This decision follows a 2024 expert meeting, where most agreed REMS was an obstacle to care.

The FDA still recommends ANC monitoring, but removing REMS is expected to reduce administrative burdens, improve compliance, and expand access to clozapine for treatment-resistant schizophrenia.

The FDA is working with manufacturers to formally eliminate REMS requirements and update prescribing guidelines.


免費電子書 Free eBook
<Listen Up! Adversity is Calling You Home>

Paul Yang 醫學博士的新書透過正念冥想與真實案例,幫助讀者應對家庭衝突、焦慮、抑鬱與創傷,實現內在療癒與成長。電子書可在 Amazon 免費下載,平裝本僅需支付印刷費。歡迎分享,讓更多人受益。
Dr. Paul Yang’s new book uses mindfulness techniques and real-life stories to help readers overcome family conflicts, anxiety, depression, and trauma. The eBook is available for free on Amazon, with a small printing fee for the paperback version. Share with others who may benefit.

✍️ 微信公號文章 WeChat Articles


02/15/2025 MHACC「希望花車」亮相舊金山農曆新年大遊行

美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC)的「希望花車」亮相巡遊,以溫暖的大熊貓造型和閃亮的字母氣球展示 1-800-881-8502 心理健康暖線,提醒社區關注心理健康。MHACC 志願者們沿途向市民揮手,傳遞關懷與支持。
本次遊行匯聚舞獅、武術、傳統戲曲 等精彩表演,並首次帶來 500 架無人機燈光秀,在夜空中呈現金龍翻騰、祥蛇盤繞,融合科技與傳統,為新年增添壯觀視覺盛宴。舊金山農曆新年慶典不僅展現中華文化魅力,也象徵社區團結。MHACC 透過參與活動,呼籲大家關注心理健康,讓幫助的力量觸及更多人。

02/15/2025 MHACC “Hope Float” Shines at SF Lunar New Year Parade

On February 15, thousands gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the Lunar New Year Parade, marking the Year of the Snake.

MHACC proudly debuted its "Hope Float," featuring a friendly panda design and shimmering letter balloons displaying the 1-800-881-8502 mental health support line, promoting mental health awareness. MHACC volunteers waved along the route, spreading warmth and encouragement.
The parade featured lion dances, martial arts, and traditional performances, alongside a spectacular 500-drone light show, forming images of a golden dragon and a coiled snake in the sky, blending technology with cultural traditions.
As one of the largest Lunar New Year celebrations worldwide, this event highlighted unity and cultural pride. Through its participation, MHACC continues to advocate for mental health awareness and support within the community.

部落格 Event Blog

02/22/2025 MHACC 花車領航屋崙華埠新年巡遊,共慶蛇年

2月22日,屋崙華埠社區促進會(OCIC) 主辦的第3屆亞裔華埠農曆新年巡遊盛大舉行。巡遊隊伍穿越華埠主要街道,最終抵達林肯廣場公園,展開豐富的文化表演與慶祝活動。

美國華裔精神健康聯盟(MHACC) 的花車率先登場,執行長 彭一玲 向觀眾揮手致意,傳遞社區關懷。花車上的 大熊貓造型 傳遞溫暖,綢帶舞龍《小龍獻瑞》 活力四射,成為巡遊亮點。

巡遊帶來節慶歡樂,也展現華埠的團結與復甦。舞台上,屋崙芭蕾舞團 以芭蕾呈現華裔移民故事《天使島》,感動人心。現場更有美食、藝術攤位,吸引大量遊客,促進當地經濟,讓華埠煥發新春活力。

02/22/2025 MHACC Float Leads Oakland Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade

On February 22, the 3rd Annual AAPI Lunar New Year Parade, hosted by OCIC, filled Oakland Chinatown with celebration. The parade traveled through major streets before ending at Lincoln Square Park, where cultural performances took center stage.

The MHACC float led the way, with Executive Director Elaine Peng greeting the crowd. Featuring a giant panda and a ribbon dance-dragon performance, “Little Dragon’s Blessing,” the float brought warmth and energy to the event.

The parade showcased Oakland Chinatown’s resilience and revival. The Oakland Ballet Company performed excerpts from "Angel Island," and food and art vendors enriched the festivities. The event attracted visitors, boosted local businesses, and brought new energy to Chinatown for the Lunar New Year.

部落格 Event Blog

星島日報 SingDaoDaily

02/26/2025 農曆新年跑步健行騎行活動 Lunar New Year Run Walk and Bike


MHACC joined the Lunar New Year Run, Walk, and Bike event on February 16 at Cayuga Park in San Francisco. Volunteers and community members celebrated together with panda mascots and spread festive joy.

MHACC的心理暖線 是專為在美華人提供精神健康服務的心理暖線!

MHACC's warm line is a dedicated lifeline designed to provide mental health services for the Chinese community in the United States.
We are open daily from 9 am to 9 pm PST in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English and offer free, professional emotional support and resource referrals. 

招募暖線義工! Volunteers are urgently needed!
請發簡歷郵件至Send your resume to:

免費精神健康手機應用|Free Mental Health Mobile Apps
我們全新升級的手機軟件提供人工智能的聊天機器人、情感支援、自助 CBT 技術、引導冥想、情緒追蹤、活動/信息/資源等,中英文自由切換。
了解更多|Learn More
Our all-new mobile apps feature a new AI-powered chatbot that can provide emotional support and CBT techniques. We have also added improved guided meditation, mood tracking, curated resources, and more! Available in English and Chinese.

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

🎤 歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song 

時間:每週二晚上 7:00-7:45 pm(美西 PST)
Zoom Link  Meeting ID: 850 791 6770, Passcode:66 

💃 跳入精彩人生
Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance

每天雲健身 Daily Dance  
連結 Zoom Link

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282,
Passcode: 8888
視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance

🪭 陽光藝術團招新 Sunshine Art Troupe

联盟主办的陽光藝術團致力于在信息繁杂万变的世界中提高大众对音乐和舞蹈益处的认识,达到让身心平静。有意參加者請掃碼或點擊 簡單表格報名後我們會與您聯絡。

The Sunshine Art Troupe (organized by MHACC) has the objective to improve public interest in music and dance in today’s rapidly changing world. Interested parties can fill out the simple form, we will contact you.

美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性 501(c)(3) 非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持. 我們的 Tax ID 是 82-4322450, 樂捐支票抬頭可寫 MHACC. 愛心支票可寄 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Our Tax ID is 82-4322450, and donations by check can be made payable to MHACC. Love-filled checks can be mailed to 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546.

網上捐助可點擊👇 感謝您的慷慨捐獻!
For online donations, please click below. Thank you for your generous contribution!

捐助我們 Donation
立刻捐款|Donate Now

🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以透過網站 或致電855-500-7433捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

You can also donate used cars to support us! You can donate your old car in any condition through the website or by calling 855-500-7433 (free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.


MHACC is dedicated to improving the quality of life by raising public awareness of mental health and building a home where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities  1800-881-8502

Copyright © 2025 Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities, All rights reserved.

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