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Older Adults Program (60+), City of Niagara Falls, MacBain Community Centre
Free Hearing Clinic
Tuesday, March 4 at 1:00pm
Hearing Clinic
What happens at the monthly Clinics?

HearCANADA visits the MacBain Community Centre every first Tuesday of the month from 1:00pm - 2:30pm to offer the following services:

Consultations & education - Free
Hearing screening tests - Free
Clean and check services - Free
Minor repairs - Free on-site at MacBain. HearCANADA occasionally charge for this in clinic if a new part for the hearing aid is required.
Comprehensive hearing assessments - Free for adults 50+
Product discussions and purchases - Discussions are free. Hearing aid purchases can range from $3500- $6500 depending on technology levels.
Device programing, fitting and fine tuning  - Included in the price of hearing aids. For people with existing hearing aids they have a service plan available for purchase at the clinic. 
Major repairs - Covered under hearing aid warranty for 3 years. If the hearing aids are outside of the warranty and we have to send them out for repair charges apply. 
Deliver supplies - Free
Wax Removal - HearCANADA do offer free wax clinics occasionally and they will also do this on-site at MacBain for free. 

No appointment is necessary for the monthly hearing clinic.

Join us in the older adult space, located near the Cafe Corner.
Tax Talk Series
From a Maze to Amazing
Wed, March 5 at 1:00pm
Tax Talk Series

EAPO is pleased to co-host this free webinar with the Ontario Ministry of Finance to learn how you can make the most from your tax return this year.

They will share simple tips for completing your return, along with an overview of tax credits and benefits you may be able to claim on your return. It pays to do your taxes!

What you will learn:

  • Why you should file a tax return even if you don’t owe tax.
  • How to complete and file a tax return.
  • Various tax credits and benefits you can claim.
  • How to adjust a tax return if you forgot to claim something.
  • How to access helpful resources and stay up to date.
Register Here
This is an online event hosted through the Zoom platform, making it easy to join from the comfort of your home.

Look out for more Tax Talk webinars coming soon!
Need help with the tech world?
We have you covered!
Is your smartphone smarter than you? Do you need help finding your way around emails, tablets, social media and more? We're here to help. 

Join our hands-on program designed just for the 60+. We will walk you through everything from sending emails to mastering your smartphone, tablet and social media. Whether you're looking to stay connected with family or explore the world online, we will guide you every step of the way. No tech experience needed - just bring your curiosity and we'll make it fun and easy.

Cyber-Seniors is a five-week hands-on program offered at MacBain Community Centre. Classes are 1.5hrs long, covering topics such as cyber safety, emailing tips, navigating smartphones & tablets, a beginner's guide to social media, and more. 

Starts Monday, March 10 at 5:30 p.m - 7:00 p.m

Sign up at MacBain today!
Thank you for staying connected with us! We hope you found all of this information helpful. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Stay tuned for more updates!

Hanya Mitchell
Manager Older Adults 60+ and Aquatics
D. J Brooks
Community Coordinator
"Niagara Falls. MacBain Community Centre. Ontario"
Copyright © 2025 Older Adults Programs (60+), All rights reserved.

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