Welcome Kayley Lobberecht!
Please welcome Kayley Lobberecht to DMU! Kayley joined the COM Academic Assistant team on Monday, March 3, and will be supporting the OMM faculty in the Osteopathic Clinical Medicine department.
A Message From the President About Employee Appreciation Month
This year, Human Resources, partnering with the University Engagement Committee, Wellness and others, will host a number of events and activities throughout March. These events were designed to recognize your hard work and create space for both community and celebration. DMU is so fortunate to have talented and dedicated employees who serve our institution, our mission, our students and each other.
Welcome Deidra Anderson, D.P.T.’13, M.B.A., to DMU!
It is our pleasure to announce that Deidra Anderson, D.P.T.’13, M.B.A., has joined the university as of Feb. 28, 2025, in the position of assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy.
DMU Grand Rounds — Step by Step: Collaborative Care for Hospitalized Patients With Severe Foot Infections, April 3, 2025
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, diabetes-related foot infections occur in approximately 40% of diabetes-related foot ulcers and cause significant morbidity. Join us for our next DMU Grand Rounds “Step by Step: Collaborative Care for Hospitalized Patients With Severe Foot Infections” at 7 a.m. Thursday, April 3.
Faculty Development: Active Learning in the Age of Online Resources Series, Session #6
The Center for Educational Enhancement invites you to the faculty development hosted session #6 in the series Active Learning in the Age of Online Resources and Artificial Intelligence called “Teacher-Student Interactions: Four Practical Applications in Four Different Medical Health Professions Schools.” Join us at noon Tuesday, March 25.
Students: Unlock Your Potential — Earn Your Interprofessional Education Badge!
We are excited to launch the Interprofessional Education Badge program, designed to recognize and celebrate your advanced commitment to collaborative practice and teamwork in health care. This is your opportunity to enhance your skills, build your resume and demonstrate your dedication to interprofessional excellence beyond the core foundational topics already covered in your curriculum.
Mental Health Issues in Long-Term Care, May 1-2, 2025
You are invited to attend this continuing education activity designed to meet the growing mental health needs of seniors in long-term care. The Mental Health Issues in Long-Term Care conference will occur in person on Thursday, May 1, 2025, at the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown, Iowa.
MercyOne Breast Cancer Symposium — April 22, 2025
You are invited to attend this continuing education activity designed for health care professionals and those involved in the care of breast cancer patients and their families. The MercyOne Breast Cancer Symposium: Genetics and Life After Breast Cancer — Navigating Survivorship will be held in person on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center in Des Moines, Iowa.
Welcome Allison Birnbaum!
Allison Birnbaum will be joined the university on March 7 as a PRN athletic trainer, primarily at the Des Moines University Clinic in the MidAmerican Energy Company RecPlex.
Fascial Distortion Model Workshop on April 26-27, 2025
Are you ready to enhance your practice with a transformative approach to musculoskeletal care? DMU hosts the “Fascial Distortion Model” workshop on April 26-27, 2025. Join our upcoming workshop to gain hands-on expertise in diagnosing and treating common injuries like low back pain, sciatica and sprains.
Volunteer Spots Still Available for GEMS & BROS!
There are a few spots still available for DMU students to volunteer at Girls Exploring Medicine and Science and Boys Reaching for Opportunities in Science events on March 29! If you are interested, you can sign up online.
Staff Org Officer Election Results
The results are in! Congratulations to the following people for being elected to next year’s Staff Org Executive Team.
Exempt Co-Chair — Lisa Strittmatter
Secretary — Hannah Gustafson
Treasurer — Paula VandeKieft
Apply For the DMU Student Service Award by April 30!
If you spend time volunteering or participating in community service activities, you could be eligible for the DMU Student Service Award! Any DMU Student who volunteers for 50 or more hours is eligible to apply for the award.