Dear Reader,
Welcome to this month’s edition of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) newsletter. Here you will find information about this year's UIL Governing Board session outcomes, our 70th anniversary celebrations, news about workshops and symposiums, stories featuring teachers and learners from around the globe, recent publications, upcoming events, and much more.
I wish you an enjoyable read!
David Atchoarena
Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Governing Board sets path for 2023
On 22 and 23 November, the UIL Governing Board met virtually to review the Institute’s work over the past year and adopt its work plan and budget for 2023. Members of the Board expressed high satisfaction with the work of the Institute. In light of the current global challenges, they emphasized the increasing importance of a holistic vision of lifelong learning and the necessity to underpin this vision by adequate funding at international and national level.
70th anniversary celebration
High-level guests and partners from around the world celebrated the 70th anniversary of UIL from 26 to 27 October 2022 in Hamburg, Germany, and online. As the only institute in the United Nations system wholly devoted to lifelong learning, UIL has, for the past seven decades, successfully supported Member States in developing policies and practices to provide everyone with a chance to learn.
Seven decades of UIL in action
‘For the past 70 years, the Institute – with its great expertise and far-reaching networks – has been shaping international education policy.’
Peter Tschentscher
First Mayor of the UIL host city of Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
‘Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 among them SDG4 is a tough challenge and requires even more efforts in the coming years. UIL is at the forefront of these efforts in the field of education.’
Anna Bartels
Commissioner for Foreign Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany
Capacity-building and policy advice
UIL and partners lay the ground for a new lifelong learning policy in Mongolia
UIL, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia and the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, organized a three-day workshop on lifelong learning policy-making in Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar.
UIL launches technology training for literacy educators in Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, and Egypt
To promote quality literacy provision by increasing effective use of technologies in literacy instruction and learning, UIL and UNESCO regional offices have launched a training series for literacy educators. The trainings are part of an initiative by the UNESCO-led Global Education Coalition (GEC) and the Global Alliance for Literacy.
COP27 side event: ‘Lifelong learning essential for climate action’
‘Lifelong Learning is key to climate action’, underlined Niels Annen, Parliamentary State Sectary to the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, at the beginning of the COP27 side event ‘Greening TVET, Adult Learning and Education’, organized by UIL, the UNESCO Cairo Office and UNESCO-UNEVOC.
UIL urges public open digital platforms for lifelong learning at Korea EdTech Forum 2022
Delivering lifelong learning for all demands equitable public access to high-quality digital learning content and instruction. That was the key message of the sessions organized by the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL), with the UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education and the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) during the EdTech Korea Forum 2022 on 23 September 2022.
Networks and partnerships
Global Alliance for Literacy welcomes Morocco as a new member
The Kingdom of Morocco joined the Global Alliance for Literacy (GAL) as a new member country. Fellow GAL members welcomed the commitment of Morocco to further advance literacy in the country and to support the alliance in its efforts towards promoting universal basic literacy.
Mayors from the Republic of Korea visit UNESCO learning cities in Germany and France for strategic exchange
In November, the mayors of seven Korean cities travelled through Germany and France for a strategic exchange with UNESCO learning cities. Coordinated by the Korean Association of Lifelong Learning Cities, the Korea Foundation for Lifelong Education and UIL, the visits to the UNESCO learning cities of Bonn, Hamburg and Évry-Courcouronnes enabled the visiting mayors to exchange best practice and learn more about programmes being implemented at local level.
National technical workshop for lifelong learning strategies in Egyptian cities
Cities in Egypt face global challenges such as rapid urbanization, climate change, economic slowdown and inequality. Integrated lifelong learning strategies and practices at local level are vital to addressing these challenges and building economic, social and environmental resilience in cities.
UIL publishes GRALE 5 data, providing further insight into adult education worldwide
Survey data compiled for the fifth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE 5), which was published by UIL in June 2022, are now available online. The data comprises responses to a survey about about learning and education from 159 UNESCO Member States and Associate Members.
Education ministers commit to increased funding and a broader scope for RAMAA
On International Literacy Day, ministers of education adopted the Abidjan Declaration, which underlines the relevance of the UIL-led programme Action Research: Measuring Literacy Programme Participants’ Learning Outcomes (RAMAA). They acknowledged that, despite the progress that has been made, their countries still lack relevant literacy data. The ministers therefore committed to allocating the necessary funds to increase the implementation of RAMAA and agreed to mobilize additional funds.
‘We can only break the poverty cycle through education’
For Rodney Naidoo, a teacher in the UNESCO Learning City of Durban, South Africa, helping the most vulnerable students is more than a career, it’s a birthright.
'The art of drama: How Australia’s largest theatre company educated hundreds of migrants and refugees'
The Connected: Adult Language Learning Through Drama programme, featured in a recent UIL report provides English-language support for migrants and refugees using imaginative stories, process drama, role play, myths and folktales.
Conference: ‘Informal language learning and media for Migrants’
On 9 December, UIL, together with the Swedish NGO Språkkraft and the Nordic Council of Ministers, will host a second conference on informal language learning and media for migrants in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, and online.
Learning behind bars: Realizing the benefits of prison education
Achieving lifelong learning for all means paying particular attention to vulnerable groups. Nevertheless, while the benefits of prison education are clear, too few prisoners have access to quality education programmes, argues UIL Programme Specialist Marie Macauley in her blog post.
Explore our online courses
From radio to artificial intelligence: Review of innovative technology in literacy and education for refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons
This publication presents a review of relevant literature and an analysis of 25 programmes from across the world that have used innovative ICTs in literacy and education for refugees, migrants and IDPs.
Leveraging innovative technology in literacy and education programmes for refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons
This publication brings together a selection of 21 case studies showcasing how ICTs can be integrated both innovatively and effectively into literacy and education programmes for refugees, migrants and IDPs.