
Create a Better Work/Home Life Bedtime Routine

Something I hear from my working parents is between rushing from the office to either daycare or to relieve the sitter at home, and then making dinner, it’s one big time warp! Because of this, their children end up going to sleep too late, which creates disastrous bedtimes, sleepless nights, and tears from everyone.

ICYMI on Facebook and Instagram, here are some GIT Mom tips to create a better work/home life bedtime routine.

Love, Eirene

GIT Tip #1 

Coordinate family time

Make a pact with your partner for a mutual home ETA that works well for both of you. Do the best you can to make it happen and even switch off who makes dinner to give the other some breathing room in their work schedule. Choose the time that works best to close your laptops and have family time.


GIT Tip #2 

Reverse engineer bedtime 

Wondering where to begin and choose a time to kick off the best nighttime routine for your famIly? Start with the time you must leave your house in the morning. Then begin to count backward by adding in breakfast and your child’s morning routine. Account for 10-12 hours of sleep at night and that’s your child’s bedtime.


GIT Tip #3 

Perfect the bedtime routine

Compartmentalize the hell out of your personal life! Lock your phone away so you’re not tempted to answer a single work email and don’t get sidetracked by the daily mail. Everything can wait until your child is cozy in bed. The best way to keep parenting guilt away is by being as present as possible during the bedtime routine. 30 minutes is what I strive for with my GIT Moms. I promise it is achievable!

Routine is EVERYTHING. I know you’re sick of my saying it so just do it already! Following a schedule of the same exact bedtime activities in the same exact order is the easiest way to wind down your child to achieve a peaceful bedtime.

Create a relaxing sleep environment. A dark bedroom, sound machine, and a sleep crutch (pacifiers, a lovey or a stuffed animal are all great ideas) will set the mood and guarantee a restful night for your entire family.
If you're ready for a GIT Mom consultation to Get It Together click HERE to chat with Eirene.
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