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美國華裔精神健康聯盟 10/04/2022 第217期通知


親愛的大家 🍁收件快樂

十月,是最美的季節。吹過的秋風,染紅了秋葉 🍁

秋天,也是歡慶和收穫的季節。我們在一起,剛剛渡過“歌聲唱響人生”的週年慶,現在又來到灣區的年度 NAMIWalks 健行活動。10月1日,作為隊長,我帶領 MHACC 的義工團隊到活動現場。我們在 MHACC 的攤位前,在健行的隊伍中,和來自五湖四海充滿活力的朋友們一起,為抵抗精神健康的污名化發出聲音。

🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️

由於疫情和仇恨亞裔的雙重打擊, 我們的社區受到了重創, 我們的社會需要療傷和治癒。

健行的同時也為 NAMI 和MHACC 籌款,懇請大家有力出力,慷慨解囊,積少成多,讓我們有更多的資源來幫助社區,為更美好的明天添磚蓋瓦。非常感謝 ❤️


美國華裔精神健康聯盟 執行長

Elaine Peng 彭一玲 敬上 🙏

 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

The crimson leaves of fall are one of the reasons why October is the most beautiful month of the year.

Celebrations and harvest festivals are common in the autumn season. We have recently celebrated together the one-year anniversary of "Sing A Song" and are now participating in the yearly NAMIWalks in the San Francisco Bay Area. On October 1st, as captain of the MHACC team, I led a group of friends and people from all around the world on a hike to raise awareness about mental illness and combat mental health stigma.

Because of the pandemic and anti-Asian hate, our community has been ravaged, and now must heal and carry on.

We are fundraising for NAMI and MHACC during our hike. In order to support the community and make a difference in the future, we need everyone's help and generosity.

Let's enjoy autumn together, hand in hand.

Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)

❤️ 點擊捐款 Support Us ❤️

歌聲暢享人生 🎵Sing A Song

9月23日,為慶祝美國華裔精神健康聯盟 MHACC 的公益健康項目 🎵歌聲暢享人生 “Sing A Song” 欄目創辦一周年,MHACC的執行長彭一玲女士,主持人 Claudia,和老師男高音赵夏阳,在湾区周边的公園和歌友們歡聚一起,用歌聲和舞蹈自由暢談,感恩這一年多來的陪伴。

🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂




轉夏陽老師的話:我受邀主持歌聲暢享人生已經整整一年了,五十多個星期二我沒有因故缺席過一次,可見我對這項工作的喜愛。更讓我感動的是,許多人在疫情期間心情鬱悶,我的音樂講座幫助他們化解了煩惱,情緒得到了安撫和治愈。音樂講座雖然只有短短的30 分鐘,但內容卻豐富多彩:有呼吸練習,發聲練習,介紹音樂作品的作者演唱者以及其他背景知識,分析作品的音樂特點並嘗試用不同的方法現場演唱或者演奏該歌曲,有時也會邀請現場觀眾出來獻唱互動交流,使得大家在輕鬆愉快的環境中得到學習和治愈,所以一年來,我們的觀眾不減反增!

🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵

The first anniversary of the Sing A Song column, a mental health program of MHACC, was celebrated on September 23 with free-flowing conversations, singing, and dancing in the district park with Elaine Peng, Claudia (the program host), and tenor teacher Zhao Xiayang.

Stories concerning "Sing A Song": A depressed daughter has been hiding out in her room for weeks. Her mother plays it outside her daughter's room on Tuesdays as she attends her weekly "Sing A Song" meeting. After persisting for two months, to her mother’s joy, the daughter began to be willing to come out and sit with her to listen to these songs.

“Sing a Song” helped lift the spirits of another participant who was feeling depressed. The more he sang, the stronger he felt his voice become. When he was suicidal, “Sing A Song” was a great source of inspiration for him.

"Sing A Song" is more than just an entertainment event; it is a life-saving and life-enhancing initiative.

A few words from Mr. Chao: It's a testament to my passion to the job that I've been asked to teach "Sing A Song" for an entire year without missing a single session. What touched me even more was hearing how my music lecture helped many of those who had been suffering from depression throughout the pandemic. The music lecture is only 30 minutes long, but it is packed with information about breathing exercises, vocal exercises, an introduction to the composer, performer, and other context for the piece, an analysis of the music's unique qualities, and a variety of live performance strategies. Live audiences are occasionally encouraged to sing along and engage in conversation during performances of this song, creating an atmosphere where people may learn from one another and heal together. Since then, we have seen a rise, not a fall, in readership.

歡迎大家加入“歌聲暢享人生”  - Singing Shines Your Life!

每週二晚 Every Tuesdays 7:30-8:00 pm(美西時間)

💻 Zoom Link 點擊鏈接:

Meeting ID: 850 791 6770


推薦群友天馬自由行的博文:騎行40 公里,只為“歌聲暢享人生”(我的旅美生活) 

 點擊觀看精彩活動視頻 Link to the Event Vedio: 



罷工已经進行 50 天了,抱歉對一些病友造成了不便。所以,請約不到醫生的病友們按以下步驟打電話,會有相關部門儘快安排其他醫生來幫助您!

☎️ ☎️ ☎️ ☎️ ☎️

On October 1, we met people from Kaiser Hospital's mental health department at the NAMIWalk event. They were on strike to ask for big changes in the mental health department of the hospital. They want the state to step in and pass laws to make it easier for people to get mental health care.

The strike has been going on for 50 days, which has caused some patients trouble. Those who can't make an appointment with the doctor, please call by following the steps below, and we'll get other doctors to help you as soon as possible!


為紀念精神疾病宣傳周(10月3 到 9日)和世界精神衛生日(10 月 10 日),屢獲殊榮的精神健康漫畫《新聞戲劇》將於 2022 年 10 月在奧克蘭亞洲文化中心首次展出。

自大流行以來,心理健康問題急劇增加。這次為期一個月的活動旨在引發有意義的對話和消除圍繞心理健康的污名,特別是在 APIA 和移民/難民社區。


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10/01:Opening 開幕酒會

10/08:心理健康專家小組與亞洲健康服務和 NAMI SF 的代表 (Mental Health Professionals Panel with representatives from Asian Health Services and NAMI S) 

10/13:在林肯夏夜與正義壁畫合作繪畫 (Collaborative Painting with Justice Murals at Lincoln Summer Nights)

10/29:作家與 Christine No 和 Michelle Lin 的討論小組 (Writers Discussion Panel with Christine No and Michelle Lin)

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In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week (Oct 3-9) & World Mental Health Day (Oct 10), the award-winning mental health comic “Press Play” will be displayed for the first time at Oakland Asian Cultural Center in October 2022 to spark meaningful conversations & combat stigmas around mental health. 

The month-long event will also feature a family-friendly collaborative painting activity and panel discussions with mental health professionals and local Bay Area writers who engage in mental health topics in their work.  

了解更多信息 For more Info:

The exhibition is presented by Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC) and ARTogether, with lead sponsor Asian Health Services and in collaboration with community partners National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) San Francisco, Justice Murals & Lincoln Summer Nights. Comic is written by Edward Gunawan and illustrated by Elbert Lim

美華慈心系列講座:10月5日 - 正念與減壓 鄭健宏博士

鄭健宏博士是我們 MHACC 的老朋友,歡迎大家參加他的 Zoom 講座!

Dr. Rocco Cheng is an old friend of MHACC. Welcome to his Zoom class: 

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction, Wednesday 10-11 am (PT)

 10/05 正念與減壓 鄭健宏博士,周三 上午10-11點(美西時間)

Zoom Meeting:843 9797 3750

Pass Code:2005

10月8日「反仇視 / 抗暴力」圖片展

10月8日周六,在《星島日報》的工商展上,將會展出由美國華裔精神健康聯盟贊助的「反仇視 抗暴力」圖片展,屆時會有MHACC的展位,歡迎大家前來支持我們。

從 2020 年初新冠疫情在美國爆發以來,三藩市灣區乃至全美華裔和亞太裔社區遭受的歧視和仇視事件層出不窮,根據全國民權組織聯盟「停止仇視亞太裔」的報告,從 2020 年3月19日至 2022 年3月31日,收到了11,467 宗仇視亞太裔報告。

這次「反仇視 抗暴力」圖片展的內容包括:MHACC 及僑界、亞太裔社區舉行的一系列聲勢浩大的反亞裔仇視遊行,集會,籌款幫助受害者及家人,並自發組織不同形式的社區安全團隊保一方平安的故事。我們希望以視覺藝術的力量推動亞裔社區,更團結,更強大。

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MHACC is sponsoring a photography exhibit titled "Anti-Hate and Anti-Violence," which will be on display at the "Sing Tao Daily" industrial and commercial exhibition on Saturday, October 8th.  MHACC will also be setting up a booth there. Encourage your friends and family to come and join the movement!

Since the beginning of the 2020 pandemic in the United States, crimes of prejudice and hatred towards Chinese Americans and Asian Pacific Americans in the country (particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area) have resurfaced. There were 11,467 reports of AAPI hostility between March 19 and March 31, 2022.

MHACC and overseas Chinese/Asian-Pacific groups coordinated a series of major anti-Asian hatred marches, demonstrations, and fundraising events to aid victims and their families. These events are documented in the "Anti-Hate and Violence" photo exhibition. The narrative of a community's efforts to maintain order on one side. With the help of visual arts, our goal is to encourage Asian Americans to gather together and grow stronger as a whole.

展覽時間 Exhibition Time:10/08/2022 11 am - 5 pm

地點:紅木城法院廣場 Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063

星島工展會視頻簡介(粵語)Video in Cantonese

星島工展會視頻簡介(國語)Video in Mandarin

10月是 ADHD 意識月

十月也是 ADHD(注意力缺陷/多動障礙) 意識月。

Kai 是一個 22 歲的亞裔大男孩。因為總是坐立不安,無法專心,不能按時完成作業,他從小就被貼上頑皮搗蛋,不愛學習的標籤,成為一個被邊緣化的問題孩子。Kai 的理想是當一個喜劇演員,但這彷彿是一個遙不可及的夢。因為他認為自己很笨,缺乏自信。面對迷茫前途,Kai 焦慮而徬徨。直到被診斷出患有多動症,Kai 才鬆了一口氣。

未確診的 ADHD 會對一個人造成很大的傷害,帶來嚴重的自我懷疑。這是為什麼呢?

在過去的很多年 ADHD 一直被認為是一種行為障礙。ADHD 的孩子被貼上愚笨懶惰貪玩等負面標籤。直到 1982 年以後,人們才知道 ADHD 是一種大腦功能障礙。在 ADHD 的大腦神經細胞之間起聯繫作用的化學遞質不能有效的釋放和加載,導致思考、學習、感受和與他人的關係中行為“異常”。於是,人們使用多動症的藥物幫助調節這些功能。但藥物的作用始終有限,也不能完全“治癒”,恢復“正常”。

但是,如果我們根本不需要“治愈”或“正常”呢? 根據最近的研究,大腦神經細胞的連結並沒有一個量化的標準,每個大腦都不同。ADHD 可以說是一個神經發散性,或者神經多樣性 (Neuro Divergence / Diversity) 的問題。



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October is considered ADHD(Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder)awareness month. 

Kai is a 22-year-old Asian boy. Since he was a child, he's been characterized as a naughty delinquent who doesn't want to study as well as a neglected problem child due to his restlessness, inability to concentrate, and struggles to complete things on time. Kai's long-term goal is to become a comedian, but he feared a dismal future since he thought he was simply unintelligent and lacked self-confidence. However, when he was finally diagnosed with ADHD, Kai felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Undiagnosed ADHD can generate self-doubt. Why? 

ADHD was once considered a behavioral condition. Children with ADHD are often labeled as stupid, lazy, and troublesome. After 1982, people understood ADHD as a neurological disorder. In ADHD, brain chemical transmitters don't release and reload effectively, causing "abnormal" thinking, learning, feeling, and interpersonal behavior. ADHD medications control these functions, but they don't "cure" or make things "normal" again. 

What if we don’t need to "cure" those with ADHD at all? According to recent studies, each brain's connectivity between nerve cells is unique. ADHD is only a result of neurodiversity.

ADHD needs to be treated with a customized strategy, not a one-size-fits-all attitude. Realizing your full potential requires consideration of the way you think, your triggers, emotional regulation, and an analysis of your unique skills.

We must leave behind shame and self-blame. Your struggles and efforts are real. We are all of the different neurodiversity.


歷史里程碑 - 為紀念亞裔受害人而更改街名

2022 年 10 月 1 日, 為了紀念 Vicha Ratanapakdee 以及最近在全國各地遭受亞裔和太平洋島民 (AAPI) 仇恨暴力的無數其他受害者,舊金山 Anza Vista 社區的 Sonora Lane 更名為 “Vicha Ratanapakdee Way'' 

Vicha Ratanapakdee 是一名 84 歲的泰裔長者,2021年1月,他在該街道白天散步時被暴徒強行推倒在地而死亡。事件隨即引發了亞裔社區的強烈憤怒。經過各個社區組織和活動家的努力,才有了現在的為紀念受害人而更改街名的行動。

“我們希望新的街道名稱能夠提醒後代,針對亞太裔,特別是長者的暴力行為在我們的社會中沒有立足之地。並且,這個儀式將激勵社區及其領導人採取行動制止反亞裔暴力和種族主義 ” Vicha Ratanapakdee 的女兒在儀式上發言。

著名的韓裔演員,導演和社會活動家 Daniel Dae Kim 也特地打飛的來到活動現場,一年多來,Kim 為了這個歷史性改變四處奔走,出了很大的力。

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San Francisco's Sonora Lane in the Anza Vista neighborhood was renamed "Vicha Ratanapakdee Way" on October 1, 2022, in memory of Vicha Ratanapakdee and the countless other victims of recent Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) violence across the country. This commemorates a major turning point in history!

As he walked along the street during the day in January 2021, 84-year-old Thai senior Vicha Ratanapakdee was violently pushed to the ground and killed by rioters. The Asian-American community was quick to express its outrage after the incident.

Violence against Asian Americans, especially the elderly, has no place in our society, and we hope the new street name will serve as a reminder to future generations. As Vicha Ratanapakdee's daughter declares: "This event will inspire the community and its leaders to take action to eradicate anti-Asian violence and racism."

Daniel Dae Kim, a well-known Korean actor, director, and social activist, also made an appearance. Kim has been tirelessly working on this momentous shift for almost a year now. 

让我们重温Kim 當時的慷慨陈词 Let us recall Kim's kind words from back then:


華裔網的司機馮幹今年7月在奧克蘭的小西貢被槍殺,美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC和奧克蘭唐人街改善委員會 (OCIC),亞裔美國人基金會(TAAF)、亞洲健康服務社一起,為受害人家屬籌得超過10萬的善款,來自社會各界的一千七百多個捐贈者。

9月28日,OCIC 主席莊錦鎮(Stewart Chen)在送善款給馮幹家人的儀式上說:我一再問自己,槍械暴力何時才會停止?我們需要符合常識的槍械管制。我希望以後不要在有這樣的捐款,但萬一社區有需要的話,我們一定會挺身而出!

🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕

Chinese American Network driver Feng Gan was fatally shot in Oakland's Little Saigon neighborhood in July. The victim‘s family was assisted by MHACC, OCIC, the Asian American Foundation (TAAF), and the Asian Health Service. Over a hundred thousand dollars have been donated to the victim's family members, and over one thousand seven hundred different people have contributed.

At a ceremony to deliver funds to Feng Gan's family on September 28, OCIC Chairman Stewart Chen said, "I have frequently asked myself, when will gun violence stop?" Rational gun control is needed. I really hope that no more similar donations would be necessary in the future, but if the community ever has a need, we will be there to help!

The family of Feng Gan wanted to thank the neighborhood for their support. They were able to pay bills and put food on the table, and with time, they hoped, the pain would fade.

CARE Court 嚴重精神危機者法案 

9月14日,加州州長紐森簽署了“CARE Court”法案,州長辦公室的推特特別分享了 MHACC 執行長 Elaine Peng 的故事視頻。對於 Elaine Peng 和她的家人,以及很多有類似經歷的家庭來說,CARE Court 可以提供挽救生命所需的社區支持和幫助。

CARE Court 是一項富有同情心的計劃,它將幫助最脆弱的加州居民,為患有嚴重精神疾病和藥物使用障礙的患友在陷入危機之前得到最需要的服務和支持。希望就在這裡!


Elaine Peng 的故事視頻:

CalHHS 秘书 Mark Ghaly 博士关于 CARE 法案立法的声明:

Statement from CalHHS Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly on the CARE Act legislation:
⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️ 

 On September 14, California Governor Newsom signed the "CARE Court" bill. The Governor's Office's Twitter account shared a video of the story of MHACC Director Elaine Peng. 

CARE Court can give the community support, structure, and help needed to preserve lives for many families going through similar circumstances as Elaine Peng’s family.

CARE Court is a compassionate program that will help the most vulnerable Californians suffering from severe mental illness and substance use disorders access the services and support they need before they fall into crisis.

Hope is here!

選民註冊 Register for Vote


The midterm elections are approaching, and we encourage everyone to register to vote as well as vote for a candidate that supports mental health issues!

點擊註冊 Click for Register:

秋冬防疫,新冠加强剂(Bivalent Booster)



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Autumn has arrived, nearing the season with the most common cases of COVID-19. Many people want to get a Covid-19 booster and a flu shot. Remember that the best protection from the vaccine comes about a month after it is given, so get the new booster (Bivalent) as soon as possible before the busy Thanksgiving holiday. The booster can be combined with the flu shot. This is the best immune protection for people with underlying diseases, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems.

Make an appointment online at or visit your local pharmacy today to preserve the health of you and your loved ones.

Find out more about the new boosters. 了解更多最新加強針的訊息➡️

NAMI Peer to Peer Mentor online Training(English)


NAMI "友護友課程導師" 11月再次開班!

這個課程的目的是為走過心理健康問題的成年人進行免費的職業培訓,通過培訓的學員將有資格在NAMI為期八週的友對友教育課程中擔任老師。所有學員還將參加 FEMA 災難恢復教育和呼叫中心協議“及時培訓”。培訓結束後,將立即有機會在NAMI的附屬機構找到職位,和/或在加州公共心理健康系統中找到職位。

 👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫

NAMI P2P mentor training will be returning in November. The purpose of this training is to prepare Californians living with mental illness to serve as mentors (teachers) in our free, eight-week Peer-to-Peer educational courses. All trainees will also take part in FEMA disaster recovery education and call center protocols, known as “Just in Time Training”. Following training, there will be immediate placement with affiliates and/or with external positions in California’s public mental health system.

日期/Date:11/19 - 11/20/2022

時間Time:9 am - 5 pm(西部時間 PST)

報名截止(Registration Deadline):10/30

Zoom 連結會在報名通過後發送 ( Zoom link will be given upon approval via emailing)

立刻報名/了解詳情 (Register/learn more):

如有問題請聯繫(Any questions please contact):

【僑路大講堂 讲座】:更好的家庭溝通

Better Communication in the Family

主講人 Dr. Rona Hu 是我們 MHACC的老朋友。胡醫生是斯坦福醫院急性精神科住院部的醫療主任,專門為患有嚴重精神疾病的人提供護理,包括精神分裂症、雙相情感障礙和抑鬱症。她在加州大學舊金山分校完成了醫學院和精神病學住院醫師培訓,並通過美國國立衛生研究院獲得了藥理學和精神分裂症研究獎學金。她還積極參與少數民族問題和文化精神病學,並因其臨床護理、研究和教學而獲得地區和國家的認可。

本次講座的內容是: “減少了共同的痛苦;增加了共同的快樂” ——為什麼我的家人不分享他們的感受,或者在我說話的時候傾聽呢? 

👪 👪 👪 👪 👪

Dr. Rona Hu is the medical director of the acute psychiatric inpatient unit at Stanford Hospital. She specializes in taking care of people with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. She went to medical school and did her psychiatry residency at UCSF. The National Institutes of Health gave her a Pharmacology and Schizophrenia Research Fellowship. She also works hard on minority issues and cultural psychiatry, with her clinical care, research, and teaching earning her regional and national praise.

"Reduced Shared Pain; Increased Shared Joy" is the topic of this speech. “Why doesn't my family talk about how they feel or listen when I talk?”

The speech goes over practical strategies about how to listen with compassion and how to fix communication gaps. It also talks about fixed vs. growth mindsets and why you, your spouse, or your children may have different mindsets depending on how you were raised.

點擊觀看 Click to View:


Robert Friedberg 博士是 Palo Alto 大學的教授,他的講座“青少年抑鬱症的認知行為療法:取得進展的途徑” 是 Alan Hu 基金會 心理健康系列講座的一部分。


美國華裔精神健康聯盟( )提供的中文同聲傳譯

講座回放 Video Reply



🧒 🧒 🧒 🧒 🧒
Alan Hu Foundation Mental Health Lecture Series:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression in Youth: Pathways to Progress 

By Professor Robert Friedberg, PhD (Palo Alto University)

In northern California, there are only 205 hospital beds for adolescent mental patients. In "prosperous" northern California, there are only 29-30 beds for 100,000 people, 60% of the CDC requirement for the country. 

The pandemic brought spikes in anxiety, depression, and suicides. The possibility of real war (regarding Ukrainians and Russians) will only worsen the mental health of many individuals. 

Dr. Friedberg gives a wonderful speech for people to pass on to others in order to educate one other about depression, anxiety, and procrastination.   

心理健康手機 Apps

感謝各位的长期支持,MHACC的两款精神健康手机软件📱已经上架几个月了👏👏👏 为了进一步完善軟件功能,提升用戶體驗,我们急需您的反馈意见!

Thank you for your long-term support! MHACC's two mental health mobile apps have been in the app store for a few months now. We urgently need your feedback to improve the software functions and user experience!

希望大家点击下面您所使用软件的问卷链接,并花两三分钟时间回答问题。如果您同时使用两个软件, 您可以点击两个链接,回答问题。👇

Please click on the link below and answer a few short questions. (Please answer the questions in both links if you use both apps.)

☀️ MiSunshine App Survey “陽光地帶”手機軟件民調:

🏠 UrSpace App Survey “慰籍小屋”手機軟件民調:

📱 📱 📱 📱 📱

MiSunshine 是一款幫助心理健康護理人員獲取相關信息,協助管理護理工作的手機App,支持中英雙語。軟件還會關注您自己的情緒變化,提供支持和安慰,並放鬆您的心情。您還可以在這裡找到大量與心理健康相關的視頻,和分享的故事 ❤️

MiSunshine is a mobile app designed for caregivers to build a caretaking schedule based on their family’s needs. The app additionally tracks the caregiver's mood, offering a source of support and relaxation. Informative mental health-related videos and stories shared by peers are available on the app. Both Chinese and English speakers may use the app.

📱安卓手機安裝 (Android Download):

📱蘋果手機安裝 (Apple Store Download):

UrSpace 是一款維護心理健康和協助心理康復的手機App,支持中英雙語。您可以在 UrSpace 裡選擇一個虛擬夥伴,並與虛擬夥伴交流,尋找支持和安慰。軟件還會關注您的情緒變化,協助您放鬆心情,提醒您使用藥物,顯示附近的活動,提供心理健康資源。您還可以在這裡找到大量心理相關的視頻,和分享的故事 ❤️

UrSpace is a mobile app used as a personal mental health care and recovery tool. It supports both Chinese and English speakers. Users can select their own virtual buddy in the app, who will keep you company on your journey towards self-healing. The app It also tracks mood changes, reminds you to take medication, displays local support groups, and provides professional mental health resources. You'll also find many informative videos and peer-written stories that unpack the struggles of mental health disorders. 

📱安卓手機安裝 (Android Store Download):

📱苹果蘋果手機安裝 (Apple Store Download):

 患友/家屬互助組活動 Peer/Family Support Groups

👬 患友互助小組(Peer Support Groups)

每月第二個週六(2nd Sat)- 10/08/2022

⏰時間:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 Pacific Time)

組別:患友英語互助組 NAMI Connection-API English Peer Support Group

⏰時間:1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:患友廣東話互助組 Cantonese Peer Support Group

每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)- 10/15/2022

⏰時間:1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (美西時間 PST)

✅組別:患友普通話互助組  Mandarin Peer Support Group

每月第四個週六(4th Sat)- 10/22/2022

⏰時間:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 PST)

✅組別:患友英語互助組 NAMI Connection-API English Peer Support Group

💻 患友互助組 網上會議 - Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702

Passcode: MHACC 

☎️ 或撥打電話 or Call at 1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702 

Passcode: 572063 

👪 照顧者 (家人) 互助組活動安排如下(Family Support Groups)


每月第二個週六(2nd Sat) - 10/08/2022

⏰時間:3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (美西時間 PST)

✅組別:照顧者(家人)廣東話互助組 Cantonese Family Support Group


每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)- 10/15/2022

⏰時間:3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (美西時間 PST)

✅組別:照顧者(家人)普通話互助組 Mandarin Family Support Group

💻 網上會議 Zoom link:

☎️ 或撥打電話 Or call at:1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799, 

Meeting ID:741 323 2578

期待與您相聚!Looking forward to meeting you! 🐯🙏🏻😇

 歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song 🎵

美國華裔精神健康聯盟 MHACC 公益健康項目 🎵歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song


時間:每週二晚上 7:30-8:00pm(美西時間)

🎶活动期间,传奇抒情男高音赵夏阳先生每周都会介绍分析一首歌曲,并现场演唱。 优美的歌声是缓解压力、抚慰心灵、享受美好生活的法宝。

Sing A Song to Enjoy Life by Zhao Xia Yang

Held every Tuesday night from 7:30-8:00 pm PT

The lyrical tenor, Zhao Xiayang, shares a song at every meeting and sings it live. The beautiful singing works like magic to relieve stress and soothe the soul. By falling in love with music, we can enjoy our lives to the fullest!

💻 Zoom Link 點擊鏈接:

Meeting ID: 850 791 6770


⚠️ 應歌友們的請求,在“歌聲暢享人生”開辦一周年之即,MHACC 將向歌友開放 YouTube 頻道,分享我們錄屏的精彩視頻,歡迎 👏 大家收看並給以反饋

At the request of many, MHACC opened a YouTube channel during the first anniversary of "Sing A Song to Enjoy Life" in order to share the screen recordings of the meetings. Please watch below, any feedback is welcome~

點擊 MHACC YouTube Link 👉

 跳入精彩人生 💃 Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance

歡迎加入“跳入精彩人生” ,大家一起保持身心健康,享受放鬆的放飛心情,開心過好每一天!

⚠️ 7月起平台舞會時間有調整,日場延長,新增週末場,請關注海報與每日通知

Welcome to “Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance”! Let's stay healthy together, enjoy some refreshing exercise, and live happily every day!

Starting in July, the fitness dance time will be adjusted: the daytime session has been extended and weekend sessions have been added. Pay attention to the posters and daily notices for any new information!

⏰ 每日雲健身(Daytime Session)

美西:4:30-6:00 pm (Pacific Time)

美中:6:30-8:00 pm (Central Time)

美东:7:30-9:00 pm(Eastern Time)

北京:7:30-9:00 am (Beijing Time)

⏰ 周末(Weekend Session)

美西:8:00-9:00 am (Pacific Time)

美东:11:00-12:00 am(Eastern Time)

💻 連結 Zoom Link:

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282

Passcode: 8888

視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance

欢迎订阅 /点赞 /转发 Please subscribe, like, and forward!


☎️當您經歷恐懼,焦慮和痛苦, 不要遲疑, 請撥打我們的心理援助熱線 ☎️(800) 881-8502, 我們一直在您身旁 👬

If you experience fear, anxiety, or distress, don't hesitate to call our Psychological Assistance Hotline at ☎️ (800) 881-8502. We will always be here for you

⛽️ 美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性501(c)(3)非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持。按下圖片即可在進行樂捐,非常感謝您的慷慨捐獻 ❤️

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Click the button below 👇 to make a donation. We thank you for any generous contributions!

🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

可以通過網站捐車 Donate your old car through the website:

或者打電話 or by calling ☎️ 855-500-7433 (includes free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.


🛒 當您在 Amazon 購物時,請用amazon smile 😊選擇美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC為被捐助的慈善機構,購物的同時做善事。

Support Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities on Amazon! 

這是我們的慈善鏈接Our charity link 👉



The Chinese American Mental Health Alliance is dedicated to improving life quality! Raising public awareness of mental health and building a home that everyone desires without wavering.

Mental health Association for Chinese Communities, 1800-881-8502


Copyright © 2022 Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities, All rights reserved.

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