CIM Bulletin september 2022
CIM Bulletin
September 2022
CIM Presentation to the Permanent Council of the OAS
On September 7th, the Executive Secretary of the CIM, Alejandra Mora Mora, presented the results and main initiatives carried out by the CIM and MESECVI based on the mandates granted at the 51st OAS General Assembly to the OAS Permanent Council. She spoke in depth about what has been done in the areas of: women's economic autonomy, political rights and parity as a measure of distributive justice; peace and security; strategies for mainstreaming the gender perspective; and the generation of data and information on violence in the region. "If the pre-COVID world was not led by women, the post-COVID world can make up for that debt," she concluded.
CIM meets with PAHO High Level Panel on Mental Health

On September 21st, the Executive Secretary and the CIM team met with the President of the Commission of the High Level Group on Mental Health of the Pan American Health Organization, Epsy Campbell, to discuss the importance of incorporating the differentiated aspects of women's mental health, based on a holistic health approach that takes into account their particularities, perspectives and resilience.
Inter-American Network of Gender Liaisons of the Judiciary adopts the Belém do Pará Convention Follow-Up Indicator System

On September 21st, during the first virtual meeting of the recently formed Inter-American Network of Gender Liaisons of the Judiciary, the bylaws and work plan were voted on.
This includes the Belém do Pará Convention Follow-up Indicator System, developed by the MESECVI, to contribute to progress in the effective implementation of the Convention. In this way, the Inter-American Network recognizes the importance of indicators as a fundamental tool for evaluating and contributing to compliance with international standards on access to justice, gender equality and women's right to a life free of violence.

Caribbean member states discuss regional gender priorities

On September 23rd, CIM Vice President, the Honorable Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte, Minister of Saint Lucia responsible for Gender and Labor, among other things, opened a high-level virtual meeting for Caribbean Member States to discuss the CIM Strategic Plan 2022-2026 and its Engagement Strategy for the 14 Caribbean Member States. Some 50 technical, political and diplomatic representatives from 12 Caribbean States participated, including ministers and principal delegates responsible for national gender mechanisms.
More information here.

CIM holds first meeting of the Executive Committee 2022- 2025

On September 27th, CIM Delegates met to hold the first session of the Executive Committee for the period 2022-2025. The President of the CIM, Minister María Inés Castillo, and the Executive Secretary, Alejandra Mora Mora, presented the guidelines for the implementation of the new CIM Strategic Plan. The main topics discussed were: the new "Mainstreaming + Strategy" that institutionalizes the gender approach throughout the State; the roadmap to promote the participation of the Caribbean States, and the CIM’s new areas of work that respond to the global agenda, such as: climate change, sexual and reproductive rights, mental health, and peace and security.
More information here.

High-Level Panel: gender mainstreaming and its territorialization

As part of the launch of its new strategy "Gender Mainstreaming+ for Equality and Transformation," on September 28th, the CIM held a High Level Panel on strategies for gender mainstreaming and territorialization of public policies for gender equality. During the dialogue, experiences, good practices and challenges in the implementation of gender mainstreaming processes at the national and local levels were exchanged, based on the experiences of Chile, Colombia and Honduras.
More information here.
Event available here (only in Spanish)
Mainstreaming + Strategy for Equality and Transformation available here. (only in Spanish)

The CIM launches the Executive Training Course on Gender Mainstreaming


On September 29th, the CIM began its Executive Training Course on Gender Mainstreaming+, with the objective of offering practical tools to promote successful gender mainstreaming processes in all areas of public administration, strengthening the articulation between the national and local levels. The first session was led by Alda Facio, who provided basic concepts and promoted a debate on the obstacles and strategies currently presented by the countries of the region.

Other Highlights of September 2022
🔎 CIM Recomendations

CIM/OAS Gender Mainstreaming + Strategy for Equality and Transformation" (Spanish only)
Seeks to strengthen the leading role of the National Women's Machineries in mainstreaming the gender perspective in public policy.
“Impacts of Corruption on Women’s Rights in the Americas: An Agenda under Construction”
The document incorporates concrete measures that serve as a reference for the actors involved, mainly the States, international organizations and civil society organizations.
Document prepared by the CIM and the Summits of the Americas Secretariat.
CIM Calendar: What are we looking to highlight during these dates?
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COVID-19 in Women's Lives: Global Emergence of Care. (English)
Violence against Women in the Face of Measures to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 (English)
COVID-19 in Women's Lives: Reasons for Recognizing Differential Impacts (English)
Inter-American Model Law on Care (English)
Declaration of Panama "Building bridges for a new social and economic pact led by women"
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