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In 1972 I launched my very first slimming class. Click here to read how it all began.


As you are well aware, I am an advocate of low-fat eating as a very effective way of losing weight, and I have been so since 1986 when I was forced to go on a low-fat diet to avoid surgery for my gallstones.

As far as I am concerned, if we cut down on all fats, we would be consuming significantly fewer calories and weight loss is almost inevitable. I haven’t differentiated between saturated and unsaturated fat in any of my diet plans as all types of fats contain similar calories.

However, recently a friend of mine had a blood test. Sandra eats healthily (or so she thought), is slim, and exercises regularly, so you can imagine her surprise when she received a letter from her GP informing her that her cholesterol level was higher than the last time she had a blood test.

Her doctor went on to explain that most of this is based on her number of birthdays (she’s 78) and that NICE (the National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidance suggests that she should consider taking a statin to reduce her risk of having a stroke or heart attack over the next 10 years.

Sandra was quite shocked and rang me up for guidance. She didn’t want to take statins and would rather change her diet to reduce her cholesterol.

I immediately looked into the foods we should and shouldn’t eat to keep our level of cholesterol healthy. I also looked into the possible side-effects of taking statins. Here is a quick guide to keep us all on the right track:

How do we reduce our cholesterol?

  • The main food to avoid is saturated fat which is found in animal products – ie the fat in meat, the skin on chicken, sausages, bacon, processed meats, cheese, cream, pastries, biscuits, pies, butter, margarine and lard among others.
  • Eat more fish. Fish is low in saturates.
  • Unsaturated fats are healthy but consume in moderation if you are trying to lose weight. Oil is 100% fat and more than twice the calories of protein or carbs.
  • Lose any excess weight by following a healthy, low-fat diet.
  • Get active – for at least 150 minutes a week.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Cut down on alcohol.
How much saturated fat should we eat?
The NHS says: Most people in the UK eat too much saturated fat. The government recommends that: 
  • Men should not eat more than 30g of saturated fat a day.
  • Women should not eat more than 20g of saturated fat a day.
Check the Nutrition panel on the packaging of almost all food products and under the ‘Fat’ content look for the line which says ‘of which saturates…’ and buy accordingly.
Can exercise help?
Mary explains in this Newsletter the enormous benefits to our cholesterol levels created by exercise.
What are the negatives of taking statins?
Side effects can vary between different statins, but common side effects include:
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • feeling sick
  • feeling unusually tired or physically weak
  • digestive system problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion or flatulence
  • muscle pain
  • sleep problems
  • low blood platelet count

When should we take statins?
If your GP tells you that you need to take statins you should take them. They will effectively lower your LDL cholesterol (LDL is our bad cholesterol whilst HDL is our good cholesterol) and could save you from having a coronary heart attack, angina or a stroke.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 4
Per serving: 305 calories, 4.7g fat (excluding accompaniments)
Prep time 25 mins
Marinating time 1 hour
Cook time 30 mins

4 large skinless chicken breasts, cut into pieces
1 large red onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp tamarind paste or hot fruit chutney
4 kaffir lime leaves
1 x 400ml can reduced-fat coconut milk
1 tbsp cornflour
2 tbsps chopped fresh coriander

For the curry paste
3 garlic cloves, peeled
1 tbsp ground coriander
1⁄2 tsp ground turmeric
1⁄4 tsp fenugreek seeds or ground fenugreek
2 - 3 small whole fresh green chillies
seeds removed from 8 crushed cardamom pods
2 tsps chopped fresh lemongrass
2 tsps vegetable stock powder

Marinating the chicken overnight maximises the flavour of this very spicy curry. For a milder taste substitute green peppers for the green chillies. Once cooked, the curry can be stored chilled or frozen and reheated as required.

  1. Make the paste by grinding all the ingredients in either a food processor or liquidiser. Scrape the paste into a bowl, then rinse out the food processor bowl with a little water.
  2. Add the chicken pieces to the paste and mix well. Allow to marinate for a minimum of 1 hour or ideally overnight.
  3. In a non-stick pan dry-fry the onion until soft, then add the chicken and cook for 5 - 6 minutes, stirring continuously. Add the remaining ingredients except the cornflour and fresh coriander.
  4. Slake the cornflour with a little cold water and stir into the sauce. Simmer gently for 15 - 20 minutes until the sauce thickens and the chicken is cooked through. Just before serving, stir in the fresh coriander.
  5. Serve with boiled basmati rice
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

It does sometimes feel that as we age there is so much that can go wrong! I don't mean to start a Newsletter with such negativity but when we discover, without any previous idea, that we have an elevated cholesterol level, particularly if we lead a very healthy life, it can be a bit of a shock. 

Having a blood test is an amazingly comprehensive guide to our general health and it can often flag up issues that we had no idea existed. The most important thing about having a blood test is to then take any necessary action immediately to make any changes required to address any issues raised.  I can think of many instances throughout my life when sadly, with some people, such diagnostic results have been ignored, with the inevitable consequence that the highlighted condition simply worsens, often considerably affecting their quality of life or even resulting in a possible early demise! Our cholesterol levels are one such indicator and we should take notice of the results.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is partly produced from the food we eat and partly produced in the liver.  It plays a vital role in how all your cells work and is needed for both digesting our food and in the making of Vitamin D. The type of cholesterol is important to understand and should be explained to you when you are tested.

Types of Cholesterol - HDL and LDL

There are two main types of cholesterol and they are named according to how 'dense' they are, namely High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL).

  • HDL is good cholesterol and LDL cholesterol is bad for us.

Understanding the difference

Fats cannot travel around the body on their own – they need to be attached to proteins. Proteins are heavier than fat so your HDL reading indicates that your blood is more 'densely' populated with protein rather than fat.  This is referred to as the 'good' cholesterol because it can help prevent disease.  

Low Density Lipoprotein, (LDL) is the opposite, with more fat than protein circulating.  That is why it is often referred to as the 'bad' cholesterol because it will eventually clog up your arteries (known as atherosclerosis) causing heart problems. 

So, one is preventing disease and the other one is causing it!  Quite a difference! An easy way to remember that LDL is bad cholesterol is by using the acronym ‘lumps of dirty lard’!

Know YOUR Cholesterol level...Get tested!

I was recently called for a Health Review and that included the pinprick blood test to know my cholesterol level.  My ‘Total Cholesterol’ reading was slightly high at 5.39 (it should be below 5) but my HDL level was 2.04 which was good. The true picture emerged after they calculated the two scores to find the ‘ratio’ between my ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. This is done by dividing the Total Cholesterol (5.39) by the HDL reading (2.04). A good ratio for cholesterol to HDL is below 5. A ratio below 3.5 is considered very good. Mine was 2.64 thankfully, so this resulted in a very pleasing tick in the green box!

Combined with my very active lifestyle, a healthy BMI and a low blood pressure, my risk of heart disease thankfully is quite low.  I did however get a telling-off for my alcohol consumption as I admitted to exceeding the women's recommended allowance of 14 units a week!

If you are over 65 and not had a health review in the last 5 years, you are entitled to a free check. Just call your GP surgery to request one.

Exercise...a major player!

Exercise has long been known to raise your level of HDL and lower your level of harmful LDL. 

Being overweight and not exercising regularly is one of the reasons you may be given a concerning result – and you need to take it seriously.  However, the combination of regular exercise and losing weight can dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease. They provide a win:win formula for those diagnosed with a worrying test result.  Almost any exercise will do as long as you do it regularly but most studies focus particularly on two areas: aerobic and strength.

Aerobic Exercise
Brisk walking, cycling and swimming all display excellent results in lowering cholesterol. Physically active women will have a significantly higher HDL (good cholesterol) than those who are sedentary.

Strength Training
More surprising is the fact that strength training will also make a positive difference. In the journal 'Atherosclerosis' a study demonstrated that those who lift weights were able to clear LDL (bad cholesterol) from the bloodstream faster than those who didn't.  Also, a study on 70 - 87 year-olds in the Journal of Gerontology found that those who participated in a strength programme for 11 weeks had significantly lower LDL than those who didn't.  All great news for we oldies!

Yoga, Pilates and Stretching
In the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, it was discovered that those who practice even calm and relaxing stretching moves showed a great improvement in lowering LDL and increasing HDL, plus a lower blood pressure.  Good news all round in preventing a heart attack.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Get that blood moving through every part of the body!  Walk briskly on your daily 30+ minute walk or ring the changes with a pacey swim or cycle ride this week.  The key is to get the heart pumping…a lot!  Think of your good HDLs increasing with every step!
  2. Choose your favourite Strength Workout and do it 3 times this week.  You now have more motivation than ever to get working.
  3. With the onset of Autumn, the weather may not be the best for going outside so get out one of Rosemary’s exercise DVDs or find one on YouTube!  When I choreographed them, I made sure they had everything included in every programme – aerobics, strength work and stretches.

Did you know...

The majority of pre-packed food products must, by law,  provide a nutrition label on the back of the pack. Learning to read the labels makes it much easier for us to make healthier choices.

Sugars - ‘of which sugars’ refers to how much of the carbohydrate content of the food or drink comes from sugars (the rest being from starch). 
‘Total sugars’ is declared on food labels. However, government dietary recommendations are based on ‘free sugars’ which are those added by the manufacturer and those naturally present in honey, syrups and unsweetened fruit juices. Total sugars include both the sugars naturally present in whole fruit and milk, and free sugars. For example, looking at a plain yogurt, it may state it contains 9.9g of total sugars. However, none of these are ‘free sugars’ as they all come naturally from the milk.   

Fat - this includes different kinds of fat - both saturated and unsaturated. But, by looking at the ‘saturates’ content, you can work out how much saturated fat is in a portion you are intending to eat. 

Protein - this is the total protein content of the food. The body needs protein to grow and repair itself. Most adults in the UK get more than enough protein for their needs.

Salt - the term ‘salt’ on food labels includes all the sodium in a food. While most sodium comes from salt (sodium chloride), some can be naturally occurring in food. It can also come from raising agents and additives.
Extra information is often added on the front of the pack using the red-amber-green traffic light system and showing what percentage of your recommended daily intake a typical portion contains. This allows you to make comparisons between products that are high, medium or low in fat, saturates, salt and sugar to help you make healthier choices.

And finally...

After learning much more about good and bad cholesterol, I hope the information in this issue of the Newsletter will have helped us all to think about what we eat, realise how good exercise is for us and for us to address our lifestyle in general.

If we do, we can minimise our risk of a heart attack and maximise our chances of a long and healthy life.

Let’s do it together,

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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