Newsletter #9
As we slowly enter the fall season, Open Schooling together prepares itself for another year of exploration with teachers, students and communities across Europe. Some projects are over and others will start soon, but, as always, we gathered here our latest results, experimentations and tools for you to explore, plan or run Open Schooling projects.

1. We share an exploration tool you can employ at your own organisation to look at a challenge and develop new approaches for responding to this.
2. Some stories shared from the ground in Cyprus and Germany.
3. The white book on Open Schooling is out! A reference guide that summarises the approach, the implementation and the outcomes of the PHERECLOS project.
4. We share good reads and upcoming events as well - among them feedback highlighting the value of connecting students with practitioners to effectively inspire, raise awareness, and empower students.
6. And don't worry if you missed our last events, we have round-up articles just for you.

Ready? Let's start!
In depth
Generate new ways to look at a challenge - Case clinic session

TRACES - a think-and-do tank in Paris, France - has been exploring how guided discussion groups can be a helpful exploration tool for Open Schooling projects to look at a challenge and develop new approaches for responding to this. Malvina Artheau and Claudia Aguirre trialled a case clinic format as the Schools As Living Labs approach to tackle issues faced on the ground by informal and formal science educators trying to implement Open Schooling. A case clinic guides a team or a group of peers through a process in which a case giver presents a case, and a group of 5-7 peers or team members help as consultants. We found that using case clinic was a great way to support the implementation of new processes and methodologies, especially ambitious projects outside our comfort zone. Want to give it a try?

Read the full article
Open schooling snapshots
Short stories about open schooling moments shared by practitioners on-the-ground

"This project helped in supporting the different personalities, goals, and needs of the students. Students were given the opportunity to make their own choices for the project and, in that way, they increased intrinsic motivation and put in more effort to design and implement all these actions - an ideal recipe for better learning outcomes." Teacher of the International School Of Paphos, Cyprus

Using the School As Living Labs methodology, the students of the International School of Paphos in Cyprus collaborated with local shops and businesses, artists, parents, and the municipality to run an eco-challenge month, build a school garden, and create a creative recycling bin. 

Read the Snapshot

The Multipliers project has a new introduction video, presenting all its key facts in a single minute! Watch to find more about our approach to connect school science with real life and turn pupils into knowledge multipliers.

In the making
Our selection of noteworthy tools and methodologies for co-creation action or public engagement
White Book on Open Schooling – A reference guide

🎯 Target: Teachers and school heads, researchers with an interest in science engagement, organizers of non-formal education programs as Children’s Universities, and generally people who would like to contribute to an Open Schooling culture.

🏗️ Foundations: Based on the six PHERECLOS pilot projects – the Local Education Clusters – and ten mentoring partnerships, a stocktaking of inspiring case studies, implementation research, and advocacy policies.

🥅 Goals
  • Summarize the approach, the implementation and the outcomes of the PHERECLOS project
  • Provide an easy to start reference guide to reflect on already ongoing programs and for new projects as well. 
Q. How does it promote innovation in education?
To go beyond a project summary and to be even more useful the White Book includes three different “distillates” that are transferable to other educational landscapes, providing valuable insights and assistance to support the development of future Local Education Clusters or other Open Schooling projects: 
  • The “Venice Model” – as an “ignition aid” for projects
  • Nine reference points for implementation
  • Twelve factors of success 
The White Book has a strong emphasis on sustainability in order to secure continuing and stable cooperation among stakeholders, which shall contribute to foster the local educational landscape in an innovative way and on a long-term basis.  

Q. What makes this tool special?
PHERECLOS and the involved pilot studies and mentoring projects are based on two concepts for innovative education approaches to contribute to Open Schooling culture: 
  • The concept of Science Capital, which perceives individual representation of science as a bundle of commonplace habits, expectations and attitudes, which are directly linked to and influenced by the everyday social sphere of individuals and the social actors therein. 
  • The concept of Children’s Universities, which stands for non-formal, University- based science engagement programs for children and young people as unconventional and non-traditional recipients of academia.
The White Book provides lots of information to explore this specific focus in Open Schooling programs.  
Download the whitebook
Tips and tops
Good reads
The PULCHRA project evaluation is underway, but already now Open Schooling Participants are sharing their experiences and learnings in nice infographics here and here. Coordinators have been enriched and external experts are looking forward to continuing the cooperation.

Something powerful is happening in our school! The SEAS project gathered its free resources and learnings in a user-friendly website, for teachers to meaningfully prepare their students for the outside world.

The Impetus for Citizen Science project is looking for people who have engaged in citizen science to join a citizen panel and have a role in selecting the priorities of citizen science initiatives to be funded.

LEGO has developed a powerful method to solve problems, explore ideas and achieve objectives based on management theory using a toy. The book offers case studies, step-by-step guides and templates from a range of common applications that you can download and adapt to your own needs.
Upcoming Events

4th Scientix Conference
One of the major science education events in Europe
18-19 November 2022 | Online
Register now!
Open Science Communication Conference
Open Science, STE(A)M Education, Citizen Science, etc.
24-25 November 2022 | Belgrade
Educating the Educators
MOST final event
STEM & Open Schooling for Sustainability Education
11-12 May 2023 | Leiden, The Netherlands
Registration is open!

2023 Ecsite Conference
One of the largest science engagement conference in Europe
14-17 June 2023 | Malta
Submit a proposal!
In case you missed it
Lay of the land
7-10 September 2022

Under the motto “Lay of the Land” the PHERECLOS project held its closing conference in Romania at the beginning of last September. More than 150 experts and practitioners from 40 countries gathered at the Faculty of Biotechnologies within the green campus of USAMV in Bucharest for this event to explore and discuss the multifaceted aspects of Open Schooling. The conference was organised in an interactive way together with the European Children’s Universities Network focussing mainly on discussions, workshops and knowledge exchange. 
Read the round-up article
MOST co-creation workshop and stakeholder engagement
20 September 2022

Within the OStogether inspiration session series, the MOST project invited participants to experience how to engage different stakeholders in a collaborative work process. Annette Klinkert, Executive Director of EUSEA and member of the MOST European Advisory Board could be won over as a workshop leader and for this, she teamed up with Suzanne Kapelari and Lucas Weinberg from the University of Innbruck, MOST partner with broad expertise and experience in co-creation processes.
In her introduction, Annette pointed out the importance of stakeholder engagement: “Excellence today is about more than groundbreaking discoveries. It includes transparency, openness and the co-production of knowledge.“ (European Commission, Rome Declaration on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe). But what does it mean to involve stakeholders?
Read the round-up article

Open Schooling together is a joint initiative of 11 projects funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme. It aims to raise awareness on the opportunities of open schooling and on the different methodologies to implement this concept.

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